Sunday, July 6, 2008


Wow I can't believe it has been a month since I have posted. I am such a slacker. For awhile there we just weren't doing anything exciting. Bracken has been working and enjoying the summer off of school. I have been working on "my course", I am doing this online course to become a medical transcriptionist so I can work from home. (For those of you who don't know what that is, when a doctor sees a patient, they will sometimes record their notes about the visit and the company sends them to the transcriptionist to type.) I will be done in 1 month!! Then off to find a job. I work on it everyday, and it is a lot harder than I thought it would be. Ever since the weather has been nice we have spent a lot of time swimming at the Ricketts and enjoying SUMMER! I absolutely love the nice weather.
Bracken relaxing in the pool!

Brack and his dad swimming

Lately we have had a my family in town. One evening my cousin and her 2 girls came up and spent the night at my parents. We hadn't seen them in forever and hardly even know her 2 girls. They are the cutest things!! By the end of the evening, they were calling me "Aunt JuJu" and my dad "Grandpa". It was nice because that night my sister and her kids and my brother and his family also came up.

My nephew Jacob playing at Grandma's house.

Harley playing with the kids, they love to tease her with toys.

This past week, my brother Billy, his wife Jacee, and little girl Kenslee have been in town. I LOVE when they come. It is so bittersweet when they come because I LOVE seeing them but I HATE to have them go. My sister Kristina and her three kids came up this past week for 2 days to play with the cousins and it was fun because the ENTIRE family was all together. It is so nice when that happens because it doesn't happen too often with 5 kids in our family. We went to my parent's ward's BBQ and swim party, did a little shopping, went swimming at the Ricketts (they have been so good to let us go swimming so much! Thank you!) Basically we have been eating, swimming, and lots and lots of playing. It makes it for a busy week but it is SO FUN!

Brother Bobby and his cute little guy Brody.

Finally, it was the 4th of July! I absolutely love this holiday! It is quite a tie between this and Christmas being my favorite holidays ever. I do have to say that Kaysville does quite a good job with the 4th! The day started with us going to the breakfast at the DATC (a Ricketts tradition). It was actually quite nice to have it be a little cloudy because it didn't get as hot. We ended up sitting around talking and doing some "people watching" (you know you do it!) until the parade. We met up with my brother Billy and his family and in laws to watch the parade. It was fun to help Kenslee get all the candy. She is sucha cutie! Afterwards, we went to the Ricketts went swimming, had a BBQ, and took a little nap. Later we went and met up with both of my brothers and their families and in laws for the Kaysville fireworks. We went early enough to go to the little carnival and let the kids play around until it got dark. All in all it was a wonderful holiday. I have told Bracken that it will always be a big deal in our house! I just love it! I hope everyone had a great holiday!

Me and Kenslee at the parade

Billy and Brack at the parade.

Kenslee at the parade, she didn't want to look up at me :)

Brack and I at the fireworks. (Brack was had his eyes closed in every picture that night.)

Brack and Kenslee watching the fireworks. Brack loves when she sits with him!

I'll try to be better with posting, I basically just spend most of my time on the computer studying but that will be over soon! I hope everyone is enjoying the summer and wonderful weather!!