This has been the best year ever!! Bradley has been such a wonderful husband! We've grown so much with one another, the first year was definately NOT hard!! We're both easy going so it has been easy living with each other. Maureen asked me what one of the funniest moments has been being married?! Bradley and I still can't really think of one. We decided the other day after goofing off, that everyday is funny in our lives, we just don't see it as being funny. But if someone were to watch or hear us, they would think "what the heck?" So to come up with a story we'd have to tell you about every single day. :)
To celebrate our day we had a lazy morning... Made puffed french toast (you can find the recipe on my recipe blog, link located on the right Wyeth Wecipes! It's DELICIOUS!!), we had to pick up our ice cream cake, then we got ready for the day and headed to Idaho Falls. There we shopped at Ross and treated ourselves to a new article of clothing and I exchaged my sunglasses! :)

We looked around Best Buy for a while, and the mall, until dinner at Texas Roadhouse! We made sure to eat a lot of rolls, so we could take most of our meal home for leftovers the next day! Fantastic!

We then walked over to the movie theater and were just in time to see "Just Go With It." Hilarious, it made me feel like I was back to summer time and on vacation... ha I wish!

Onward home to enjoy the most wonderful ice cream cake ever!! I'm so glad we did ice cream cake so we can celebrate with our "actual" wedding cake every year!! This one was chocolate cake and frosting, with cake batter ice cream with brownie chunks! :) For our wedding it was the same just minus the brownie chunks, but it was a great add in this year.

Here we are giving each other a bite. Brad picked up his whole piece to give to me and it was so cold I couldn't even bite it! haha
On Sunday we decided to take some pictures just for fun. My camera was on custom timer so it took 10 pictures in a row really fast. I thought this sequence turned out kind of funny...
Brad started tickling me...
Sadly this is the last clip before we stumbled to the ground. haha. He's so much fun and so wonderful!
After we delighted our bellies with cake we decided to try some newlywed questions. We did pretty good I think, only minor differences. We are so in love and looking forward to every year! :) Lastly, we'd like to say we're so glad Jimmy Eat World came into existence. If they hadn't gotten together, and made their song 23, and Brian hadn't listened to them so much, and Brad wouldn't have been listening to their song 23 on his way home from the store back in the fall when we started dating, and Jered Robinson hadn't introduced us, we might not have ever met and started dating! To quote Jimmy now for the part that impacted Brad the Fall night: "You'll sit alone forever, if you wait for the right time. What are you hoping for? I'm here I'm now I'm ready..." So Jimmy for that, we thank you!
Awkward first date video http://www.facebook.com/#!/video/video.php?v=583444686944