Friday, February 24, 2012

7 Months Already?

Tomorrow Ryder turns 7 months. It is so crazy how fast time has gone! And in perfect timing with this milestone Ryder is crawling! Ok not crawling around from room to room, but today he used both hands and knees to move forward a few feet. He has been on his hands and knees for a week or two now constantly rocking back and forth and he has been moving his knees forward, but today was the first day he figured out to move his hands too.

So some things Ryder does at 7 months:

  • Loves to laugh at his older brother
  • Sits up by himself 
  • Can pick up cheerios and eat them (not with his index finger and thumb yet though)
  • Loves to eat! (I don't think he would stop if he was given an endless supply)
  • Wants everything his brother plays with
  • Only wakes up twice at night (yea! Finally! this is a recent development. Once at 11 or 12 and once at 5 or so.)
  • Loves paper....have to constantly keep it out of his hands so he won't eat it. 
  • Cannot sit still. He has to always be on the move or have something to be playing with.
  • Fights being rocked to sleep every time. He doesn't want to miss out on anything!
We are so blessed to have him in our family. He is always so happy. He has been such a good, easy going baby since he was born and I feel very blessed to have that sweet personality in our home. We love you Ryder!

I missed posting when he turned 6 months so here are his stats...At 6 months he weighed 17 pounds and was 26 inches long. He was in the 50th percentile for weight. So I am guessing he is probably about 18 pounds now.

And Aiden is such a good big brother. Anytime Ryder starts crying and I am not there to pick him up Aiden will go over to him and put his hand on him and say "it's ok baby Ryder, it's ok." And he is such a sensitive little guy...sometimes if Ryder does not stop crying when he tries to comfort him Aiden will start to cry too. He is so sweet. And he always will give toys to Ryder or find one to trade with him if he want the toy Ryder is playing with. He still does not like Ryder in his personal space much though...haha. He always gets upset when Ryder is kicking him or touching him....I can see them fighting in the car already and saying "Mom! He is touching me!"Although lately he will occasionally cuddle with Ryder. One day he had him snuggled up next to him under a blanket and he told me "I want to watch the show with Baby Ryder." I love my sweet and happy little boys.

 Aiden with his beloved Thomas

I love this! Hahaha!

He got a little tired while we were finishing up with lunch.... :)