Saturday, December 5, 2009

Last night the boys came home for the weekend, and we decorated our christmas tree! I always have such a good time haninging out with my boys. We made home made decorations and hung the star! We had hot chocolate and lots of giggles. :) Here are some pics of my awesome family :) Merry Christmas all!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Hello, We have had a few holidays since I have updated. So I think Maybe I will just fill you all in on what has been going on and then post a bunch of pictures! lol. The kids and I have been doing ok. Just work for me, and the boys a little bit of everything! They started school in August. Nic Is now in 5th grade, and he hates it, lol he doesn't like to read or do homework. He Loves to play outside still and fishing is what he does most. He caught a couple of Bass from the pond over by their school and brought them home to show me.... ALIVE!!! LOL, He kept them in a tank for about a day, but, big as they were, they died quickly. Trev is my baby, he is in 2nd grade! My how the time flies! He is a little slow on the learning curve, but is picking it up as the time goes on. He is learning to read, when he feels like it, haha and hates homework also! Mom, I got 2 just like me!!!! We are hanging in there, Nic has been struggling with fitting in and making smart decisions, and Trev struggles with paying attention and being calm lol. They are both such good kids, but, with such different struggles. It makes it hard to keep up! But we do ok for the most part. For Halloween we went to Heidi and Mike's to carve some pumpkins and trick or treat with them. It was great! The first year in quite a few, that I didn't have to work late and was able to go with them. :) Then we took a trip up the canyon to see the leaves changing. It was a fun trip for all of us, not something we get to do very often. For Thanksgiving we went to Shanna and Josh's with the rest of the family. It is always nice to get together with everyone :) We also had the opportunity Saturday to get together for the BYU/UTAH game, and had a GREAT time! :) WHEW!!! I Think we are all caught up.... For the time being haha :) I will post some pictures for all too enjoy. Thanks for being a part of our lives! Love to all!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Suggs Family Reunion '09

I am REALLY bad at keeping this thing updated!! LOL Last Month we had a chance to go to California, the three of us, with the rest of my family for a reunion for my mom's side of our family. We rode down with Grandma and Grandpa Z. We had quite the experience riding down! We got down to Mesquite Nev, where it was about 110 degrees, and stopped for lunch. The air conditioner started acting up. So we had to turn it off while we ate. Well, when we were done eating, we decided to get going again. We were on the freeway for about ten minutes when the car started overheating. So from Mesquite all the way to Aneheim Cali. We rode with the AC off and the windows down. It was VERY HOT! and very windy. But the kids were troopers and didn't complain. We had a great time down in Cali. Thursday the 9th of July was Trev's Birthday, and he had an awesome day! He got to go to Disneyland for his first time ever! :) It was very exciting! We all had a blast! By the end of the day both of my kids were beat! :) We has a good time on Friday and Saturday hangin out with the fam at the park playing in the water. Then on Sunday while we were out there, we got to go to Knott's Berry Farm. Nicolas rode the big rides with Uncle Andy because mom's too scared! lol Here are some Pics of our enjoyable Family Vacation! :)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter! :)

So I had the boys this year for Easter. It doesn't usually happen that way so I was a little unprepared, but Heidi came to my rescue! Thanks Hogan! :) She invited us to go with her and Mike to an Easter Egg Hunt that her, soon-to-be In-laws were doing. So we went along. I have never seen a neighborhood so covered in Easter Eggs in all my life! :)It was amazing! At first Trev (being my mama's boy) didn't take to it too well, as we were with a bunch of strangers. However, once the hunt started, he had a ball! :) Here are some pics from this Fantastic Day! I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday :)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Nic is TEN!!!!!

I am a little delayed in updates.... On Nic's Birthday this year some of the family got together and went Mini Golfing! We had a really good time, here are some pics from our fun day

Sunday, February 1, 2009

I just had a Birthday..... Yippee!!! Here are a few pics from having the Fam over for it.