Sunday, April 29, 2012

Bookplate Questions On 4/29/2012

The S.S.Baltic and the S.S. Oceanic  were  owned and operated by The White Star Lines in the late 19th century.

 Both  bookplates were designed by Linley Sambourne. .The Titanic was also owned and operated by  White Star Lines so I am wondering if a bookplate ever existed for it . Does anyone out there have an answer ? I would be delighted to own one ( even if it is water stained.).

4/30/2012- Sent by fellow collector Mark Griffin

                     My law partner Brian Murphy had a Great Aunt who was traveling from Ireland to the US on the Titanic to take up a position as a nanny for Brian’s mother who was at that time just about to be born. Brian’s Great Aunt Mary, subsequently known to all as Titanic Mary, was traveling steerage and was one of the very few to successfully climb the gate that was drawn to prevent the steerage passengers from getting off the ship. As Titanic Mary obviously left the ship in quite a hurry, and probably did not have access to the library anyway, I doubt that we will find a Titanic bookplate among her possessions. She decided to return to Ireland and lived there for the rest of her life. I always thought that the White Star Line was British but recently learned that it was owned by J P Morgan. So perhaps there is an example of the Titanic bookplate in the Morgan library in NYC. 

I got this trade card/ bookplate recently because I never heard of the artist , Phyllis Brackett. .Nothing about her in any of my reference books and the only thing I found on the internet was  an announcement in the 1/1/25 Harvard Alumni News that Miss Brackett was engaged to Dexter S. Paine. Do any of you have examples of her bookplates or additional information about the artist?

This recently purchased bookplate for the book keepers amused me but I don't know anything about the owner , the artist, the dog breed or if it is from The U.S. The U. K or Australia..Any input would be appreciated..

4/30/2012  Fellow collector Mark Griffin's response:
                     The dog on the right on the bookkeepers bookplate is a bull mastiff. I am not sure what breed the dog on the left is. 

I thought this one was English and was surprised to find out that it was designed for The U.S. Army Institute Of Heraldry.
Here is a link with information about the institute:

I will contact them to find out who designed the plate and add the information to this posting when it is received..

4/30/2012 Bonnie Henning at The Institute of Heraldry responded as follows:
Mr. Jaffe:

The bookplate was placed in all our library books. We use to have quite an
extensive library; however, it has been more or less dismantled recently.
The plate contains our coat of arms - . I asked another
employee who has been here about 30 years and she does not know when it was
designed or who designed it and we have no records on it.

Please send scans and any input to

If you have bookplate questions I will try to assist you.
See you again next Sunday.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

A Bookplate Cake

I know of bookplates on paper, leather, silver,card, papyrus,vellum, silk, and even stone but have you ever heard of a bookplate done in icing sugar ? – that would be the strangest thing, especially if it dated from the third quarter of the 16th century ? Well, no I haven’t and no it doesn’t, but if you look at The Bookplate Society’s website you’ll find that the British society is this year celebrating its 40th anniversary. What fun and how appropriate to have at their latest auction meeting in April 2012 a birthday cake decorated with a passable reproduction of the earliest British armorial bookplate. It is that of Lord Chancellor Sir Nicholas Bacon (1509-79). As Brian North Lee tells us in his classic text British Bookplates (David & Charles, 1979, an essential book for the exlibris collector), this hand-colored bookplate, with an inscription in type below, marked about 70 volumes given by Bacon in 1574 to assist the rebuilding of Cambridge University Library. Today’s collectors will never own an example of this Bacon bookplate (look in Lee’s book or in Egerton Castle’s English Book-Plates if you wish to see a reproduction), although they may just be lucky enough to acquire a copy of the 2nd edition of Gerard Legh’s Accedence of Armorie, 1568, in which the woodcut originally appeared, prior to its re-use as a bookplate. As regards the modern icing sugar version, it was lifted from the top of the cake, auctioned off for $8 and survives in pride of place on a lady’s dining room table. The rest of the sponge cake has of course been consumed, and is long gone. So there is certainly more to bookplate collecting than you might ever imagine!
The news and events page of its website tells how the British Bookplate Society is the successor to the Ex Libris Society (flourished 1891-1908). It’s well worth joining for its publications and to enable you to participate in its auctions, and at $65 the subscription is good value. Too often we procrastinate and then another year goes by. Now is the time to join The Bookplate Society.

