Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Time travel

Are there real time travelers? This video is intriguing.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Not smart at all.

If you think you are smart for keeping up smoking or just starting out you might think as I used to think. That is to say, that to me it didn’t matter what anyone said in regards to smoking, I always had in mind that it didn’t include me because I thought that I was tough. Well as I got to the age of 60 I soon found out what those people were talking about.

Everyone knows smoking is bad for your health.  But there are other reasons to quit too.  Now I am retired but not because I wanted to retire, but because I could not do anything without running out of breath. At my age I can still get a job working as a dispatcher for a security company. But it would be a night shift in which case I would be alone and because smoking also affected my heart now I always have to have someone with me. Believe me working for the most part of my life and now being retired is a drag with nothing to do. I would prefer to be working. But smoking has seen to it that it is practically impossible for me to work.

Now with nothing to do I read and listen to the news (which I find very depressing, because I finally found out what this world has turned out to be). The world is nothing but full of people that are married to money and wanting power. Even business people don’t care what kind of garbage they sell as they will do their best by adding different taste and some kind of liquid to make meat more tempting and then put it on sale just to tempt people to buy it. Now what we buy has food we never know what we are digesting.

Now all of that depressing stuff would not be top of mind for me if I were working, which is to say, if I hadn't smoked all these years, I might be in a better mood today.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Hamburger and mincemeat

What tells us what is chopped up in hamburger meat or mincemeat? Some claim its beef, some claim it to be pork. This is the same as mincemeat. To me any kind of meat can be chopped up and claim it to be whatever one wants it to taste like because there is so much fooling around with food these days that one never knows what to hell they are eating.

The taste of food can be altered by adding whatever taste one wants it to taste like. So what is being added to do that? And also what are the parts of the animals that are being chopped up to make hamburger? Would a person still eat some of the parts that are chopped up if some of them were to be shown to the public? What would stop a money hungry businessperson to use every part possible to make hamburger so as to make more profit? As we all know, you can go in a store and see packages of hamburger on sale and when you get home and you opened it and start to take it apart you end up in the middle where you will find black meat that has been out for so long that it is on the verge of going bad.

Therefore, they wrap fresh meat around it to make it look good. How do we know if one of those money hungry businessmen don’t drive around with sharp knives in their auto and if they see a fresh road kill what tells us that a piece of that animal is not included in the hamburger that they sell to the public? In this world to-day everything is possible because as I mentioned before no one can be trusted to care for the public just as long as they can make their profit.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

Wynne whatever her name is

I know her name is Kathleen Wynne, let's get that straight. But I even hate writing her name. She's so terrible a premier that it pains me to write her name.

While I no longer live in Ontario, I still read and listen to the news as to what this premier is doing to the province. I find what this premier is doing is just as bad as that former premier McGuinty was. And yet how many times was he re-elected? He was re-elected by people that were too busy doing what they had to do in their daily lives to hear and listen to the news as to what he was doing to damage the province. Wynne is carrying on in that same way, seemingly intent to fully destroy the province.

I was born in Ontario and I like that province but as long as that premier is there, I and a couple of my friends will never move back. I heard her double talk about the hydro bills the other day. I guess there is an election coming soon and I think she is scared of not being re-elected. I say she seems to be just as bad as McGuinty was but she doesn’t have to worry being as bad as he was; it got him elected so many times that if he hadn’t quit I believe he would still be premier.

Here is an example of what I am talking about. On what used to be the Lowell Green radio show (it's called something else since he retired), a woman came on saying that the premier Wynne was doing a good job. That is proof how some people do not read or listen to the news to find out what is going on in their own province. Those are the ones I call stupid people.

I feel that I must include this last point in this post but is has little to do with what I wrote. The people of the USA have done away with the Clintons, so the people here in Canada should do away with the Trudeau's as they are a disaster because all they seem to care about are taxes and the number of votes that they can get. Who knows, maybe that applies to Wynne too.

Monday, February 20, 2017

Food for the dog

The old woman came down today with more meat for my dog Buddy - she usually comes every 2 weeks. She loves Buddy and whenever she goes by with her van and Buddy is outside he will jump off the porch. She will stop and talk or come and pet her (Buddy is a her). Then there is an old person down the street that brings her bacon strips and when Buddy sees him come out of his house, she goes crazy because she knows that he is coming over here. It seems like everyone loves my dog around here. Most women stop and hug her and pet her.

Monday, February 13, 2017

What do we have now?

I remember when I was younger we had politicians that cared for the people and the country. That was a long time ago. But things have changed. What do we have now?  We have political parties that could not care less (or so it seems) for the country or the provinces they rule, or the people they govern. 

The two that we have now federal and provincial Liberals, seem to be more interested in finding ways to tax people and to get more people voting for them than anything else by pandering and giving away things, than they are interested in governing properly. I say that those parties are socialists and nothing else.  It clearly seems that democracy is way down at the bottom of their list of ideas and ideals.  This goes for the NDP as well, who are self-avowed socialists. 

To my concern recently, we only had one party that was for the people and country it was the Progressive Conservative party (now just called the Conservative party federally), but stupid people that don’t listen or read about what is going on in our country, decided that the Liberals would be better for the country. 

Here is an example of what I am talking about. Last week I was listening to the Rob Snow talk show on the radio (CFRA). That's the show that used to be The Lowell Green talk show. So this stupid woman comes on saying that Premier Wynne of the province of Ontario was doing a good job. I was just wondering how much she was paid for saying that. Or did that malformed thought just spring out of her stupid brain? Wynne is one of the worst premiers in any province, ever.  She's right next to former Ontario premier McGuinty as the worst that the province ever had. Ontario did have a few more bad premiers, but not nearly as bad as those two. 

Ontario's slogan is "yours to discover". I think they should change it to say "yours to save" by getting that Wynne kicked out.  If she were kicked out by the Liberals I do not think that any other party would take her, as they would want some voters to show up and support them.  And the Liberals won't get rid of her because if you reach the peak of the power structure in a province or federally, you're like the absolute King. No one will question you. So she's here to stay until the next election and maybe the voters in Ontario will wake up between now and then and realize how really, really bad a leader she actually is.

That's my rant.  Have a good day.

Friday, February 3, 2017

The U.S.

I believe that this year, 2017, will be the year that the U.S.A. will fall. Here are my reasons for thinking this way. China and Russia. It seems the U.S.A. are prone to blame those two nations at the first opportunity that they can when something happens. Then Mr. Trump bans Muslims from certain countries. Now I believe that out of 196 countries, some of them might have been tempted to attack the USA but their thoughts could have been that their military wouldn't be strong enough to beat them, so they just lay back and wait until someone else attacks then they would join in. Now I believe that it would be the radicals that would be starting all those problems, as the radicals would know how Obama has weakened the military then they would declare war on the USA. To me that is when the ones that were waiting their chance to attack will do it. China or Russia could attack as any one of those nations would have the means and power to take over America.
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