Showing posts with label Super Boy vs Baby-Licious. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Super Boy vs Baby-Licious. Show all posts

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Baby is famous!


Thursday, June 19, 2008

Sticking out Tongue is NOT weird!

So Boy was making fun of me and my tongue and trying to tell my friends that i am weird...

Well, his plan didnt work. Instead i received alot of comments telling me that 'this' made me very special and i am such a cutie.

And not only that, i realise that it is not strange at all. My friend, JB does this too and she is so adorable.

Too bad, Boy. You got to try harder!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Baby & her Tongue

Presenting Baby with her Tongue...

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Japanese Name & Inside News

Boy n Baby:
Goofy has tagged us for this Japanese Name game.
Here are the tag instructions:-

1. Add your name on the list & spell out your name using the given Japanese letter-translations below.
2. You will have to tag 6 of your pawllos & inform them of the tag-game.

The translation:-
A-ka.. B-tu.. C-mi.. D-te.. E-ku.. F-lu.. G-ji.. H-ri.. I-ki.. J-zu.. K-me.. L-ta.. M-rin.. N-to.. O-mo.. P-no.. Q-ke.. R-shi.. S-ari.. T-chi.. U-do.. V-ru.. W-mei.. X-na.. Y-fu.. Z-zi

So Baby's japanese name is TuKaTuFu and Boy's name is TuMoFu...hehe.

We believe most pups has played this game so count yourself tagged if you havent play yet.

Those who are familiar with our blog will realise that we have used this above photo like a zillion times (okay, we are exeggerating). That is because this is the ONLY, YES ONE AND ONLY good photo of both of us together.

Inside News from Mama:
Boy and Baby share a very special kind of relationship. They have lived together for almost 6 years but i have never seen them playing together or even fight. They just leave each other alone as though they live in their own world. Sometimes, i wonder whether is this normal.

The affection (i think so) displayed that i observed is when Boy gets the last bite of something and Baby dont, he kind of throw some of the floor refusing to eat it and Baby will then eat it and when Baby does something wrong and she runs away from her punishment, she will hide behind Boy and Boy will growl at us. I wonder whether this happen in homes that have two or more dogs

Monday, May 26, 2008

Specially for Baby.

So Baby call me 'FAT', and this is what i got say to her...

I am fat BUT I can exercise
But if you are DOOFUS FACED, it is for life!

Lets take a closer look!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Fat Boy!

Have you seen a Boy so fat before?

His body is even bigger than his head!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

*Mature contents*

Recently, Baby has been doing this to me...

For those who has sisters, do they do the same thing to you? I admit i used to do that to her before i got 'fixed' but since then, i dont. And now it is the other way round. Please share if you have such experiences.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Spot the Tongue!

So Baby talked about my embarassing growth huh. Now it is PAYBACK time!

Look at this picture...

She is sleeping in this picture. Notice anything? Look closer...

Saw the tongue? She has this habit of sticking her tongue sideways when she sleeps..hehehe. I wonder how her boyfriends will react looking at this picture.

I better go. I think she is real mad now!


Thursday, April 26, 2007

Doofus Face.

Boy n Baby:
Our 'Guess the Paw' Game is still on so we cant show our body and paws paws too much. Hence we decided to show our best impersonation of Tanner aka Doofus facial expression.

So who you think is better?

Boy n Baby

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

'Guess the Paw' Game.

Boy n Baby:
How to Play
Guess who's paw belong to who.

Paw A

Paw B

We will give out 3 (yes, only 3) prizes away. And since this game is soooooooooo very simple, we decide to make it a little bit tougher by after guessing who's paw belong to who, you will need to give a reason why you think so.

We will choose 3 pups with the most creative or dog-sensical reason who get it right and will announce it in our blog.

Closing Date:
27th April 2007, 2200 hrs (Singapore Time)

Boy n Baby

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Where are my Booties?

Boy got brand new booties and socks and i think that is totally unfair because i didnt get any. So i sulked the whole day.

Finally, the hoomans gave in and bought socks for me.

See that Boy, my socks are longer.

(Boy: Whatever, you BRAT!)

But there were NO booties! I thought they have forgotten but Mama said that i dont need new ones cos i already have booties and it is still in good condition.

But my booties are pink and it does not match some of my clothes. I begged her but she said "NO". And this only proves that my Mama is not only evil, she is stubborn too... sigh.


Thursday, November 16, 2006

The Spoilt Brat is at It Again!

Yest nite tat brat snapped at me. Papa was holding a lollipop for us to lick n tat brat started to shove me away with her face n finally, she snapped at me. Tat's the first time she snapped at me. Thou she is spoilt rotten, i mus say tat she has a very good temper. I never seen her so mad before. My guess: PMS...

She got a verbal scolding from Papa (whoo hoo, but i wish Papa had smacked her bum bum on top of tat). She sulked, refused to share the lollipop n jumped up the bed (u should have seen her "pathetic" face). Mama then came in the room, saw her, asked wat happened n went to take another lollipop for her (see, see tis is wat i mean when i say she is a spoilt brat).

Mama always does this. When she is real naughty n Papa cane her, Mama will say " dont cane her lah, so pitiful". But when i got caned, she jus kept quiet n let the suffering goes on. Her reason was, "I'm a guy". LAME.....

Administrator Note: For everyone's knowledge, Boy was only caned when he is naughty for the first two years. Since then till now (5 yrs already), no matter how he misbehaved, he never ever got caned again so pls stop complaining, Boy.