For a history of The Bookplate Society and details of membership benefits go to 

or go straight to the online application form at

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Angling Bookplates from Several Collections

The Plate shown above is from the Richard Lodge Collection
The plate shown below is from my collection

The Ralston B. Reid is from the Jane Peach collection
The T. Ferdinand Wilcox plate . is from the Pierre Rastoul Collection
The Henry A.Sherwin plate is from the Richard Lodge collection

The Daniel B. Fearing plate is from the Debra Walker collection
The Oliver Sheean plate is from my collection

From the Dr.  Charles Melvin collection

"I've sent scans of 2 of my favorites. The first is Jeffrey Norton's
plate, beautiful and simple, it measures only 1 x 1.25 inches. Norton
was an important collector of angling books last century and his books
sold in the early 2000's in about 5 separate sales at Pacific Book
The second one is Joe Bates plate. Bates was a very prolific angling
writer and his bookplate signifies that beautifully: the fly rod
crossed with the quill."

The John Gerard  Hecksher plate is from the Debra Walker collection
I want to thank all the collectors who took the time to send me scans This is an ongoing project .It is not too late for you to send additional  scans.They will be added to this they are received.
Send your scans to

4/23/2012-Sent by fellow collector Wally Jansen

I just couldn't resist this although technically it is not a bookplate but a New Year's card from 1960.

Dear Mr. Jaffe,
In the attachement you'll see a dutsch universal angling ex libris from +/- 1930-1935. It is one of a serie of universal ex libris about sports and music.
yours sincerely

Jos Swiers
Tha Hague

5/4/2012-The J.Cros-Decam b0o0o-plate was submitted by Jacques Laget
 a bookplate by Germain Delatousche (1898-1966) for the Doctor J. Cros-Decam.
 Wood engraved in 1957

4/22/2012   Jacques Laget just sent another angling bookplate.These additions are appreciated.

Find here a new bookplate. Original wood engraving by Germain Delatousche. 56 x 82 mm.
J. Laget

1/29/2013 This bookplate (Fearing #116) was submitted by fellow collector Brandon Simmons.

  It was designed in 1904 by Arthur Jacobson for John W. Griggs the Governor of New Jersey and Attorney General of The United States

Next Saturday I will  be attending the Richmond Virginia bookfair
If you are in the Richmond area and have bookplates for sale or exchange I would love to hear from you.
See you again next Sunday.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

This Week In Bookplates 4/14/2012- Part Two

This is another plate purchased from  Black Swan books during the A.B.A.A show
. I believe it to be English and Mr.Cameron appears to be an entomologist.
.The meaning of the other strange illustrations is unknown to me.

4/19/2012- Fellow Collector Anthony Pincott has sent the following additional information:
" Cedric W Cameron as Cedric Wilson Cameron (1891-1957). He was born in West Derbyshire, married twice, in 1914 and 1937, and died aged 65 at Liskeard, Cornwall, but I have not located any books by him, nor anything more about him."

I bought the red plate from  Gary Austin at the "Shadow Show"
Gary  will be promoting a book show in Buffalo, New York on May 19th and 20th 
Here is a link with more information::
In spite of the unsightly black imprints it is one of the nicest universal bookplates I have ever seen. I wish I knew more about the artist and the company that sold them. This must have been in a sales catalog

Tom Boss had many tempting bookplates.Two of the plates I purchased from him were English.
The engraved plate for Torrence Hunt was done by A. J. Downey

The engraved plate for Sybil Waller was done by her father  Pickford Waller.

I do not remember who sold me the engraved plate for Junius Penny Smith. Does anyone out there
know who designed it ?

