Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Christmas lights

We all went to the temple to look at the Christmas lights! Fun Times!!

Christmas Present


We got a French Bulldog Puppy for Christmas. We picked her up at the airport Christmas Eve. Her name is Zooey Chanel. She was 10 weeks old when we got her. She is a stubborn pup and we are having quite a time training her but she is very adorable.. most the time.

Christmas morning we went over to my parents and opened our presents together and brought Zooey.

Piano Christmas Concert

I have been teaching piano now for 5 1/2 years. Right now I have 11 students including my sisters. Haley just started and we had a hard time getting a christmas song learned in time. So she didn't get to play this recital but we are going to start early and get her something to play for the next recital. I have great students and I love seeing them and talking to them every week.

Hair cut!

The begining of December I dyed my hair again darker and cut it short. I love it!

Christmas stockings

I decided to make mine and Bradys Christmas stockings. I really liked two different kinds I had seen and decided to combine them and make my own. My mom helped me with them. In fact it was her idea to make them so I didn't feel too bad that it took us hours and hours to finish them. But didn't they turn out so good!!



Ya we were pretty scary lookin pirates huh! argh!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Hey People!

Hello! So I just added 3 new posts today 4 including this one and the tag. I had a lot of catching up to do. So what is new with Brady and I. Well I just dyed my hair dark. I like it!! I've been working at Kirkland Home on Val Vista and the 60. I enjoy it. The people I work with are all very nice and it is kinda fun! Brady is still working at University of Pheonix and he is doing really good. He is about to start a new set of online classes. Well I just added the new David Cook song. I am loving it. Enjoy!!

So What ya think?