Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Seriously?? What is up with this show? So about 2 weeks ago, for some reason I decided to put Sesame Street on for Olivia and since then she is OBSESSED!!!!! She wakes up first thing in the morning, finds the remote and hands it to you saying, "Mo Mo"(Elmo). Then she goes and gets comfy in her green recliner! It his hilarious! None of my kids would EVER get glued to the TV when they were younger. They had NO attention span! I must say, it has been soooo nice to have her just sit and watch Sesame Street while Mom hasn't been feeling well! I've also noticed it's addicting to ALL of us! Anytime it's on, we all seem to be glued to it! Crazy! And I think it's hilarious they still have so many of the same Actors on since I was little! Love this show!

She was super excited that "Elmo's World" was up next!

Long live SESAME STREET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


Well, the time has FINALLY come! As I am very sad to see my kids head back to school, I would be crazy if I wasn't a little excited to have my clean and QUIET house back! :) We had a great summer! It was just a LOOONG one with NO yard up until a few weeks ago! Look how cute these girls are! They are getting so grown up! (THAT makes me sad!) So they headed off to school and had a GREAT day! I am always nervous for some reason on the kids first day back. But the girls LOVED their teachers and had a great day!

My Bubba started KINDERGARTEN! Waaaaaaaaah! What is wrong with us mothers? Why are we such babies when it comes to sending our little ones off to Kindergarten? Well, Alex was soooo excited. He kept asking me every 5 minutes on Monday when he got to go. We eventually had to just set the timer so he could go look and see how much time was left. He was excited cause he gets to ride the bus. He kept saying, "Mom, you can just stay home and I'll walk to the Bus Stop since I know where it is". WHAT? No way. We took him to the bus stop. Saw him off and then hustled down to the school to see him go in!

Look at our little Peeping Livi while we were out taking pics!

He HAD to do this pose!

Cute Nick, Alex and Easton! These boys are all on the same soccer team and also all in the same class together so they are so excited for that!

Anxiously awaiting the bus.

My little boy on his first day!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

My little helper, Livi!

Livi is getting big way too fast! And she is so stinkin cute I can hardly stand it! Yesterday I was doing MASS laundry and she was having the funnest time helping me. I would tell her to pick up the laundry and she knew right where to put it all! She talks so much! She says, Bubba, Hooonk(Hank), Ooooooss(Oscar, Hank's new puppy friend across the street), Tayee(McKaylee), Neenee(Brinley), Dada, Mama, Dis(This)...and she also speaks her own little version of Chinese...."Soyaydoyaya Soki" (Mostly when she is talking to the picture of her cousin, Spencer and her when they were babies)

She Loves music and LOVES to dance! She is constantly shaking her hips to any music. She also loves to sing. Anytime we are in the car, she is singing along with the music. Livi, we love you so much! You are so happy all the time! Pllllease stop growing! Or at least just slow down, for me!!!!!

Can you say, "Andy Gibb"?? Don't you just love her hair? This is straight out of the tub. It takes a little bit of work for this cute little head of crazy hair to not look CRAZY!

And....There's her stank face!

Her teddy bear she LOVES that sings to her!

Livi giving her teddy some SUGAR! :)

Bubba's Summer Birthday party!!!

So we decided to try something new for Bubba's birthday this year. His birthday is December 23 and it has always been a bit crazy getting a birthday party with friends together. It's such a busy time of year! So Alex has always wanted to do something fun "in the summer" for his birthday so we had his "Summer Birthday Party" at Boondocks last week! It was so fun! He had a blast! I'm pretty sure we will do it this way every year! It just made things a little less chaotic having it in August instead of December....2 days before Christmas! So thanks to everyone that came and made it a great day for Bubba!
Our friends from the Hood....Josh and Gina

Seriously, is this not so cute? Little Livi and Ava chowin on some pizza!!

The Garbage men?????

Cute Easton!



Rory and little Ava!

McKaylee, Maddie and Russell

Alex and his buddies

Monday, July 26, 2010

Celebrating the 24th with GREAT FRIENDS!

We had some of our best friends, the Kartchners, over for the 24th. Our kids LOOOOVE each other so much! They had such a blast!!! They were all covered in dirt at the end of the night because they had just put the topsoil on our yard that day..But they had a blast! :)
The kids put on a little show for us at the end of the night. Makenna was the "Announcer", McKaylee did a dance and Brinley sang a song. Then they all danced around to "Bust a move" (Glee style) It was hilarious! They were so cute dancing around!

Cute Jake doing some "old guy dance" that he saw some guy doing on the beach in California. :) .......Please ignore all the JUNK in the background as we are waiting to have our shed built to store it all in! :) As for now, we look a bit Ghetto.

Haha~! Crew wanted NOTHING to do with any of it!

The Audience, Bubba and Bubba..(aka Jake and Alex....both referred to as "Bubba")

Nolan sharing with cute!