The Sandhill Farm- Life School plate was drawn by Philip O. Palmstrom in 1921

If you are a regular reader you may recall that I am particularly interested in Judaica bookplates.
The Jewish Theological Seminary.  has digitized an enormous collection of Judaica bookplates.
It is overwhelming and I am only halfway through volume one.
Here is a link:

Next week I plan to write about angling bookplates. If you have a favorite angling plates and would like it
included in the posting please send a scan to
See you next Sunday.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

This Week In Bookplates 4/14/2012 Part One

     Old fashioned is one of those expressions which has a double meaning depending upon context.
.I use it as a compliment and a form of admiration..At the A.B.A.A show yesterday I meet two old fashioned dealers ,Ellen and Nicholas Cooke, the proprietors of Black Swan Books in Richmond, Virginia  It is always refreshing in our digitally enhanced world to meet with  booksellers who have genuine passion and enthusiasm for the trade and the knowledge to back it up.
Here are a few items by Dugald Stewart Walker(1883-1937) which I purchased from them.

In 1931 Dugald Stewart Walker was living at The Hotel Shelton in New York City
 when he sent this card to Elizabeth Cocke. His little hand written note at the bottom says
"and a happy new year to miss Elizabeth"
In 1930 Dugald Stewart Walker was living at The Hotel Shelton in New York City when he sent this card
to Elizabeth Cocke.The card was designed in 1914 .

 Have no fear I will be back with part two tomorrow.
Here is a link with more information about the bookplates and Christmas  cards of Dugald Stewart Walker

Sunday, April 08, 2012

Diary Of A Yuppie Fisherman

Yesterday was my son Steven's 43rd birthday. His present was a gift certificate to Capitol Fishing Tackle  in New York City

Steven and Grandson  Harrison at Brooklyn Flea in 2008
His passion for fishing  did not come from me. I am the ultimate Yuppie fisherman.On average I go fishing  with my brother Arnold once every decade
We go to a lovely place in Canada called Tedford's Lakeside Lodge.

Here's how Yuppie fishing works:
  9A.M.    You get up and amble over to the dining room for a hearty breakfast .
10A.M.    A guide takes you to a spot in the lake where fish are waiting in line to be caught..
               ( He baits the hook for you)
Noon-     The guide  takes you to a beautiful clearing on shore where his assistant has already started a fire
                and is frying steak and roasting potatoes.
                The guide cleans the fish and fries them with vegetables and spices.
               (You open your own cans of beer)
130 P.M. The guide asks if you want to continue fishing.but your preference is an afternoon nap.
Big Fish caught in 2002
Brother Arnold in 2002
7:00 P.M      Dinner , a movie and bookplate hunting in   Kingston, Ontario

This is the only bookplate I found in Kingston. It was engraved by E.D.French

I had intended to write about Angling bookplates this morning but once the thoughts started flowing in this direction I followed the flow. Next weekend I will  be more focused on bookplates and hopefully will have found lots of  treasures at the two New York City book shows..

See you soon.

Sunday, April 01, 2012

Random Thoughts About Google & Ebay

It's April 1st and I just checked the March Google Stats  for my blog.
 Here is an overview  of the major traffic sources.

Referring Sites
All giant entities eventually get replaced but it is pretty obvious that Google is in a very enviable position.
         Last week I listed about 18 bookplates on Ebay .The bidding was extremely competitive and several new collectors were active participants.Perhaps this is a leading indicator of an improving economy.
Ebay is more vulnerable than Google to being challenged by another established entity with deep pockets.
Two possible competitors come to mind, Amazon and Barnes and Noble..
The problem Ebay has is that it's success has turned it into a flabby giant.There is far too much clutter.
Several collectors have mentioned that they look at the site less frequently because of all the irrelevant listings.
    In any event it is still the only viable game in town and I plan to list more bookplates with them in May.
If you would like to be notified about my next Ebay auction send an Email to:

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------        MYSTERY BOOKPLATE

Fellow collector  Gabe Conrad has submitted a mystery bookplate(probably English),
.Does anyone out there recognize the name(s) of the owner or the artist?

In addition Gabe has a new catalog with  a number of reasonably priced books about bookplates (items-1017-1031)  Here is a link:

In several weeks I would like to write about angling bookplates. If that is your area of interest please let me hear from you . I would like to gather as  many images as possible for the posting.

See You next Sunday.