Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Bookplate Odds and Ends 8/26/2015

Fellow collector Bill Glaseman sent me scans of two silent film star bookplates.

Here is a link to the Hollywood Notables site which I try to update periodically.;postID=1275466050913659286;onPublishedMen

. If you have any Hollywood bookplates not posted on the site please send me scans and they will be added .

Bebe Daniels

Lilian Gish

Fellow Collector Jim Hier sent this information:

"Lew -

Hope this email finds you well. The other day I was in downtown Portland and saw an interesting window display (clothing store Marios) that I thought you might find interesting. Notice anything familiar?

Jim Hier"
Not only do I see my own bookplate but I see at least one other that I've posted.
My assumption is that the images were copied from the internet and blown up so they could be seen more clearly.

Collector/Dealer Richard Thorner  found a rare early American bookplate Engraved by Joseph Callender.I will add biographical information about the owner George Searle when it is verified. 

Mr. Searle may have been a heraldic artist from Newburyport Mass.

James Keenan Sent this information:

FREE e-Directory download is available for a limited time on as we prepare for the new expanded edition.
BOOKPLATES: THE ART OF THIS CENTURY~~An introduction to contemporary marks of book ownership! 

ENJOY this FREE illustrated artist directory download at  
In this FREE 530-page, illustrated edition:

  • There are 130 artists, representing 31 countries. Over 300 bookplate images.
  • Quotations from collectors and artists regarding the future of bookplates.
  • Foreword by Cliff Parfit, a highly regarded expert in this field (UK)
  • Introduction by James P. Keenan, Director, ASBC and D (USA)
  • Front Cover art by Nurgül Arıkan (Turkey)

Note from Lew

I am sorting through a collection which I recently purchased.
This is one of  my favorites . The scan does not pick up the color gold very well .I call it an angling punning plate. The artist's initials are HEB . Does anyone know who that might be?

Saturday, August 15, 2015

This Week in Bookplates 8/16/2015

 Rebecca Eschliman has has written two  articles about the Antioch bookplate company.The first article is about David Sallume and can be seen by following this link

David Sallume , Antioch Bookplate Co.

Creation of a Custom Bookplate (Institutional)
By Rebecca Eschliman

One of the common methods of creating a custom bookplate, particularly for an institution, was to take an existing design and alter it. What follows is the David Sallume's corrspondence with Alton G. Sadler regarding a custom bookplate for the Chapel Hill Public Library. (More on David Sallume can be found at

July 23, 1967 (Sadler)

My wife and I are interested in having some bookplates engraved for the Willard J. Graham Collection which is to become a part of the Chapel Hill Public Library when it opens, we think in September.

If you will, please quote us a price of engraving two sizes of bookplates about 4-1/4" x 3" and 3-1/2" x 2'1/4" fo the following:

                                    WILLARD J. GRAHAM COLLECTION

                                    (Picture of the Sower)

                                    Chapel Hill Public Library

We would want 750 copies of each on white paper, abnd would like to know colors of ink you would  suggest, with thinks fo two colors of engraving for each plate. Both plates will be the same colors and content, but the sizes would be different, approximately the sizes suggested above.

One of my clients, The Book Exchange in Durham, N. C. handles your products.

July 27, 1967 (Sallume)

Thank you for your letter of July 25th looking toward preparation of a special bookplate design.

I am not sure just what you mean by "picture of the sower." Do you refer to one of the two discontinued bookplate designs of which I am enclosing samples or do you have something else entirely in mind? If you can clarify this point for us we can speak with a good deal more assurance about costs, and also about recommendations for color.
Original Design was by Lynd Ward

I am enclosing a copy of our brochure on the preparation of private bookplate designs, and this will provide just about all the information we can furnish on the basis of our present knowledge of your requirements.

August 6, 1967 (Sadler)

Thank you very much for your letter of July 28 and the enclosures.

I like the sample on yellow paper or background of the sower very much. It is the man and the seed falling from his hand that is important to me, to have engraved for the bookplate, I do not want the background or EX LIBRIS on this plate.

This week I talked with the local librarian, who advised me to have only one engraved bookplate made, since the size suggested would be all right  for all sizes of books. I am enclosing a Xerox copy of the size and wording for an engraved bookplate for the Willard J. Graham Collection. The sower, I think should be centered. Please advise me of the cost to have 1,000 or 1,500 bookplates engraved, the quality of paper, and the colors suggested, and the length of time for delivery.

