Thursday, August 28, 2008

Bubba and his new soccer get-up!

We went yesterday to get Alex's new Soccer stuff. He ran into Big 5 faster than I have ever seen that kid run. He is so excited to play soccer. This kid loves any sport but especially loves soccer. Brady played soccer up until High school and I think he is actually more excited than Alex for him to start soccer. Alex woke up first thing this morning and said.."Dad, can we go put on my soccer stuff?" I really don't know who was more excited putting on the soccer gear, Brady or Bubba... Brady was beaming!! Here are some pictures of the boys practicing out in the front yard. I must say, my little three year old has got some serious skills!!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

"Duty of the Beast"....A Roadshow to remember!

We had our 2nd annual Stake Roadshow this past week. For those of you who are not sure what the heck a Roadshow is, it is just a short play with music, and yes, they have just recently been brought back! I did them all the time when I was a kid, then they just died off. Then last year, I was called to be in charge of the Roadshow for our ward. It was so much fun, but lots and lots of work! This year I was lucky enough just to participate in it. My friend, Amber took charge this year and did an absolutely amazing job. The Stake theme was "Disney" focusing on missionary work. Amber is BRILLIANT! Ours by far was the best! Amber, you have some wicked talent when it comes to putting a Roadshow together! Our ward was given "Beauty and the Beast." The twist Amber used was "Duty of the Beast" It was so much fun and my kids loved being in it. Especially Bubba. He stood right out in front and sang his little heart out. My kids love doing stuff like this! Here are a few pictures of the fun night!


Friday, August 22, 2008

First day of school and hide and go sleep?????

And so the new year has begun....and thank goodness!!!:) The girls are on D track so they start 3 weeks later than everyone else. The last 2 weeks have been rather crazy with fighting, bickering, tattling and a lot of whining. They were all ready to have a little break from each other. McKaylee started 4th grade and Brinley started 2nd. They were both so so excited! We walked them to school that morning and it was fun to see the kids reunite with all of their school friends after a LONG summer!
They both love their new teachers and are excited for the new school year!*****************

The other day, right around nap time, I told Bubba to go get in my bed for nap and that I would be right there. (I always lay by him til he falls asleep....and sometimes longer. ;) He stripped down to his boxers like he always does and ran in there. He always thinks it is hilarious to hide under the covers and then I have to look all over the house for him...then he jumps out after a few minutes and says "SURPRISE! I tricked you again!" Well, he went in, and I was on the phone with my work and ended up being longer than I had expected. When I walked in my room this is what I saw!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Memories........Home Sweet Home

Yesterday I went over to my Mom and Dad's house while we were out running errands. Mom and Dad were not home, they are in Montana visiting family. I had been a little "glum" the past few days but as soon as I walked through the door to my parents house, I immediately felt better. I didn't know exactly what it was that made me feel better, but as I sat down for a minute, I started to realize that it wasn't just one thing, it was many!!!!! This was the home I grew up in. My parents have lived there for 26 years..ish?? My girls were with me and they feel the same way walking into Grandma and Grandpa's house. It is ALWAYS welcoming. Even if they are away. It is much more fun when they are home, but even when their home is empty, it never FEELS empty. So as I sat in the kitchen, I started looking around and decided to venture around the old place and see what really makes it home for me and also my kids. So bear with me, as this post is really just for me!! :)

These are quotes that are all over in the Study. Every time I sit at the computer, I love to read them!

The wall of many countries showing souvenirs from all over the world.

The beautiful piano my mom bought with her grandparents inheritance. Lots of memories singing together around the piano!One of the books Mom and Dad used to play when we were little that we would stand around the piano and sing to. One of the songs we always loved to sing. Our very favorite song.."Side by Side" has been sung so much over the years it no longer resides in the book. Where it is..Who knows?? The "TREAT BUCKET" for the Grand kids...(and adults too!) My Mom's favorite painting that Dad gave to her years ago of George Washington.

