Showing posts with label Survey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Survey. Show all posts

Time to reinvent Book Soulmates!

Some months ago, Book Soulmates fell off the map!  You all know that blogging takes a lot of work & dedication and we simply weren't able to keep up with it like we used to.  Vanessa had gotten busy trying to start her own business and I (Isalys) had some personal issues I was dealing with.  At that point, the blog became less hobby and more chore!

The good news is that things have settled down a bit and absence does indeed make the heart grow fonder because we miss blogging!  We miss the camaraderie!  We miss you guys and being a part of this awesome community and we feel it's time to start fresh!

Last summer, we devised a survey with a series of simple questions to determine what was working, what wasn't and what could use improvement.  We got some good feedback but we want to hear from you again.  Sorry if we're bugging you with these surveys, it's just that your opinions are very important to us!

If you filled out the survey last summer, don't worry about doing it again.
One of our goals is to simplify and streamline our blog so your answers will help us determine what stays and what goes!

Book Soulmates 2012 Survey

PS:  We plan to relaunch in January.  Hoping to come up with some good stuff for you guys by then.

THANK YOU for...well, everything!


Book Soulmates 2012 Summer Survey

Some of you may noticed that we're in a bit of a blogger slump.  We're still posting regularly, but we feel a bit...blah about something is off!  To combat that, we're seeking YOUR help!

We've devised a survey with a series of simple questions to determine what's working, what's not working and what could use improvement. Now we know that blogging is very personal and we do it for the love of it.  However, your opinions are very important to us!  If not for you guys reading and supporting us, then we probably wouldn't be blogging.

We want to continue growing as bloggers so please help us by taking 5 minutes of your time to fill out this easy survey.

Blog Design by Use Your Imagination Designs The Artists' Faeries Lovely Papers by Lorie Davison