Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween Happenings

I have found much that needs to be posted... and am going to rededicate myself to this blog. I promise! :)

For now, here are our Halloween Happenings so far. (To be updated after this weekend!)

Sam and I made some decorations for our house. Aren't we festive?

Then we threw in a few things I already had to complete the decor.
And, we hung up signs to help Sam learn how to tell time.

Last Saturday, we carved pumpkins. Sam LOVED it. Those cool little kits make it so that an almost 4-year-old can do it too. We did a silly one and a pirate one, by request of course. We're going to be PIRATES for Halloween.

As soon as we were done, we ran over to this cool playground until our play was cut short.

Z loves this playground because he can DO IT BY HIMSELF! What a lovely thing that is. He walks over, climbs up, and slides down this slide backwards all by himself! Then, repeat an infinite number of times until someone decides that it's time to go.

(I love this pic of Z. Such a cute chubbalicious face. Notice the wings. We really need to cut his hair!)

Sam experimented with all sorts of different ways to go down slides - upsidedown, superman style, on his back, with Zack, and holding hands!

They actually were helping to pull each other down the slide in that picture of them holding hands. Why? Because it had started raining and the slide was just wet enough to make your clothes stick to it, but not wet enough to SLIDE.

Last time down - it was REALLY RAINING and time to go!

Then, yesterday, Sam and I made 4 dozen cupcakes for the cupcake walk at our Trunk or Treat tonight.

While I was doing some of the prep work, I let the boys watch a show to get them out of the way and out of trouble. Sam loves sitting with Zack like this when they sit next to each other. Zack's never so sure...

We had fun decorating the cupcakes though. Move over So Cupcake and Mini's! Check these out. My kitchen was a MESS afterwards, but it was worth it.

These are some of my favorites: the bug-eyed bugs, the jack-o-lanterns of course, the spider, the silly monster, and everyone's favorite wizard.

Can't wait to eat them! Happy Halloween Weekend!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Dear Angels,

Dear Angels,

I would appreciate it if you would NOT give me an anxiety attack, develop ulcers, or any other such discomfort as you play the Yankees. Thanks for winning last night. You did it by the skin of your teeth. Next time, let's not end the game up by only one run with two outs, bases loaded, and a full count on the last pitch, okay? I nearly died.

A fan. And a littler fan known to yell "GO VLADEEEEE!!!

Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Cute Brothers

Just a quick post since I have to leave for JURY DUTY in a few minutes...

Look at these cute brothers. Sam set up this photo shoot for me. I was in the office and next thing I know, Sam's yelling, "MOM, YOU GOTTA TAKE A PICTURE OF THIS!" He had moved these two chairs over to the side and next to each other. He had planted Zack in one of them and he was in the other. What resulted were a few good pics. Way to go, Sam. :)

Sam really wanted to have his arm around Zack. Zack wasn't so sure.
So, he tried again after they switched chairs. Nope... still not going for it. So, he just smothered him with energetic hugs. Zack relented and thought it was funny.
I sure love these two boys!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Happy Fat

Couldn't help but post this. Maybe because I feel like I have a bit too much of this kind of "happy fat"? Especially since we always have oreos on hand for Zack to munch when the rest of us are having a treat. Having oreos on hand is a bad thing for me. VERY BAD.

But what can I say? We're happy because we eat LARD!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

A Funny Thing Happened

When my mom came to get me from my nap the other day.

I had a diaper blowout. That makes me feel something like this...
But... while my mom cleaned me, my crib, and everything else, she let me read a book.
I LOVE reading books.
Especially stark naked.
Don't you? :)

On another note... guess who started preschool a couple weeks ago? SAM. And he loves it. I almost forgot to snap a picture on our first day! This was the only one. Can't you tell he was excited?

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Through Sam's Eyes: A Montage

Yep. I taught Sam how to take pictures with our little digital camera.
Here's what he finds interesting over the course of two days...

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

The Big Wedding

So... it's been a while... so long in fact that I could probably get away with not posting this. Except for the fact that it was my VERY OWN SISTER'S WEDDING.

Yep. Melissa and Mike sealed the deal (quite literally) on Aug 1. Some of you know that Melissa married my sister-in-law's younger brother. Get that? Matt's brother's wife's brother.
(Yep. It's a triagular thing that seems incestuous when you think about it but in reality, is not at all.)

We're excited for you Bel and Supermick!

The day began for us at a Romney reunion activity... and then I rushed home to do Bel's hair. My cousin Adrienne reminded me that I've done several up-dos for weddings now... including hers! I had completely forgotten!
Coming out of the temple.

I don't know what it is, but I really like this picture. Bel just looks so happy.Smile for the cameras. All of them!

And now, for me.
Hugging the now mother-in-law.

The girls holding the train. Mike with all the "train girls"Our side of the wedding party. Yep. That's me squished in behind Jake. Who looks like my husband in this picture. Who placed these people anyway? :)
Bel and Mike during more pics.Smiling for pictures nonstop gets to you after a while.
Some of the key players. Matt and little Z
T-Rav. Mike rocking the bouquet. Nice, Mike. Looks good.
A classic. Leese and Jake with possibly the biggest smile I've EVER SEEN.
Zack was just about done with hanging around the temple grounds.
So, we headed to the reception. Where this little fam pic happened with the bride and groom. Lovely reception site too.

And this is what was REALLY going on in the background of all the pics.
Matt and Zman again. Mom and Dad after the line ended. Lindsey with her Hermione Granger hair. I think we captured the wavy looseness pretty well. (HI LINDZ! I KNOW YOU READ THIS SOMETIMES! :) )
The tux boys. Well, Sam had on a suit, but he told me that "I sure look sharp.... just like Daddy and Jake."and Matt and me.
Sam got a little bit bored though...So he and his cousin Soph had to bust the moves.Check out this face. Love it.
And everyone was so completely EXHAUSTED after the reception that we all fell asleep in the car on the way back home. Or at least the little ones did. Happy One month and three days, Bel and Mike!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I realize I have so much to post. But this is too good to wait it's chronological turn.
Watch to the end... well worth it!!!

(The beginning is of Sam reading books to Zack which was the reason I took a video. The end is CLASSIC.)