The intercom that Mom could never get right. She would sing to us over the intercom to wake us up in the mornings for school and always hit the "outside" button on accident. So instead of her 5 daughters waking up to her singing, the whole neighborhood was serenaded!
We worry about Mom and her heavy weight lifting. I believe these are 1.5 lb weights. My girls love to give their Grandma a hard time!! But she uses them every day and is fit as a fiddle! GO MOM!
The measuring stick! We all measure each year! I'm pretty sure nobody in the family has beat Dad yet! Mom's fridge. Always filled with fun pictures and notes from the grand kids along with happy thoughts! Ahhhhh..The amazing massage chair. Brinley looks like she's in pain, but it actually is a little bit of heaven every time you use it! Mom's spoon collection. Both from the states and also many different countries. Brinley has just recently taken MAJOR interest in the spoon collecting and is so glad to have something special that she and her Grandma share! The old blue Nissan. My Grandpa Dahlquist's truck that Dad inherited when they got home from their mission in Germany. It's always parked in it's usual spot..Unless needed by another family member! In Boise, about 13 years ago, I was driving it with my sister, Kim, and got pulled over...Yikes! A ticket in Grandpa's truck! That thing has some major kick!The Solar from Sweden given to us from my Grandma and Grandpa Dahlquist after serving their mission there. Mom thought it was a little "risque" because his tushy was showing, so he has sported a loin cloth for the last several years.The playhouse built by Dad years ago. It has since been re-stained and the swings have been replaced, but the grand kids still love it as much as we did.My special hideout. When I was younger, I would sleep in this little space in the playhouse with my dog, Honey. How we fit, I have no clue!Dad's famous apron. Not sure how long Dad has actually had this apron, but I'm pretty sure it is a replacement of one that looked just like it that was worn to death! He wears this anytime he cooks, does dishes, or barbeque's his famous ribs!My Grandma's rockerThe Gathering place. No matter what, this is our favorite place to sit and chat and eat warm chocolate chip cookies! Mom's turtle...I have a smaller version given to me by my sister, Jill. I named him Bullet. It is a constant reminder for us to SLOW DOWN.....This is what you see every time you visit the 1/2 bathroom upstairs. Mom is HAPPY and so is this bathroom! This is what you see when you visit the other upstairs bathroom. Just some great things we can do to make life better. The greatest is where it says "Drink champagne for no reason at all", Mom has crossed it out so it says " Drink NOT champagne at all!"The basketball hoop that I spent many hours shooting hoops on. That's right! I got skills..Or at least, I HAD skills once upon a time. I remember standing clear over on Honey's doghouse and hitting the shot every time. The sign going into the basement. We also had this sign up years ago when 3 of the 5 Charlie's Angels resided downstairs.The non-functional player piano that is totally and completely in need of a tune-up! But makes a great decoration. This was my mom's piano growing up..uh, maybe dad's. I get them mixed up.
The most amazing food storage ever! This has been hanging on our walls as long as I can even remember. The Grand kids wall!
Love this phone!The fun playroom that all of the grand kids spend plenty of time in!! The Christmas lights that stay up ALL YEAR LONG. Years ago, we left them up all year on accident and ever since then, you will always see them turned on, if someone is not home yet. In High School, people always knew when one of Charlie's Angels was still out on a date because the Christmas lights were shining bright! ....In June! :) Dad's banjo. He is amazing. We love hearing him sing "The Auctioneer" and "Frog Kissin".Moms "Tie quilt" That she made from each missionary's most hated tie or piece of clothing (at the end of their mission)
Dad's make-shift cabin. He has taken over a bedroom downstairs and made it his "cabin". He has wanted a cabin of his own for so long, and now finally has it!! Way to go dad!Quite appropriate for our family!Mom and Dad's beautiful, huge apricot tree. Not sure if I have actually ever eaten an apricot from there, but I know we have picked plenty up off the ground. :)
Mom and Dad's beautiful and huge apple tree...again, don't think I have ever eaten an apple from there, but the grand kids now make a nickel for each fallen apple they pick up from the tree! The window well to my room that I escaped from many times in my younger years.. In fact, one time I remember climbing back in, and finding Dad sleeping in my bed waiting for me. AGH! Note to my kids...Don't even think about it. We are installing alarms...:()The mudroom bench adorned by Dad's outside attire!..and mom's shoes?????

HOME SWEET HOME!! Mom and Dad! Thanks so much for making our house a home in so many ways! I absolutely love coming home!