I'm going to take the fact that I haven't written on our blog in MONTHS as a good thing.
It's true, we have nothing bad to report from the Boseman household! We made it through the rough Omaha winter without any major sickness or hospital visits. I am seriously amazed at how far Jett has come. He is thriving and is one happy boy.
Our little family (including Kusaba) hadn't been back to Utah to visit family since Christmas 2012. If you want to know how that ended up, read HERE. Just know, however, that it wasn't good. We weren't sure if Jett was going to make it because of how sick he became. Thus, the thought of returning to Utah has been a rather scary thought.
Taking Jett on a commercial aircraft that is chuck full of people's recycled nasty germs just makes me want to slather myself and Jett in sanitizer and never go anywhere. However, we took a giant leap of faith and made the trip out at the beginning of March. For Cody, this trip wasn't necessarily a vacation, but a chance to get some real world clinical experience at a Salt Lake dental clinic. His externship was scheduled for a two-week period and I wasn't about to let him go back home to Utah without us!
To make a long story short, the trip was AMAZING. Jett didn't get sick once and was full of smiles and cuddles for family and friends. Kusaba was able to fly out with us as well (thanks to my mom for buying him a plane ticket!) and quickly made new friends with my parent's new dog, Wyatt. Although I was busy with work stuff, which I'll get to in a minute, I was able to meet up with old friends and hang out with my family. It was so nice to be back home where you are surrounded by mountains and the people you love. Don't get me wrong, we love Omaha, but it's definitely not anything great to look at! The first day we were back in Utah, I was snapping pictures of the mountains left and right. You really forget how beautiful they are when you don't live there anymore...sigh, the things I took for granted.
Some of my favorite moments in Utah were:
* Seeing my Aggiette friend, Amy, and attending a couple Crossfit classes with her.
* Going out to lunch and catching up with my childhood best friend, Kara.
* Watching Jett interact (in his own special way) with his grandmas, grandpas, aunts, uncles, cousins, and his cute little friend, Harvey.
* Acting a little crazy at Walmart with my sister, Tiffany. (I miss her!)
* Attending Harvey's 1st birthday. Harvey is our friends, Jason and Becky's little boy who is so cute and full of personality. He was recently badly burned in a horrible accident, but is healing wonderfully. It was so fun to celebrate his 1st birthday with him because it meant so much considering how much he had just been through. His parents are rock stars!
* Hanging out with Cody's childhood friends, Natalie and Chaz Tucker and our pilot friend, Brandon.
* Going to my nieces' musical Oliver. Addie and Talia did such a good job and you could tell that they had worked hard on it...I swear the youngins' these days have way more talent than I ever did.
* Going to lunch and shopping with my sisters-in-law (Amy and Christy). It was so nice to get to know them better without all of the kiddos around.
* Seeing Cody's entire Boseman side of the family. Unfortunately, while we were in Utah, Cody's grandma Rowine Boseman passed away unexpectedly. Although it was sad to see her go, it was nice to get together as a family and celebrate her life. I'm glad we happened to already be in Utah.
* Getting my entire family together to celebrate the March birthdays.
* Hearing Cody get excited about doing dentistry...honestly, people, this is a first! Apparently the real world and the Creighton School of Dentistry are two very different things, thank goodness.
* Watching Cody do some pretty sweet cheerleading moves with our niece, Maddie. She is so flipping good...literally. She's definitely a cheerleader/gymnast in the making.
* Working out and going for a jog in a safe neighborhood. Seriously...where we live here in Omaha, you definitely DON'T want to go running outside.
Oh my goodness, I hope I'm not forgetting anything! A lot happened in those two weeks and I'm so grateful that we all got to be a part of it. We were extremely lucky that Jett did so well.
Actually on that note, I do have an interesting story to share. To preface this story, we usually have night nurses (in Omaha) that take care of Jett so that Cody and I can get a good night's sleep. Jett needs to be monitored 24/7 due to his feeding and medication schedule. Well, while we were in Utah, we got to feel what it's like to be real parents, which was kind of unsettling to me. I was rather scared to leave Jett's feeds going throughout the night because you never know what could happen.
Anyway, one night, we were all sound asleep, myself included. All of a sudden I hear a man's voice whisper, "TENNILLE!" I literally jumped. I turned over and Cody was sound asleep. Who in the world had woken me up? I lay there for a second just stunned and then I listened some more...I could hear Jett struggling in his crib. At that moment, I jumped out of bed, flipped on the bedroom light, and ran to Jett. He had refluxed and was choking. I immediately used his suction machine and was able to calm him down.
If I had not been woken up by that guardian angel, I don't even want to think what could have happened. We were truly blessed that night. From that night on, I didn't put Jett on his feeds while he was sleeping unless I was awake and could monitor him, which made for some late nights.
Now that we're back in Omaha, we're kind of on the final countdown! We only have one more year here and then we will be moving back to Salt Lake City where Cody will practice dentistry. You will all be required to call him Dr. Boseman and me, Mrs. Dr. Boseman so just keep that in mind. (I sure hope you can sense my blogging sarcasm!)
Right now, I'm having a lot of fun with my new job, which I had somewhat mentioned earlier. I am now the Director of Marketing for a company called The Shanahan Plan ( www.TheShanahanPlan.com ). Terry Shanahan, the creator/owner of the company hired me on to help expand his online business. I am really busy creating different social media content, but this job is right up my alley. It includes nutrition, fitness, and social media marketing...my three favorite things.
Cody and I are also currently participating in the Crossfit Games OPEN and are raising money for the Jett Powered Foundation. The workouts are super hard and they make us want to cry (for real), but it is so worth it knowing that we are doing it for those who don't have the capabilities to move like us. If you would like to learn more about our fundraiser, go HERE.
Oh that little Jett is so kissable! That guy in the background is kind of my favorite too.