Showing posts with label Election. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Election. Show all posts

11 May 2010

It’s AbNoynoy

Even if I rant, I have to accept the reality that we’re stuck with AbNoynoy for the incoming 6 years of our lives. We’ll have Tetay as the virtual first lady in the absence of AbNoynoy’s wife. Expect the return of Kamag anak Inc., the vindictive administration (remember Cory’s Administration who did not do anything but to get back at the Marcoses?), Yellow Army (People who enriched themselves during the Cory Aquino’s term of office), the Butod Franklin Drilon (dubbed as the little president during Cory Aquino’s presidency) and of course, the Oligarchs (The Lopezes, the Cojuanco’s, etc).

The result was so unexpected. I was thinking of a very close fight between AbNoynoy and Manny Villar. I was so surprised when former President Erap Estrada was actually battling it out with AbNoynoy. Villar was merely third in the tally. My presidential bet, G1BO Teodoro was fourth.

I don’t know why I wasn’t as bitter as I was during the US Presidential Primaries where Hillary Clinton lost to Obama (One Big Ass Mistake America). It could mean that I really don’t love G1BO (Galing at Talino) as much as I love Hillary Clinton. I am neither that disappointed with the result probably because the counting was automated and it was transparent. In fact, I am very impressed with the outcome of the elections.

Although AbNoynoy Aquino won the presidential race and his minions were already calling him President Elect, including the irresponsible journalist of ABiaS CBN Ces Drilon and Henry Diaz, he has a lot of things to do in order to unite our broken country. The bitter accusations thrown mostly by LP to their rivals’ leaves a very deep scar and it would take awhile to heal. If you count the votes of AbNoynoy’s rivals (Erap, Villar, Gibo, Villanueva, etc.), you will be talking about 18 Million people who did not actually voted for Abnoynoy. AbNoynoy will probably get 13 Million votes only. He’ll have to please and appease the 18 Million people who did not vote for him. He is still a minority president and he has great task at hand in uniting our country.

The only problem I see here is that it’s going to be difficult to for AbNoynoy to unite our country since he never called for reconciliation in his campaign. It means that he’ll have a vindictive government and would probably go after PGMA. This again, will not earn him popularity but more enemies. The prospect of having series of Coup de etat is a possibility in AbNoynoy Aquino’s presidency.


Even if G1BO lost his bid for the presidency,  I’m still satisfied with the results of the Vice Presidential race. I said in my previous posting that anybody but KuriMar Roxas. ANC (Aquino News Channel) reported that KuriMar Roxas did not win a majority in the Roxas City Elections. There’s only a difference of 2,000 votes between him and Jojo Binay. It only goes to show that even the Roxas – Capiz voters did not favor Roxas. I think it’s because Roxas comes across as a very arrogant ‘HAMBOG’. Yes, arrogant is the most appropriate word to describe Roxas. That made him lost the elections. The credibility of his wife Korina Sanchez also played a part why he lost the elections. Korina Sanchez is not really a trusted journalist, because she works for a biased network ABiaS CBN.

Amazing Election

I called my mom today and asked her who she voted for. She replied that she voted for Noy-Bi. I can’t argue with my Mom. Who could? She’s my mother after all. I just let her share her experience when she voted yesterday. I’ve learned from her that our Barangay only received two PCOS machines out of 8 cluster precincts. According to my Mom, the voting could have ended on schedule and faster if they (our Barangay) were given enough PCOS machines. The result took awhile since other precincts that don’t have PCOS have to borrow the tallying machine from other precincts. Believe it or not, the voting ended at 10 AM today. Good thing that the COMELEC let them extend the voting time.

My mother a former school principal was given priority because she’s a senior citizen. She said that she wasn’t able to contain her excitement when her ballot was inserted to the PCOS and right after the message of congratulations was displayed in the PCOS - LCD.

I’ve heard that the voting went really well. Everyone was excited when they learned about the results. I haven’t asked Mom yet whether she received something from candidates. They usually distribute money the night before the elections.

I would like to correct myself in my earlier entry about Automated Elections. I’ve heard from the experts that the election was actually a semi automated one. We still do the tedious filling out of the ballot and the only automated is the counting. But even then, the result was amazing! We could try to improve next time but totally automating the whole election process. What I have in mind is an ATM look-a-like machine where the voters would just punch their preferred candidates. We could have that kind of machines in every precinct. I think no one could breach the security features of ATM look-a-like voting machine.

I can’t promise that I won’t criticize AbNoynoy’s administration. That’s just me and I’m smiling at the prospect of throwing whatever criticism I can towards him and his administration. Tetay will also be one of my favorite topics. It wouldn’t be interesting without her anyways.

