"Little 'Zilla's Wish"; 6x6 inch Gouache on watercolor paper; 2013 |
So, as a way of practicing for future show's where I may be contractually obligated to wait to post images of my paintings until the opening, I thought I'd practice on "Little 'Zilla's Wish". He was soooo fun to work on, as I'm sure you gathered from the other two posts. What started as a smart ass, sarcastic conversation to a friend turned into something truly endearing and fun.
Details!! if you look super close at the shoreline you'll see some white squiggles.
Yeah, they're actually seagulls. I got a little lost in the pretty. |
I actually saw someone comment on tumblr (yes, I have one of those too) that if they thought my piece had anything to do with the non-fiction kid's book "Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes" they were going to start balling. I can honestly say, I wish my imagination was capable of something so moving. The idea of everyone in the world, including Godzilla, trying to help that little girl finish her quest to make 1000 paper cranes after her death is indeed touching and would make me cry too. Sadly, as I stated in the last post, it's just because he doesn't like humans and wants them to go away so he doesn't have to resort to violence. Considering how many Godzilla movies there have been, I think we all know he didn't finish his 1000 cranes.
The other pile of cranes. He's a long way from hitting that 1000 mark. |
So, yeah. The last few pictures of this and then we'll move on to other, boring, projects. Namely finally getting the thank you card made for my wedding which was nearly a year ago. According to the etiquette guides I still have time. :P Unfortunately, according to my conscience I'm about 4 months over due. Don't worry, I won't post that one up til it's finished. No one really wants to see more Halloween themed wedding crap, do they? Exactly.
Not the best pic, but here's all the pieces on the wall. Wonderful show!! |
My dear friend Natasha Kline's piece "Bean's Beach Bungalow" turned out beautifully! |
Oscar Rosales' Bleenkies pieces always bring a smile to my face. The little book below is now part of our collection. Carlos couldn't resist a little piece of kid's art called "Mr. Poo Poo's trip to Vegas. |
Even more of the artwork. The random hand is pointing to Jason Leung's Moby Dick inspired piece. |
Look! There's the painting! Monkeyhouse Shows are always so diverse. |
So lastly, I'm taking an extended break from my Etsy Shop the Crypt of DOOM! I've basically taken too much on for one person to manage and something's gotta go. Right now it's the Etsy Shop. I'm hoping, if things go well, to have the shop open again in time for the holidays (probably around November 1st, 2013). The plus side of closing is that #1) my husband won't feel so neglected anymore, #2) I can focus 100% of my daytime attention to my day job, which I'm very lucky to have and #3) I'll be able to focus more on my painting when I'm not focusing on numbers 1 and 2. I have a million ideas in my head right now and I need to get some of them out cause they're eating at me.
Til the next update. . . later ghoulies!!