Also advise me of the cost of having "Mary Newby Doherty Memorial" printed on your bookplate which reads "Books are keys to wisdom's treasure, etc." for about 300 or 500 copies. In addition, please quote me a price on having this same bookplate printed ion a different background, possibly light blue.

August 10, 1967 (Sallume)

Thank you for your letter of August 6th with further reference to the Willard J. Graham memorial bookplate. Before we get down to cases about this project I want to say just a word about the term "engraving" which recurs frequently in your letters. If what you mean by this is the old fashioned steel engraving or intaglio work then I should call to your attention that besides being extremely costly and slow to come by, the process is not well suited for reproducing the particular piece of art in question, since it is incapable of rending a black solid more than about 1/16 of an inch wide.

The most practical way to reproduce the art we are dealing with is about one half of the original size is by the photo-offset process. All of the samples which I am enclosing were done by this prodcess except for the Laurie bookplate which is a genuine steel engraving, stamped from a die made perhaps 50 years ago. You will note that the photo-offset process is, like the intaglio process, capable of reproducing extremely fine detail.

Working by photo-offset we could prepare bookplates in one color, printed to your specifications at $26.00 for the first 100 and $2.00 for each additional 100 ordered at the same time. For work in two colors the price would be $34.00 for the first 100 and $4.00 for each additional 100.

For work in one color I would suggest a brown something like the ink used on the sample marked W-3 but lighter in color since the heavier solids on the art we will be using would make this particular brown look almost black. Notice the lettering across the face of the book. If you want to use two colors, the green used on the Luther Norris sample would combine very satisfactorily with the brown.

We could imprint bookplate #67X-21 (Books are keys) with the wording Mary Newby Doherty Memorial at $5.00 for the first 100 and $2.50 for each additional 100 ordered at the same time. This bookplate could be specially manufactured using two shades of blue ink instead of two shades of brown at $29.00 for the first 100 and $4.50 for each additional 100 ordered at the same time. We could furnish it in two shades of blue ink on blue paper, which we would have to order specially, at$34.00 for the first 100 and $4.50 for the additional 100.

To help you visualize the Graham bookplate I am enclosing a rough proof of the dark brown portion only of bookplate X-54; to help you visualize the letterng possibilities I enclose a copy of our type specimen sheet.

August 28, 1967 (Sadler)

 Enclosed is my personal check in the amount of ninety-dollars to cover the cost of having 1,500 bookplates made in accordance with your letter of August 10, 1967. Also enclosed is a copy of the proposed bookplate to be printed in garnet and black, on gum paper.  I think that you should use your cut of the sower and take out the mountains and Ex Libris, leaving only the man, or a hairline as a background. The sower and the Chapel Hill Public Library are to be in garnet, with the Willard J. Graham and verse in black.

Please have these 1500 bookplates mailed directly to:

                        Mrs. William Geer, Librarian
                        Chapel Hill Public Library
                        W. Franklin Street
                        Chapel Hill, North Carolina, 27514

We are leaving for a three and a half week vacation on Sept. 7., and we would like for Mrs. Geer to have these 1,500 bookplates before the end of September, if possible, as the new library building should be dedicated sometime about October 1.
completed bookplate
In the Summer 2013 issue of The German Quarterly Dr.Nick Block wrote an article entitled
"Ex Libris and Exchange: Immigrant Interventions in the German-Jewish Renaissance."
Dr.Nick Block

You can read the article by following this link:

Appendix B 

"Most Popular Bookplate Image" at Hebrew Union College’s Jewish Bookplate Collection was of particular interest.

Here are the images  Dr. Block sent to me.

Emanuel Elzas
Meir Lipman
Neshamah Ehrlich
Leyzer Ran
Lewis Browne
Rabbi Joseph Gitin

From my own collection I have added these images :

The Leo Winz bookplate by E.M. Lilien  (above left) was the one from which all the others were copied


“ I mentioned a new book by Martin Hopkinson , ExLibris The Art Of The Bookplate.

My copy has arrived and it is most informative. The A E Carthew bookplate  was purchased several months ago and no one recognized it .It is illustrated and described on page 99.. Here is what I learned : The plate was designed by Joseph Hecht for Alice Grace Elizabeth Carthew .The inscription in an old Celtic language is Let us be wise without guile and the bird standing on a rock is an Auk."

