Friday, September 19, 2008

weekend with behlie

last month jen and jacob went away for their anniversary and i got to spend a couple days with behlie. it was alot of fun to have a little girl to play with. she is so easy going and never cries. she slept all night without a peep and is so pleasant and fun to be with. i could only hope that my kids are as good as she is. i love this little girl!

Thursday, September 11, 2008


today started out wrong for me and ive been a little down and kind of dwelling on some things in my head (because i have alot of time to sit and think at work) that have been going wrong and have been frustrating me. this afternoon i clicked on a link through tracie's blog ( that led me to another blog ( that i have been reading all day and it has truly changed my whole mind frame. ive been just kind of reflecting all day on the things i was dwelling on and they dont really seem that big of a deal anymore. it has really made me put my "problems" into perspective. it made me want to be more organized and more prepared for whatever might happen and also to be more selfless and optimistic. im really glad people share their stories.