Villar’s failed bid. What went wrong?

I still can’t believe that Villar finished third in the election. I was expecting that he’ll give AbNoynoy a good fight. He wasted billions of pesos in Ad for nothing. That was a wrong strategy for him to spend millions in worthless ads. If he resorted to vote buying, he could have won the elections.

So, what went wrong to Villar’s bid to the highest position of the land?

1. He was hurt by the mudslinging. LPs strategist knocked him down with a punch when they questioned his modest origins.

2. The C5 at Tiyaga scandal affected his survey standing

3. The exposure of his mother defending him while crying did not get through the voters. They think that he just used her. Desperate times calls for desperate measures they say.

4. The faux psychological report of AbNoynoy was traced to NP camp.

6. ABiaS CBN’s one sided reporting and bias towards his nemesis (AbNoynoy) did not help his bid either.

7. He is a businessman and would always think of Return of Investments (ROI). People are scared where he would get his return of investments from.

8. Choosing Loren Legarda as his running mate. Loren Legarda is perceived as an overly ambitious and opportunistic woman who would do anything to be in power.

9. His celebrity endorsers Willy Revillame and Dolphy are jinx. Wowowillly can only draw crowd if he is giving money. Dolphy is a ‘has been’ actor and can’t even muster a box office

09 May 2010

My Vote is for G1BO

PRESIDENT: My vote goes to GT, Green Team, Galing at Talino, G1BO Teodoro! He’s not a TRAPO and with proven skills and managerial ability to run the country. Although he has the pedigree, he worked hard to prove himself to the people. Unlike LP bet AbNoynoy Aquino who only relies on the lineage of his parents Noynoy and Cory. We need a president who could hit the ground running. We need a president who could run the country on day 1. We don’t need a president who is clueless and will only be there for the reason that Franklin Drilon will once again play like a little president (and so too are the Yellow Armies).

VICE PRESIDENT: For Vice President I would go for Bayani Fernando. Edu is the second choice. KuriMar Roxas and Loren ‘Power Hungry’ Legarda are out of the question. Like G1BO, BF as a proven managerial skills. We need somebody who can work with the President and not just salivate for the presidential position all through his 6 years in office.

SENATE: I’ll vote for Tatang, Juan Ponce Enrile and Madam Miriam Defensor Santiago. Although there are twelve (12) slots, I’ll just vote for the two para panalo.

Manalo matalo, G1BO Teodoro pa rin ako. I’m keeping my finger’s cross that the Machinery of Lakas – Kampi will not fail the presidential bid of GT. To the Filipino people vote wisely, vote for G1BO. A vote for G1BO is a vote for change. Wag magpalinlang sa mga kandidatong laban lang ng laban pero walang napatunayan. Go for G1BO. Galing at Talino.

Squatter at the 10 Downing Street

Who would ever think that a loser would still stick his butt to the 10 Downing? Well, sabi nga nila Delicadeza is not in the English word that’s why Gordon Brown is sticking like super glue in the 10 Downing Street. He called an election just to gain mandate since he is not an elected PM. Remember he just took over when Tony Blair stood down. He never expected that he’ll be defeated. Although David Cameron’s Conservative won over 300 seats, it’s not a majority win and he has to form a coalition with other party (Lib Dem).

Well, ito na nga kahit na ang kapal ng mukha ni Gordon Brown, we still have to give credit to him and to the rest of the candidates in the recently concluded UK elections. The election and its result were fought through platforms of government. There we’re no mud sliding just like what AbNoynoy Aquino and LP camp are doing. Well, there’s a little mud sliding particularly on the Eton background of David Cameron but that’s all. The results were also given within 24 hours. Sadly, it’s not a majority win for Conservative and Gordon Brown still want to force himself into power. It was said that Lib Dem wouldn’t want anything to do with Gordon Brown since he is toxic. He isn’t particularly as charismatic as Tony Blair and is always seen frowning. If he wants to save his face, he should at least resign as the head of the Labor party. He failed in the election and staying as their leader is a biggest disservice to his party mates and to the labor party in general.

The BBC said that the election result created the hung parliament in over 30 years. If the government could be formed, it was given only at least 8 months to sustain. Nevertheless, this is the way Parliamentary democracy is done in Britain. I hope that in the future the Philippines will become a Parliamentary Democracy. Since 1987, there was no majority president elected. The winner is usually a minority president could not even muster 50% win. He will forever be defending his position for fear of power grab. The only solution to the current problem of our country particularly in electing a minority president is through a Constitutional Change!

