Monday, July 30, 2007

My Spiderman

Since it was another day of rain, we decided to make Connor into a super hero. As you can see, his superhero of choice is Spiderman. This kid cracks me up because not only did he have to have his face painted like Spiderman but he told me, "Wait mom, I gotta do my spiderman moves!!" The picture on the left is his "fighting pose while the picture on the right he is demonstrating how he shoots webs out of his finger. Go figure. I wish I had that ability. Have you ever been talking with someone who just goes on and on and on and you wish that for one moment you could shoot a web out of your finger right over their mouth?? (yes, I am a little grouchy today but don't even try to tell me that you have NEVER wished the same thing LOL)

Good bye Gussie

We went out to the Olive Garden on Wednesday night to say good bye to Gussie. She is leaving New Jersey to start her career in Florida. We are going to miss her! Now, take a guess how much money it takes to feed 5 girls?? I bet no one will guess correctly (and keep in mind that one of them was with heavy with child) Some of the topics from the evening included: diet sodas, cheesecake, Bunco, world peace, saving the world, oh wait, another conversation. It was nice to get out without the guys and enjoy good food and girl fun. I was so high on Olive Garden pizza and dessert that I went out for a hair cut after. I will save that picture for another post. I will just warn you in advance that my instructions were to cut the hair to the shoulders......FAMOUS LAST WORDS!!!!!!

Saturday, July 28, 2007

The Beach

Jade took Friday off and we headed to the Beach!! The boys loved running in the waves and playing in the sand. We had plans to go to Cape May but somehow we ended up in Wildwood. (I told Jade not to fully trust that GPS system) Despite being Wildwood, it was a beautiful beach. Connor and I caught two crabs which he kept in his sandbucket right until the minute we were going home. I checked his pockets when we got to the car because I was sure he was going to bring those crabs home. We had lunch at a beach grill and for a treat, the boys each got an icecream. Connor picked the Spiderman icecream and Jaxson picked the Spongebob.

All in all, it was a great day. We came home and finished the day off with dinner, followed by baths and Jaxson was put to bed. Connor discovered it was the Spongebob marathon on Nick so we stayed up until 11:30 PM watching it. Since Friday was so action packed, we relaxed on Saturday. For the first time, in a VERY long time, the whole Borowski house took a nap at 1 PM today. (make sure you write that down in the record books) I am less than pleased to announce that Jaxson is not doing so well in his toddler bed anymore. It has been a week and he has discovered that he can get out of bed after mommy leaves and bang on the door. We are working on this pitfall and hopefully it will be resolved soon. I am almost ashamed to say that he got up at 5 AM this morning. Even more ashamed to admit that I did not even hear him. Jade was the unfortunate one that was disturbed by his pounding on the door for freedom. Jade only complained a little bit because he is trying to lay low right now since he just booked a flight to go to Florida in September without the family. He is going down to spend time with his friends. I am jealous so he is trying to kill me with kindness.

Friday, July 27, 2007

Rainy Days

What do you do on a rainy day? PAINTING! It was raining on Wednesday so I let the kids paint. The sweet little girl with the ringlets is Kylee and I am babysitting her for the next 5 weeks.

Paint: 4.00
Time painting: 30 minutes
Clean up Time: 60 minutes
Memory: Forver!

Sunday, July 15, 2007

I'm new

I have decided to leave the world of msn and jump over to blogger. I have many friends on blogger so I must join the crowd. (I have always been a crowd hopper) I do not have a lot to post as this weekend has been spent home indoors. (close to the bathroom because we are all sick, if you know what I mean) I will post more later.