You might suggest to your tribe of followers that they purchase your new book through the ASBC&D on Amazon Smile (link provided below). They will pay no more for any Amazon products, but Amazon makes a small donation to the Society. If you sell a million copies (and I hope you do), Amazon’s small donation could make a difference.
A new book from Lew Jaffe! Ex Libris is a lightly lined notebook featuring sixty vintage and historic bookplates. Bookplate images include those of luminaries such as Albert Einstein, Sigmund Freud, Greta Garbo, Bing Crosby, Bette Davis, Harry Houdini, Jacqueline Kennedy, Edith Wharton, Robert Frost, and Salvador Dali. A tipped-on bookplate on a cloth cover and a ribbon marker complete this bibliophile’s notebook. Ex Libris is available wherever books are sold, including the Princeton Architectural Press website and Amazon.
On Amazon, be sure to visit the American Society Of Bookplate Collectors And Designers at “Amazon Smile”. Same products, same prices, same service, but Amazon donates a small percentage to the Society http://smile.amazon.com/ch/95-3568489
Here is a link to the book page on the Princeton Architectural Press website: http://www.papress.com/html/product.details.dna?isbn=9781616898632
James P. Keenan
American Society of Bookplate
Collectors & Designers
Collectors & Designers
Post Office Box 14964
Tucson, Arizona USA 85732-4964
Please visit us: www.bookplate.org