Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Fall Love.

On this lovely 65 degree Texas November day, I am glad to pronounce that Fall is my top favorite season.  It's not boring and depressing like the winter, and here in Texas the weather is perrrrfect compared to the spring and summer months of blistering heat.

Not to mention, there's no shortage of foods like apples, squash, pomegranates and sweet potatoes etc...

And gorgeous red, orange, brown, and rich earth-tone hues...

Plus, it comes with things like Thanksgiving and the MACY'S THANKSGIVING DAY PARADE (there's a chance I look forward to this more than Christmas sometimes...)

And of course, all of the above in one way or another give licence to wear those rich lovely colors in the form of sweaters and jackets and scarves all the time... and I love ANY excuse to wear them...

And if I'm being honest, I'd have to say that I also think fall is the most romantic time of year.  I mean think about it... boys look super delicious in sweaters, and scarves make you feel super pretty like a princess, and what's better on a cold evening then holding someones hand?? I can't think of anything right now.

I think I reeeeally love fall though because at the end of fall comes Christmas, and fall is this big long, golden-colored Christmas count-down filled with Christmas songs and movies and parties, and lottttts of family and buying/making presents, and remembering to be grateful for the people that mean the most to you.  I'm sort of in love with fall.

Grateful for:
New brake pads.

Quote of the day:
(the whole "Prophets of the Restoration" page on!)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

All I Want for Christmas...

I already know what I want for Christmas!  The 1986 NUTCRACKER MOVIE.  When I was really little, I used to watch our tv-recorded version over and over and over and over in our apartment, and then I'd dance around our living room to our nutcracker cassette tape.  It truly inspired all the years I took ballet/lyrical/jazz, and even gymnastics and drill team dance classes.  I really think it's the reason I LOVE classical music (the secret's out!!), and I'm not kidding; cry when I go to a ballet. 

With sets conceived by Maurice Sednak (who wrote "In the Night Kitchen" and "Where the Wild Things Are") it is unabashedly 80's-tastic with its gross overuse of pastels and too many velvet-y textures, but I think that's what makes it such a delightful, dreamy masterpiece.  It's waaay too under-rated, but this overly-sugary-almost-indulgent rendition of one of the most famous ballets of all time is very much my  favorite.

My breath still catches in my chest when I find a clip of the Prince and Sugar Plum Fairy pas de deux on random websites (and yes, I'm always searching for them!).  Patricia Barker's technique is an outrageous combination of perfect technique and delicacy.  25 years later, it seems like ballet has become much more athletic and forceful and striking.  1986 was right in the peak of this explosion of soft colors and makeup and too many fabric flowers--and the result in the world of ballet was this smooth, delicate, sweeter technique.  I love it.  Even if it means the Nutcracker Prince himself is a slightly scrawny dude.. and has a creeper mustache... it's alright, I still get a crush on him when I watch him dance in this pas de deux.

Seriously!!  Crazy legit talent and grace!

(I won't make you look at his face up close...)

It's decided.  I shall buy it for myself for Christmas.  I may need to buy a VHS player as well.

Grateful for: My mum.

Quote of the day:
"Do what you feel in your heart to be right - for you'll be criticized anyway."
-Eleanor Roosevelt