Wednesday, April 04, 2012

Days Two, Three and Four

Eliza and I spent the rest of the weekend in the hospital together... including St Patty's Day!!!

Proud brother
Ellie complete with her additional green bow. We're festive already. :)
Happy Saint Patrick's Day. Wish I had green to wear... but as you know. Options of clothes that FIT and were comfortable were extremely limited at this point...
On Sunday, we were ready to come home. Here's Eliza all ready to go.

I just love those tiny fingers and toes!

Ellie wasn't so sure about this whole car seat business at first...
But she quickly decided she loved it.
...and promptly fell asleep.

Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Day One... and the Day Before

March 14. 37 1/2 week doctor's appointment in the afternoon. I arrived with hospital bag in tow because I had a feeling this baby would be born that day or the next. Why? Well because as I suspected and found out at the appointment, I was dilated to a 6 but not contracting. And friends - that's considered active labor with or without contractions. So, my doctor kindly let me wait until the next morning (instead of rushing me over to the OR) to have this baby via c-section. I hurried home, arranged babysitting and whatever else I could, and tried to get a good night's rest before...

March 15. Arrived at the hospital at 5:45am. They pumped me full of fluids via my IV (hence the puffy face in the following pics. Alas...), and a few hours later Eliza was born. Let me tell you. Having gone down the emergency c-section route twice now, this scheduled business is the way to go. Surgery was much calmer. Recovery was much easier. Huzzah.

Bring on the pics.
First time with little Eliza. I couldn't wait to hold her. (Drat those c-sections for that reason!)
Finally holding my baby girl. (See comment above about puffy face.)
Matt with her after he administered her first bath.
Meeting her brothers. Zack LOVES Eliza... sometimes a little too much.
And meeting Sam.
Grandma came by of course.
And Grandpa
These boys are such good big brothers.
And so sweet with her.
Welcome little Eliza!

More tomorrow. I figure if I pace myself with one post per day for a little while, maybe I'll actually do this blogging thang. Maybe. :)

Monday, April 02, 2012


Well... turns out a lot has happened since I last posted. Does anyone still read this thing???

This little lady has joined our family. Eliza Mary, born 3/15/12, 7lb 9oz and 20.5 inches long. We already love little Ellie!! I'll post more soon. I finally uploaded pics so I'm READY. :)

More details to come. The little lady calls...

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

There IS a reason

Why I ate instant potatoes for lunch every day 2 weeks in a row
Why I HAD to have cole slaw in Austin on Friday
Why I forgot completely to pick up one child in my kindergarten carpool last week
Why toasted whole wheat bagels with veggie cream cheese spread is perfect
Why I sobbed at the end of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
and at my sister-in-law's wedding last month
and at the end of the last book I read (the side character's mom dies - tragic, I know)
and during a car commercial
Why Top Ramen is the most delicious delicacy at 11pm
Why I accidentally gave a piano student an extra 30 minutes on his lesson
Why I have lost my raging sweet tooth in favor of savory salty food
Why the only show I want to watch when I'm feeling sick is Chopped
(makes no sense, but it makes me feel better!)
Why I fall asleep randomly during the day and way too early at night

Any guesses? Yep. Little babe #3 is joining our family in March.

Last night Zack patted my tummy and said, "Baby, I just want to know what your name is! Is it Mario or Luigi?"
Sam yelled from across the room, "Or Bowser?!?!"

Friday, August 26, 2011

Our Summer...

Was full. Quite full. Let's go back to the beginning, shall we?

We organized and held a southern fish fry in our neighborhood. (LOTS of work, but delicious!)

