Tuesday, October 28, 2008


I've always thought that Halloween is fun, but I've now learned that the fun is multiplied a hundred times when you have a little one around. Boston has been such a hoot. He LOVES all of the Halloween decorations. Every time we pass a pumpkin he yells out "Ball...ball...ball" and tries to run and touch it. Needless to say, grocery shopping has been a bit tricky. He also LOVES candy...something he inherited from his mother, but that we're trying to nip in the bud right now. Good timing, eh?!!!

Here are some pics from John and Alli's annual Halloween party. Loads of fun, as always! Here we are in all our glory as the Adam's Family. Boston's mustache was my favorite...and trust me, it took no small amount of effort to coax him into letting me draw it!

Here's Tara in my favorite costume of the evening.Here's John and Alli...not sure why John didn't bother to wear a costume to his own party. Ha ha...just kidding!!!

Last Saturday we continued the festivities by going to Boo at the Zoo with John and Alli. Brett was at the BYU game (party pooper) so Boston and I headed out on our own. I was a little nervous, being that this was Boston's reaction when he saw a horse at the fair...

To my surprise and delight, though, he absolutely loved the zoo this time! It didn't hurt that they were handing out candy. :) He's learning his words now, and according to Boston, every animal he saw was a "doggie" that said "roar". Cracked me up!

This time around Boston wore his Superman costume that my mom gave to him. Love it! All the kids at the zoo called him "Super Baby". Here he is pulling a classic Superman pose.

Hannah tried to kiss him again, but this time he used some self control and walked away. I guess he really was listening when we had "the talk". :) Ha ha...just kidding. Really, he just saw a kid with candy and wasted no time going after him.

"Alli Cat" with her little Cheetah...

The only picture taken that day that I didn't have my eyes shut in...Good times!!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008're it!

The Number 5 Tag

Took me long enough (slow...who, me?), but here's a fun tag I got from Alesha...

5 Shows I Love to Watch:

1. The Office
2. Ugly Betty
3. Unfortunately, that's pretty much it. I catch those shows on occassion, but in our current life of rabbit ears that catch just a couple fuzzy stations, no tivo and a 1-year old that thinks it's a game to turn the TV off and on and off and get the point. :)

5 Favorite Restaurants

1. Paradise Cafe (Yum!!!)
2. The Olive Garden
3. Sizzler
4. Cafe Rio
5. Morelia's
This one, I could name about ten!!! :)

5 Things that Happened Yesterday

1. Went to work (exciting!)
2. Got a haircut...thanks, Dev!
3. Played with my nephews and Boston
4. Went to a party at LaDawn's (can't tell what kind of party...bought a few Christmas presents there)
5. Bought ice cream (low fat vanilla for me, Baby Ruth for Brett)...and proceeded to eat half of Brett's while mine went untouched.

5 Things I Look Forward To

1. GRADUATION, and money making...I second Alesha's! :)
2. favorite holiday
3. The end of winter...I miss summer already!
4. Going to Gardner Village with Dev and the boys.
5. Halloween

5 Things I Love About Fall
1. The smell of the good!
2. Pulling out my sweaters and warm clothes.
3. Not feeling like it's a sauna every time I get in the car.
4. The BYU/Utah rivalry.
5. Two great holidays...Halloween and Thanksgiving.

5 Things on My Wish List

1. A trip to an all expenses paid resort (somewhere tropical, of course).
2. Win Publisher's Clearing House.
3. Boston to grow up happy and healthy.
4. My family to all move closer together.
5. Lasik...and heavy sedation while they do it! :)

5 People I Tag

1. Ali G.
2. Danielle
3. Jene'
4. Cassie
5. Kaylee

Saturday, October 4, 2008

The light at the end of the tunnel

Hooray!!!! For those of you who've noticed we've been MIA lately, it's almost over! We can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel! We started doing some major remodeling of our house the last week of June, thinking it would just take a couple of weeks...HA!!!) and I am happy to say that we have just a few teeny tiny things to do and we will officially be done! Today we did the last big piece of the project...grouting the tub surround and the backsplash in the kitchen. Even though I'm covered in grout clear up to my shoulders (who knew it dries so fast and hard!), I'm ecstatic! I cannot emphasize how excited we are about this....not only because we will be able to enjoy our home, but because every spare second won't be filled working on the house. We can actually have a real weekend again, instead of pulling an all nighter to finish a project. HOORAY!!! Okay...enough of my ramblings on that topic. I'll post pictures for those of you who don't live close shortly.

Now that that is wrapping up, I've got a lot of catching up to do, so please forgive the random pics that follow. We have crammed some fun in between, so to prove that this summer wasn't just about work, here goes...

We've had some good times with Chief, the all too often neglected member of our family. This is one of my all time favorite pics! Totally cracks me up! We took it at Silver Lake, where we went with my mom, Devani and her family.

Boston totally surprised us and, my little boy who hates dirt, not only loved wading in the muddy water, but also decided that dirt is pretty tasty. Yuck!

We also found a cool hiking trail with Holly, Ryan & Dakota. Chief and Dakota loved playing in the water. I think Chief is part dog/part fish.

Here's Boston watching the action in his cool shades.

And here is Chief recovering the next day....he's just not as young as he used to be.

Finally, I cannot tell you how much I love this picture! Mason came over this summer, and apparently Devani let him dress himself that day. Too dang cute! I have to say, I truly have the cutest nephews ever! Honestly! I have some fun pics of them, but I can't find my camera cord at the moment, so stay tuned! :)