I have a container of blueberries in my fridge because I love the person I bought them for
Sometimes life is just not fair, it is part of life.
Most of the hard times encountered in ones own life are the consequences of poor choices made
I want to grow old in a house with a wrap around porch and a rocking chair
Most days, I can't stand the smells of being a nurse
I love babies especially mine. I love to smell the top of their heads and lay close enough when they are sleeping to smell their milk breath
I am not finished having kids. I am going to have at least one more and I really don't care if I have a boy or a girl.
I love laying down in the afternoon and taking a nap. It is so relaxing.
I love the smell of cherry blossoms. It is my favorite lotion and I don't wear perfume, I wear cherry blossom body spray
I think I am most beautiful when I am surrounded by my kids. I think it is because they make me so happy
I have people in my life that I love, and they don't love me
I am slow to anger but once I release it, I usually over do it and then cry because I regret it
I drive down the road most days and have flashbacks of driving down Provo roads.
I searched all day today for airline tickets to go home. I am homesick
This week my grandma has been dead for 6 years and it still feels like yesterday. I miss her alot.
Jaxson makes me laugh because he has his own sayings which include, WHAT? Are you serious? Now that's what I'm talking about. And he is 100% jealous of his little brother Carter.
I love that I can have more adult like conversation with Connor. He is such a great little boy. He has the kindest spirit and his dads sense of humor and playfulness.
I have to be to work in 7 hours and I'm falling asleep at this lap top.
I can hear Carter in my room snoring. We had a great day.
After my shift tomorrow, I have ten days off in a row. I am making the best of the time and want to go on vacation. I am seriously considering driving my older boys to florida to disney world.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
What I think about at 1 AM
Posted by Shannon at 9:32 PM 0 comments
There is nothing worse than a thorn without a rose
I got the day off so I spent the day with my little buddy Carter. I love him so much and I am grateful to have him in my life. All of my boys were the best gifts I ever received. They make life worth living on days when it doesn't feel like it is.
Connor and Jaxson spent the day at the beach with their dad. They have been begging all week to go and finally got their wish. I haven't seen them but from what I heard, even Jaxson who NEVER gets sun got a little red. It must have been hot at the jersey shore. Connor and Jaxson adore their father and have such a special bond with him. He truly enjoys playing with them everyday.
I have had a craving for ice cream. I find myself in the fridge at 3 AM eating!! It is not good. Last night I even got creative and made a coke float. I gotta stop.
Posted by Shannon at 8:45 PM 0 comments