Sunday, February 24, 2008

IKEA "dressups"

When Leese and I were at the IKEA here (yes, a dangerously short 20 minutes drive doorstep to Ikea's doorstep), I bought Sam a few "dressups" to have in his toy room. Sam tried them all on one by one and insisted that I take his picture each time. Yes... he was "posing" in these pics.

He LOVES them and wants to wear them all the time. He'll keep them on for hours if we let him! Bel came up over the weekend to watch Sam for us so we could go on a DATE and just hang out for a while. Sam LOVES bel. Especially after she played with all the facemasks with Sam and they made some of his funny faces...

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Sam the monkey

Sam is pretty hilarious these days... and loves pulling new faces. He was posing for the camera yesterday and I think I captured his funny personality in some of these.

Sam saying "hi" to the camera. Then he would insist on seeing this pic on the little screen on the camera and saying "hi" back to himself.

Sam's monkey face, thanks to Tricia who taught him this. Usually he'll grab both his ears, but he would only grab ONE yesterday!

When I started taking pics, this is how I found Sam. Yep. He managed to put on my boots and was walking around as best he could (aka VERY slowly).

Sweet Sam.

This is what I get when I try to pose Sam.
"Sam, show me your truck."

"Sam, say CHEESE!"

Anyone who knows Sam knows that he LOVES LOVES LOVES to line up cars. So... enter our new toy room with these AWESOME built-in bookshelves and cabinets. The best part for Sam? The ledge above the cabinets where he can line up all his cars and trucks.

Some Moving Pics

Ahhhh, how we miss Boston already! Here's our last full day there. (MANY thanks to the Russes, Chases, etc for all the help, meals, babysitting, taking our food, etc. We MISS YOU GUYS!!!)

Here are all our boxes...

And, Sam thought it was funny to wear my hat while Matt and I were packing. Yep. He wore it for about 2 hours straight. He thought he was soooo funny.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Sorry... no pics yet.

Yes... I hear you! I need to post pics of our new house! And yet... I can't quite seem to make myself take pics of the unfinished rooms, undecorated walls, spaces I don't know what to do with yet, walls I want to repaint, etc. We're getting closer, but be patient! Pics to come...

Friday, February 01, 2008


More later, but we made it to SLC! One thing I will absolutely not miss... the 5+ hour flights with a toddler on a regular basis to see family. Phfew.

We move into our new house on Monday and closed today. Can't believe that 100 signatures and an hour later, we have a substantial loan and are homeowners. Seems a bit too easy... are we old enough for this yet???

More once life resumes some sense of normalcy and we have uploaded some new pics. LOVE being closer to family here!!!