First piano recital with this cute boy and my other piano students.
Trips to the zoo
Playing with LOTS of friends
Sam finished his first soccer season! He LOVES it and is actually quite good!
Girls Camp in St George!
Where unfortunately one of my ribs popped out and my muscle spasmed on the second day. Don't let my smile fool you. I was in A LOT of pain in this pic. In fact, whatever the cause (the myriad of muscle relaxers and pain killers, my back, or just some stomach bug), I threw up during intermission at The Little Mermaid at Tuachan. Lovely, right? I was so dizzy that I had to cling to the Bishop's arm just to make it to the car without falling over. Luckily, Matt had arrived in St. George this very evening so that he could pick me up and take me to our next event....
Tricia and Robbie's wedding! Tricia has mad skills. She worked on my back and neck each night before her wedding (what a gem), so that I was functional on this fun day.
Zack was tired and hot most of the day so we did a lot of this...
My three cute boys
After the wedding festivities, the boys and I stuck around Cali to hang out with these wonderful people.
We went to the beach. It was FREEZING. But we went anyway!
No chilly weather that smores can't cure. Am I right or what?
We spent time at various parks
Serendipitous-ly caught up with old friends.
Went to Chuck E Cheese - a Sam and Zack favorite with their Gpa M. And yep. My mom rode the carousel with the boys!
We even managed to spend a day at this fabulous place. (Thanks Alyson!)
Toon Town is a favorite right now
We convinved Sam and Zack that they wanted to go on the new Star Tours. Zack just BARELY made the height requirement!!
Zack LOVED the carousel. I think we rode it 2 or 3 times in a row.
Outside Mr. Toads...
And Autopia. LOTS and LOTS of Autopia. Maybe 3 or 4 times, Nate? When you love racecars as much as my boys do, this ride is a dream come true. And the line was basically nonexistent.
Zack and me
Love Nate in this pic!
Nate, Z, Sam and Lindz. (You might notice that everyone wore an Angels hat except me! Zack even had his, although he stopped wearing it early on in the day! True fans, I tell you. True fans.)
Leaving the park. The boys finally dropped off to sleep around 9pm after Sam rode Splash Mountain three times in a row. Funny boy. It's one of his favorites!
Back home, we went to lots of parks. These boys are getting pretty good at tee-ball!
You just never know what you'll find in this house...
Our Fourth of July parade!
And fireworks with family that night!

We've spent lots of time up the canyon, usually with these fabulous people.
We even managed to catch up with some wonderful old friends. Wish we had more time to spend with you guys while you were here!!!
Then family came back in town because Bel and Mike were visiting. We checked out BYU one day and this AWESOME display in the Museum of Art. It's entirely made out of books!
We went up the canyon
And had smores.
LOTS of smores.
We spent a day downtown - temple square (trying to find my cousin Emma!), touring Steve's photos, meeting up with Mike for lunch and more. (Sam and Zack were happy recipients of ANGELS shirts this morning! So it became Angels shirt day. Thanks Grandpa and Grandma!)
We spent a fun afternoon up in Park City, riding the Alpine Slide, of course.
Mom and Lindz
Nate's photo finish.
Grandpa and Sam.
And we spent a LOT of time all crammed into my van. In fact, we even drove all the way back to CA in this van with every seat filled. Some had their doubts, but I thought it was quite fun.
Missing because I actually have ZERO pictures of it (how did that happen??), was our fun three days in Oceanside with Matt's family. It was so relaxing! We went to the beach, swimming, hung around with Matt's family and aunts, uncles, and more cousins. Wish we could have stayed longer, but we had another commitment...

Where we spent hours and hours and over 30 miles doing something like this...
You're jealous of our clothes, I know. (And this pic needed a flash, but oh well!) Thanks Mom for sewing my oh so fashionable attire. :)
We had the best family - the VOLDEMORMONS. Yep. Chant with me. "We are You Know Who." Now, I have earned a new nickname with the youth in my ward. Voldemarci.
12 days after Trek finished, we celebrated another wedding for these fabulous people. Congrats Rach and Sean!
My not-so-little Z and me.
And Rach asked me to do her hair. I think it turned out pretty well!
Such a beautiful bride!
Our family's superhero pose.

And that brings us to the present... where SAM will start kindergarten on Monday, and Zack will start joyschool the following week. Ahhh! How did they grow up so fast?

Congrats if you have stayed with me to this point. You made it! Now, I think I'm excused for another three months, right???