Philippine Elections goes Automated

Despite the apprehensions, criticism and intrigues, the 2010 Automated Presidential Election is in full swing. We’re moving away from the flawed manual to electronic counting. The new system promises accurate and fast counting of votes.

Previous Philippine elections have been marred by massive fraud mostly in favor of the incumbent. The automated elections will also erase all the claims by the losers that they were cheated. I think it will greatly help heal the credibility issue of COMELEC.

I know that Filipinos can’t help themselves to lay claim and sometimes their claims are unfounded but it was said that the 2010 Presidential Election is the largest (in terms of scope) automated elections in Asia. An estimated 50.8 million Filipinos will go to the polls on Monday. Even Japan they is not automated. India did a partial automation in their last election were the Congress Party won the majority.

We could not please everyone so even before the automated election started, several politicians called for a parallel manual counting. They have several issues but the recent one filed by former President Erap Estrada was junked by the Supreme Court. Oldies don’t usually like change but if we don’t start this automation now, then when? We should at least try it before we say our judgment. Irresponsible parties are peddling lies and painting dark scenarios just to justify another People Power. The bad thing with People Power is that, we could install a non democratically elected person to power.


We’re hearing reports that Poll servers were not well trained. They may have been trained but it takes a little computer knowledge to operate the machines. There were poll servers who wrongly inserted the flash cards. There were instances that machines wouldn’t work but actually they (poll servers) just failed to put on the plug. There were crazy instances that the poll servers were helpless on how to turn on the machines when in fact even a grade schooler could identify the minor problem. It also did not help that we have irresponsible media e.g. ABiaS CBN, The Philippine Daily Inquirer and sometimes, the Philippine Star. These Opposition mouthpieces cloak as journalist would make a mountain out of a mole hill.

Militants say that automation could pave way to e-Garci. Well, the Garci scandal was just blown out of proportion. There weren’t any evidence to convict Garci. If there weren’t any evidence then, all Teddy CasiƱo was saying is just an accusation or claim and would remain the same unless he can give evidence. Militants are already occupying the congress through the Party List System yet they haven’t done anything except to encash their CDF otherwise known as Pork Barrel.


To my kababayan, let’s pray that the automated election will prosper. Don’t forget to vote for G1BO. If you don’t want to vote for G1BO, vote any other candidate except for AbNoynoy Aquino.

28 April 2010

Why I’m for G1BO

Most of the paid PR writers poised as Opinion Writers have already indorsed their candidates. So nakiki uso lang ako so I’m also indorsing my own candidate! LOL.

I’m for Gilbert ‘G1BO’ Teodoro for the following reasons:

1. Positive campaigning. No Mudslinging unlike the AbNoynoy (LP) and Villar (NP).

2. He’s the only candidate who calls for reconciliation and unity.

3. He’s the only candidate who offers realistic and practical solutions to the current problems of our country.

4. He’s the only candidate who has a specific platform of government and specific regional plans.

5. He’s the only candidate who did not appeal to emotions just to gain vote.

I call on all Filipinos to wake up and vote for the most qualified presidential candidate, G1BO Teodoro!

To COMELEC.. syanawa!

Two weeks from now, people from all over the Philippine territory will vote for their new sets of leaders and legislators. The COMELEC, a constitutional body tasked in conducting the polls says that it can conduct a credible election. Reports of malfunctioning PCOS Machines and the probability of people being disenfranchised during the Election Day are feared to cause chaos and may result to failure of elections.

Political parties are calling for a parallel manual vote counts for fear that the PCOS machines would not work. LP and AbNoynoy’s handlers are conditioning the minds of the voters and peddling lies that they’re sure winners basing on the surveys. If AbNoynoy lose, it only means that he was cheated and will call on their supporters to do another EDSA. The Yellow Army, the people who were behind AbNoynoy’s presidential candidacy and people who were benefited by the Cory Aquino presidency called for parallel vote counts. This is their way of securing AbNoynoy’s victory. The plan is, if the manual count will not tally the electronic count, they would walk out (de ja vu of the 1986 Snap Election) and declare AbNoynoy’s victory by any means.

In a way, the Yellow army, LP and AbNoynoy’s camp is not so sure of victory. They must have realized by now that in the Philippine setting, as Emil Jurado says, The Golden Rule always applies. He who has gold wins. It could be Villar who has money or Gibo who has the machinery.

This is why COMELEC should never fail in the conduct of this election. It’s a momentous event since it’ll be the first time that votes are counted electronically. The credibility of the election process is at stake.