Ok, most won't care too much about this post, and really, I think that only Dad and Ryan Piggott will be interested in what is going on here. I was playing with my Blackberry and searching for some new applications to download. I came across an app that was based around the GPS in my phone. What it does is it tracks your position, put your path on a map and upload it to the internet. I found it this morning right before going on a bike ride, and naturally was really excited about it. So I tried it out. The thing works amazingly well! I was really surprised. It plotted my course exactly and even gives the average speed and distance travelled. The website where everything is posted is called www.GPSed.com. I'm still figuring out how others can search for my tracks on the website. As soon as I figure it out I'll let you know. I'm pretty excited about this. Keep you updated.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Sunday, February 15, 2009
WE ARE HAVING A BOY!!!!! THE BABY IS A BOY! We are so excited to know that in just a few short months little baby Aiden Alan Griffitts will be joining us here in the world.
On Thursday Jessie had another doctors appointment to check on the baby. There was no ultrasound scheduled for the day, even though she was almost twenty weeks along. The appointment went just great. The baby's heart rate was 155 and strong, a lot stronger than the first time we heard the heart beat a month ago. After the appointment we were scheduling our next appointment as well as the ultrasound. Lucky for us there was an opening just an hour later, so we quickly agreed to come back and went out to lunch, eagerly waiting for our time to go back and find out if we would be having a little Kali or a little Aiden. The ultrasound went great and everything was good and healthy. No complications.
Ok, as soon to be parents, I must admit that we have failed in our duty to keep everyone up to date on what is going on. As a quick and brief run through, Jessie is 20 weeks and 1 day along. Brief. She's healthy and happy. The baby is a true night owl. He sleeps during the day and when Jessie and I go to bed he takes the opportunity to practice his backflips, punching, and kicks, effectively keeping Jessie awake. Only twenty more weeks Jessie! She doesn't get sick anymore and her appetite is back and strong.

Posted by Jessie Griffitts at 10:32 PM 6 comments
Valentine's Day Fun
This was our very first official Valentine's Day together. Jessie, for one, was more than a little excited. She was hinting at the importance of this Valentine's for weeks beforehand. Asking what we were going to do, asking what I had planned, threatening my life if I were to forget or plan other activities. I think we may have just started dating last year during Valentine's Day but we weren't close enough to actually do anything in particular. To tell you the truth, neither of us can remember.
Jessie, was in true form in the morning, sleeping in well past ten. I woke up earlier, did some cleaning, and made her breakfast in bed. By the time I had finished and brought the food in she was still fast asleep and rather delirious as I woke her up. Most of the time, because of prior experiences, Jessie isn't allowed to eat in bed, or on the futon for that matter, but seeing as how it was Valentine's the rule was overlooked.
After going to class and the store I came home with flowers for Jessie. She got me a wonderful book outlining all the things she loves about me. It was awesome and I loved it! It was the perfect present. For dinner we went to Happy Sumo for sushi to find out that there was a two hour waiting list to be seated...and that was a SHORT time come to find out. Another restaurant next door had a three to four hour wait. Lucky for us we knew of a small little sushi place that is not very well known, but has excellent sushi. For all you women out there reading this and wondering about the sushi rule with pregnant women, don't worry. Jessie just ate cooked fish sushi, so we're all good. She got her sushi fix without breaking any rules! :)

Posted by Jessie Griffitts at 10:06 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Tale of Two Cities
So, over the past few weeks we have gone through a few different weather situations. When we first got back we had a lot of new snow. Over the next week and a half to two weeks, a high pressure system sat right over us and we had the worst inversion ever seen on the Wasatch Front. Usually we can see well past Utah Lake and the mountains and everything, like the picture below. But as the days went on, the inversion got worse.Here's a picture at about the peak of the inversion. You can only see to about halfway across the BYU campus.
Thick, gross smog. They had warnings out and were telling people not to leave their houses unless they had to.
But, things cleared up! Here's a picture of Timpanogos from campus. It is so beautiful and this is the Provo we're used to.
Here's a picture of Rock Canyon from campus. Sadly, another inversion is coming and things are getting bad again. Spring can't come fast enough.
Posted by Jessie Griffitts at 12:11 AM 1 comments
Monday, February 2, 2009
Christmas Rundown
We haven't blogged in quite a while, so here's a quick rundown on what has happened in the past few weeks. For Christmas we went back to Coeur d'Alene to stay with my parents, along with about 10 other people. :) It was a packed house. Meagan and Brent were there with there three kids Coen, Atlas, and Emmy, as well as Mike DeMotte and his two kids, Alexis and Carter. Tawni was able to stay for a week, too. It was a packed house, but it was absolutely awesome. It was so good to be with everyone for a little while. As you can see from the pictures, there was just a little bit of snow. The first picture at the bottom of the blog was the first full day that we were there. After that, it snowed another few feet. Yeah, feet. The picture above is from before we went home. There was so much snow that we were shoveling roofs.
Christmas day was great, as always. Food, presents, family, friends. Doesn't get any better. The back deck of the house after shoveling off the roof. Dad and I ended up jumping off the roof onto the front lawn afterwards, because it was just easier to get off that way than try to get down the ladder.
Coen, Emmy, and Atlas. It was a lot of fun spending time with them. Love those kids to death.
This is the sight we got home to. It was beautiful the entire trip.
So now we're back at school. Things are busy to say the least. I'm loving the classes I'm taking this semester. I'm taking one class on compressible fluids and supersonic flow, which is a lot of fun, and my other fun mechanical engineering class is a biomechanics class, going over how the body moves and the mechanics of the different tissues in the movement process. I'm also doing my mechanical engineering research project for Union Pacific. I'm still in charge of the wind tunnel, and things are very busy. Along with the engineering research, I'm still doing research for the Neuroscience department. Also working.
I signed up to take the MCAT on May 2, so Saturdays are filled with studying for the test, as well as a three hour lab I have in the afternoon. Poor Jessie now only gets to see me the whole day on Sundays alone. She hates it, but she is so good to let me study. I love her to death.
Jessie is a little over 4 months pregnant now. Her little belly is starting to show now. :) It's really exciting. We were able to go to the doctor a few weeks ago and got to hear the baby's heartbeat. The heartbeat was 166, which according to Mom means that it is a girl. Although Tyler's heartbeat was very high, but he came out a boy. Sorry Teej. It's all very exciting and we are having a good time getting ready for everything. In about two weeks we get to go back to the doctor, Jessie will get an ultrasound, and we get to find out what the baby is going to be! We already have names picked out. To be truthful, we've had names picked out for months and months. If it's a girl, we are going to name her Kali Jo Griffitts. If it's a boy, Aiden Alan Griffitts. Jessie keeps claiming that the baby is a girl and says she will be really surprised if it's a boy. We'll let you all know when we find out. Jessie also bought a little journal for the baby Friday. She's really excited about it. She made sure I put it in the blog. We're excited and happy. Things are going great.
Posted by Jessie Griffitts at 11:32 PM 1 comments