Monday, August 31, 2009


So I am a crazy huge fan of "SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE!" This past season there was a certain dance number performed by Kayla and Kupono about addiction. I have honestly never seen anything like it. As a recovering addict of almost 4 years I am shocked at how much a dance number can depict so perfectly such a dark and ugly disease. But it did. I sobbed the first time I watched it because it was so perfectly choreographed to describe MY addiction. Please take a minute to watch this! It is amazing! And if you know anyone who may be suffering from addiction, GET THEM HELP! Whether they want it or not! They may hate you now, but will forever be indebted to you when they finally do get their life back!
I'm including this addiction help website for anyone who is interested!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Where did the summer go????

Is it just me, or did this summer FLYYYYYYY by?? I can't believe it! The past few months have absolutely flown by! My baby girl is already 9 weeks old, we've been in our house for a month and the girls started school today! AGH! I need time to SLOW DOWN! So the girls started at their new school today. They were both pretty nervous, and so was I...for them! They had a "Back to School DAY" and had the parents come to school with their kids and meet their teachers. I was sooooo glad they we got to be there with them. Especially since this was a new school for them! They both had a GREAT day! I was so happy!
August has been a fun, busy month for us, so sorry for the picture overload, but here's what we've been up to!

Here is Alex on his first day of school! He was sooooo excited!

Check out Livi's double and triple chin! :) the chubbs!

Olivia and her gal pal, Rylie. This is our good friends Sam and Marci's cute little Rylie! They are 2 days apart and were actually buddies in the hospital too!!

This past weekend, we had the Dahlquist Family Reunion up at my Dad's cabin! It was so fun! The numbers were few because of sick kiddies and other things. So we missed you Heather and Kristin and everyone else who couldn't make it! I love Reunions cause I LOVE MY FAMILY!

So I'm pretty sure Bubba took these last two pictures! I love my Dad! He is always so happy! He makes everyone smile!

My cute Grandma with Livi!

Brady said I needed to make sure and get pictures of him at this Reunion. Cause I think it's the ONLY one he has come to....(because of work)
This is my mom and dad's pet deer. They have named him BUCK. He is HUGE! He lives under the stairs of their cabin. This is him sleeping under the stairs.

Oh I love her soooooo much! This is her favorite way to fall asleep. Cheek to Cheek!

Livi loves her Daddy!

Livi Sue....9 weeks old

Uncle Tad and Aunt Judy!

I love this! My Mom has this up at the Cabin.

My cute Aunt Jeaneen doing "The Eagle" pose...

Aunt Kimbo and Livi

We had a little Talent show and McKaylee and her cousin did a dance, and Alex sang a song and Brinley also sang "The Climb" by Miley Cyrus. They all did a great job!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


So here's my question....Is it possible to actually be living in your home, with all of your family and still be HOMESICK? Here's my answer! .....ABSOLUTELY!
I am so happy to finally be in our home and we really do love it so much and love the area as well. We went to our new ward this week and it was awesome! I know we ARE where we need to be. .......................Then how come I am homesick?? Horribly homesick? I never imagined moving would be this hard!! So for anyone out there thinking about moving...Don't do it! I am having the hardest time adjusting! My kids are doing GREAT! They have already met so many friends and are doing awesome! I'm just a boob! I know I need to just BUCK UP! Anyway, I just think that when you have as good of friends as I have, it will never be easy to be away from them!
So everyone back in the SS Hood and all my friends and neighbors, DON'T MOVE....unless you are moving out here by me!
I love you all! And blame your totally awesomeness for my sadness!~ :)

My little photographer, Brinley

I came out in the family room to find Brinley setting up for a "photo shoot". She has watched my sister, Heather come and take Olivia's and cousin, Spencer's pictures, so she decided to do one herself! As you will notice, she even changed backgrounds and everything! I think she did a pretty great job! Livi only lasted for about 3 pictures and she was done!
I think we have a future photographer on our hands~! Way to go Brinley!

Nothin scarier than Spiderman with his Ukulele!

These next pictures are so cute! Alex and his cousin, Jada had a bath together the other night and after having the Jets on for a while had MAJOR bubblemania!
They were in heaven!