Thursday, January 28, 2010

Sounds so familiar…

My Mom sent this to me in an email.  She said it reminded her a lot of what my life is like.  I thought it was funny so I wanted to share it.  I know A LOT of mom’s relate!

Thursday, January 21, 2010


I've been thinking about my blog lately and how badly I need to blog.

The hard part about it is that I think about this while laying in bed at know when your mind is racing before you fall asleep.

Sometimes I wish I had some recorder that could record my thoughts right before bed. I honestly come up with the best blog posts at that time but come morning, they are gone.

To make a long story short, all of the pictures I took in November and the first half of December are on my dad's laptop. Silly I know. I'm a little ticked about it. He takes the laptop to work and in the evenings, well he's the Bishop of his ward so that explains most of his evenings. There are so many on there that he has to copy them to a disk for me. So I have been waiting for those.

That is another reason there is a lack of posts.

Back to the whole purpose of the post. I'm kind of in a FUNK this week. Let's call it the January FUNK. I really shouldn't have a FUNK in January. I have 2 nieces birthdays, a nephews birthday, MY birthday, my brother in laws birthday, and my dad's. That should = LOTS of partying.

I'm blaming this FUNK on 2 things.

#1-This stupid Utah weather. Do not get me wrong, I will most likely spend the rest of my life in Utah. But I. HATE. UTAH. WEATHER. Sunny, then snow, then clouds, then sun, then rain. All in one day. This winter I am no experiencing much of the weather on the outside but I'm feeling the dark dreary days even from the inside of my cozy home. Plus I hate the grey/black hard snow crap. What is that? Melt already.

#2-LOCK DOWN. Let me explain. When you have 3 babies get out of the house is not an easy task. It takes planning ahead, organizing, and perseverance to get it done. If you know me well enough though, you know I am good at all 3 things. So getting out of the house, although busy and difficult, is something that does not scare me in the least. I am pretty confident I will not forget anything or get too overwhelmed. So the lock down isn't because I don't DARE leave the house.

The lock down is because when you have newborns, or ESPECIALLY premature babies, doctors will tell you that they are more at risk for catching illness. So ever since they have been home we really haven't taken them out. In the beginning it was because they were tiny. Now it is because of LOCK DOWN. Imagine that being in some deep, serious, thunder like tone because that is how I say it in my head :) We did go to my parents for Thanksgiving and to both parents for Christmas but that is it. Since then we have not taken them out of the house. Except for going to the doctor's office obviously. We have packed them up and gone for a few drives but they do not leave the car. Now that RSV season is in full force we are even more serious about things. No one is to come into our house with even the slight sign of a cold. Not only do we not want 3 sick babies but if they catch something, especially something as bad as RSV, it can be much worse for them. This is not because they are not healthy now it is simply because they were premature.

The hard thing about this LOCK DOWN (did you say it right to yourself?) is that Mommy doesn't get out EVER. Actually the longest I have gone without getting out of the house is 7 days. Yes you read that right 7 days! Bracken doesn't get out a whole lot but he does get to go to work. Every Saturday I do get out for sure and I usually let Brack get out too. It isn't very fun to not be able to get out together but oh well. We usually spend our weekends watching movies, playing the Wii, and taking care of babies. We do spend a lot of time together so that is nice.

Well RSV has officially hit here. Which means there has to be an end eventually right? Cross your fingers. Once I get the clear from the doctor you better believe that I will be planning ahead, organizing, and perservering through getting out of the house! I cannot wait.

Are you in a January FUNK?

Right now I pray for Spring.

It's true.

Will you pray for Spring with me? Then maybe I can get out of my January FUNK!

Just so you can see what keeps me going even during the FUNK...It is this::

Hunter 1/5/2010

Maddie 1/5/2010

Moll Doll 12/25/2009


(P.S. I have not posted recent pictures of the kids because I wanted things in order for a future blog book but what is a post without pictures and how could you resist these smiles. Now you can see what the kids are looking like now instead of MONTHS ago. Also, do you know if I have to have things in order on my blog for my book or if I can change it around? Thanks.)

Monday, January 4, 2010

October Pictures

 October was an exciting month.  On Sept 28th the babies had turned 2 months old.  So at their 2 month appt the Dr. told us that we could stop waking the babies up to feed every 4 hours at night and let them go as long as they wanted.  By 10 weeks old the babies were sleeping 6 straight hours, then 7 straight hours, then 8, and now we average about 10 straight hours :)  That made a big difference for us.  We felt very lucky that they started sleeping that long, that early on. 





Sometime between 8 to 10 weeks the babies also started smiling.  Nothing melts your heart like your baby’s smile.  Hunter was the first, followed by Molly, and then Madison.  We did anything and everything to get a smile out of them.  Around the same time is when the babies really started to “coo” and “talk” to us.  Again, Hunter lead everyone, followed by Molly and then Madison.  Before we knew it all 3 were loving to talk. 



Sweet Maddie (I have yet to be able to catch a smile on camera)

On October 5th we blessed all 3 babies at my parents house.  We were surrounded by people that we love and that love our babies very much.  It was a very small yet intimate occasion for us as a family.  Bracken did an AMAZING job blessing all 3.  What a special day it was.  I was very busy and overwhelmed and failed to take pictures so I’ll have to get some from my sister to post.  Here is a picture of Maddie in her cute shoes.

We enjoyed our first triplet play date with Lucas, Avery, and Reese.  It is always so fun to see our friends, we cannot wait until spring to play again!

Back row: Reese, Lucas, and Avery

Front: Maddie, Hunter, and Molly

We continued to learn and grow, do tummy time, smile, found the TV and LOVE it, and Mommy started to feed us sometimes all by herself.  Of course we also continued to bring lots of happiness to Mommy and Daddy!


Molly during tummy time

Sleepy Maddie

Two little bums all in a row, Molly and Madison

Molly, Maddie, and Hunter

Molly and Hunter watching football with Daddy

This is how I feed all 3 by myself, Maddie, Hunter, and Molly.  I then rotate burping.

To finish of the month we turned 3 months on October 28th.  We also went to visit Daddy at work in our Halloween costumes and enjoyed helping hand out candy to the Trick or Treater’s. 


At Daddy’s work, Hunter, Molly, Maddie

Mommy’s 3 peas in a pod, Molly, Maddie, Hunter

Looking cute in our Halloween outfits, Maddie, Hunter, Molly.

Us with our cousin McCoy, the spider :)

Handsome Hunter

Molly Dolly

Three Peas in a Pod

Molly, Hunter, and Maddie

I didn’t get a picture of Maddie by herself because she was having a serious meltdown :)

Finally an update.  I figured out that the reason I have such a hard time blogging is because I have a hard time picking pictures and so I put a TON.  Hopefully I’ll get better at that.  My goal is to be better at blogging…wish me luck!