I just received two copies of the Carthew bookplate from Jacques Laget.Both were pencil signed by the etcher A.Williams. 

Does anyone out there know who this might be ?

I now have one extra unsigned copy of the smaller plate for possible exchange.

Here is a link to a bookplate article from 1915.

Some of the artists mentioned are  not too well known  and for that reason  they are of interest to me.

Saturday, August 08, 2015

Bookplate Odds and Ends

Okay, I admit to never having read To Kill A Mockingbird ; however,I just purchased a copy and will read it this weekend..In response to a bookplate request sent about ten years ago Harper Lee took the time to send me this note (I've cropped my address at the top)

From Jacques Laget's list ( mentioned in the last posting) I selected several bookplates.
This one was chosen because it is very weird..Now I understand the image is one hundred and five years old and it is remotely possible the image was not considered weird back then but  I ask you, would you send your kid to a physician who used this bookplate ?

"Eugene Olivier, born on 17 September 1881 in Paris and died on 5 May 1964 in Paris,.He was a  fencer , physician and collector . He was a. Member of the French fencing  team  in the 1908 Olympic games . He also won the bronze medal in the individual competition.
He was a founding member and first president of the Paris University Club (PUC).
Doctor of Science , and Associate Professor of Anatomy , elected free member of the Academy of Surgery in 1953.
 Among his many interests  are Heraldry and philately ,
He was the President of the Philatelic Academy from 1957 to 1964, He collected  stamps , bookplates and emblazoned bindings, He co-authored an amateur's Manual French armorial bindings of 30 volumes."

Lucas dr Leyden sent this link about a bookplate exhibit.

The exhibition, "The heraldry of books. Ex Libris collection of the National Library. "Is based on the largest collection of bookplates in Latin America. It housed in the Treasure Room of the  National Library Mariano Moreno(Arg), it is made ​​up of about 26,000 pieces that come from the donation of Mary Magdalene Otamendi of Olaciregui, founder of the Argentina Association of Exlibristas.

Till Death Do Us Part

From The Richard Sica Bookplate Collection

Several collector friends have agreed to send me their thoughts about  disposal and dispersal of  bookplate collections. I would like to hear from many more.
By pooling ideas we can all benefit. There is no formal structure and if English is not your prime language I will assist you with the editing.
All the articles and comments will be published in mid -September.
Please don't procrastinate, the clock is ticking.
Send your thoughts to
Fellow Collector Larry Conklin responded to my request very quickly and I owe him a debt of gratitude for his thoughtful comments.
Here is what he had to say.

Dear Lew,

First of all, the bookselling/book collecting public needs to be made aware of exactly what a bookplate is. I have encountered professional (?) booksellers who think that a bookplate is any plate published in a book. How about that?

I will work on that long-discussed exhibition of my New England plates that I told you about; others should try to do likewise, locally, including you. Your blog, of course, is great.

I will try to get my article An Introduction to Bookplates. With Examples from the Earth Science Library of Herbert P. Obodda. Mineralogical Record volume 26, (1995), pages 143-158. put on my website. I have been told it is not half-bad.

Finally (and for the time being) we owners of collections of bookplates should try to put inheritance restrictions on them to our heirs and require that they do not sell them for a period of at least 20 years after we are gone.

I will try to think of more possibilities.

Best regards,


Note from Lew;
I added blue type to the last paragraph in Larry's email.It is an innovative suggestion.Would it work for most people ? Perhaps not, but it  might if your heirs understand that some collections will greatly appreciate in value over time  especially  if they make a real effort to learn about them .
Over at Rare Book Monthly, The publisher  Bruce Mckinney who  among other things is a collector of Hudson Valley Books and Ephemera is actually preparing an impressive marketing plan for the eventual sale of his collection.


Thinking about Selling

I have suggested to collectors for years that they plan to dispose in their lifetimes.  Collections in the books, manuscripts, maps and ephemera fields now fall into the traditional form of known, well documented material or, as is the case increasingly, into a more sprawling, complex form that is built at least in part on ephemera, letters and other previously unknown material that have no pricing history.  My first two collections fell clearly into the traditional form, my current collection into the latter.

Over the past month I’ve been trying to understand how my current collection should be organized.  I’ve been doing this for years but never moved beyond basic categories such as books, pamphlets, broadsides, ephemera, paintings and objects but these categories have proven to be inadequate because they are too broad.

