Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Still Here in Hawaii with My Best Friend

     It has been awhile since I've added to this blog, but I realize that I have missed it.

     I do have excuses though. I have been very busy the last few years. For instance:
I watched my oldest graduate from high school, head to college and move away from home; I also graduated--this time with a Master's degree in Library in Information Science--while working full time; I gained a promotion at my office to become a Contracts & Grants Specialist at the University; I transitioned my youngest son from middle school to high school; my husband earned tenure at the University of Hawaii (oh yeah he did!); we danced the couples hula number in a few ward luaus; I've served (and continue to serve) as YW first counselor in the Hawaii Kai Ward for the last six years;  I've learned to surf; and I've the start of son #2 learning to drive.

    This list seems extensive, yet it only scratches the surface. I've learned a lot about Hawaii, my boys, and especially myself. In retrospect, these last seven years in Hawaii have been crazy, stressful, fun, beautiful, awe-inspiring, hopeless, interesting and so much more. The best part, though, is knowing that I still get to spend every minute of it with my best friend. We're still here, together, and trying to enjoy the ride.

    I think it's time I start blogging again to document some of the fun. This is a start.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Which Dewey Decimal Category Are You? I'm in the 800s

Which Dewey Decimal Category Are You?

You got 800's - Literature! You are a true bookworm! You are always in the middle of a fantastic book and hit up your local library often. You appreciate not only fiction novels and nonfiction books, but enjoy reading poetry and plays as well! You can recite the plot of quite a few Shakespeare plays and appreciate theater and the arts! 
(from EasyBib website quiz: http://content.easybib.com/which-dewey-decimal-category-are-you/#.Uyz0TV4UZGV)

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Birthday Balloon

A special birthday balloon for a special birthday boy!

Board of Review

All prepared for his Eagle Board of Review

plus he had some extra time to mess around with his brother.

The Fantasticks

Tim performed in his school's presentation of the play, "The Fantasticks," this fall. He--again--played the love interest. He did an excellent job, learned a lot, made new friends and learned to sing higher than he thought ever possible.

Byodo-In Temple - Valley of the Temples Memorial Park

We also visited the Byodo-In Buddhist temple located in the Valley of the Temples Memorial Park. The structure was stunning and a simple reverence ushered throughout the peaceful gardens. I loved seeing this place!

Manoa Falls and the Harold L. Lyon Arboretum

Back in September when the in-laws came for a visit, we ventured up to the Manoa Falls and the gardons at the Harold L. Lyon Arboretum. Here are a few picture highlights from that trip.

Manoa Falls:
