No. of pages: 159
Rating: 8/10
Synopsis: Narrating the Devil's random musings on key dates through history, "The Devil's Diaries" reveals Satan's part in such things as the Fall; musical moments at the crossroads; the invention of the tetrapak, making work for idle hands; small print; Faust; decorating hell circle by circle; the joy of getting all the best tunes; and, lawyers. The Dark One reveals his disquiet at the way some of this finest ideas have been hijacked and credited elsewhere; and confesses his frustration that much of his best work goes unappreciated. We also gain extraordinary insights into his private thoughts, and discover that even Satan gets depressed.
Review: A humorous diary style book from the Devil's perspective. Starting from the beginning of time and up to recent years, it covers things such as creating hell, the souls he collects, and starting a family.
First off I must say this is such a pretty book, the pages are gold edged, and they are made to look like old diary pages with pictures and such throughout. Although only a short book, it's very enjoyable, and a really easy read. The writing is witty and made me laugh quite a lot, but this is definitely a book for people with an open sense of humour and not for somebody who is particularly religious or easily offended. Recommended for people who are looking for something that's funny or a bit unusual.