If an auction house or dealer is looking at the material their most basic parameters will probably be quality, value and audience.  In looking at how a complex collection of often-inexpensive material will be lotted it seems likely this material will be grouped to reach whatever the target lot value is.

The organization of this collection can be seen in three different lights, divided by type, subject and/or place.  The printed catalogues will be based on a single format, the online catalogues flexible enough to permit the contents to be reframed by any of these criteria.  Because this collection includes about 5,000 items the online reframe-able version will probably more useful.

For this collection of the history of the Hudson Valley [in the State of New York] I’ll start by listing the categories that seem apparent.
  Currier & Ives Prints
  Kingston Theatre Broadsides [1850-60]
Bound Newspapers
  An extensive run of early Poughkeepsie Journals [1804-1818]
  A history of Poughkeepsie fires
  Early photographic postcards of fires, train wrecks and boat sinkings
  Shipbuilding in Newburgh
  Maps & Atlases
Objects including furniture
By subject
A collection of the watercolors of Frederick Copley [160 in color, 60 drawings]
The imprints of Joel Munsell, Albany printer [500+]
The imprints of Paraclete Potter, Poughkeepsie [30+]
The Hudson River
By place
Ulster County
  Highland, Lloyd, Milton and Marlborough
  New Paltz
Dutchess County
Orange County
  West Point
Columbia County
Greene County
Albany [the New York State capital]
The Hudson River

I’m thinking I will do most of the cataloguing with the assistance of experts.  I cannot imagine that any auction house will accept this tedious undertaking.  The paintings are of course valuable as is the furniture and some of the manuscript material.  Such items will fit into the auction house cataloging model.  But some of the most fascinating material is ephemera and will require a determined effort to illuminate.  This seems like something I, or any collector in similar circumstances, might undertake.
Such are some of the challenges that collectors of ephemera and the debris of history may face.  I see it as an appealing challenge.
In any event, I have time.   I’m planning to publish catalogues of the collection in the coming years and then send the material into the rooms as unreserved sales when I’m 75.  This gives me 7 years to pull this altogether.

Toronto library to roll out book-lending machine 

Contra Costa County, USA: The San Francisco Bay area rolled out Library-a-Go-Go, automated book dispensing machines, at three transit stations in 2008. Each is outfitted with a touch screen that allows users to select books to borrow from roughly 300 bestsellers, non-fiction reads and children’s books. Unfortunately, the machines were closed for at least a year because of the difficulty associated with getting replacement parts from a supplier in Italy.
Ottawa: When the library system installed its two kiosks in 2010, they were touted to be the first of their kind in Canada. The vending-machine style kiosks — one for children and another for adults — allow readers to borrow books, pick them up from adjacent lockers or return them. The kiosks are restocked about three times a week and hold almost 500 items combined.
Vaughan: Rather than dispense books, Vaughan’s Pleasant Ridge library has a machine that offers iPads and laptops to users. The kiosks are available only when the library is open.
Fullerton, Calif.:
Originally located in an isolated spot at an Orange County train station, Fullerton Public Library’s book kiosk was moved to just outside the branch to catch more foot traffic. It has a drop box for returns and a selection of about 500 books. The system is also programmed so that users owing more than $5 on their library cards are unable to check out books from the kiosk."

Monday, August 03, 2015

Lots of Links August 3rd, 2015

I have accumulated a good many links this week ,many of which were sent by blog readers .

Fellow collector Jacques Laget is having  bookplate sales at two different web sites.
 Many but not all of the items are European.
They include a  number of plates by Robert Saldo .

From August 2 to August 15, 20% discount on all bookplates listed :
Lee Sanders sent this link about Old London Bookshops

Remembering East End Jewish Bookshops

Jacob Nirenstein outside Shapiro, Vallentine in Wentworth St (c.1900)

Fellow Collector Anthony Pincott sent me this information:

 David Kovats, who deals in a range of ephemera, not just exlibris, ask us to publicise his website project – Collectorism at
 This is a platform he is building for collectors, a forum for meeting and exchange among enthusiasts. Collectorism will open in September and he tells us he already has hundreds of collectors signed up.  He decided to offer most of his stock (thousands of bookplates) on the site so there ought to be much to browse!  

Papermania is one of my favorite shows.

Here’s a link to a new bookplate group in Brazil.

We’ll be posting frequently.
Hope you like it.

All the best.
Carlos Horcades

 All these links should keep you busy so I won't overwhelm you with any more.