Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Arianna Skipped Off to Heaven

(I have been needing to update everyone but haven't been able to find the words, so I cut and copied this post from my sisters blog)

As Haley said it, "Arianna skipped off to Heaven"
After a long 19 month battle with the disease Langerhans' Cell Histiocytosis (LCH) Arianna passed away Sunday, January 25, 2011.

She will be missed so dang much. The poor baby has been through more than any of us can imagine. She has been through more rounds of chemo than I can count on one hand. She had a bone marrow transplant on Dec. 23. All to no avail. She is just too perfect for this world.

I want to share a post that Haley put on her blog on December 8, 2010.


"To me faith is knowing that if you are trying to live your life right God is taking care of you no matter what happens in your life.

So many times in church you hear people talk about how heavenly father protected and blessed them because they were living there life right and paying there tithing. This is so true and I have been protected and blessed so many times for trying to follow the spirit and do what's right. But you hardly ever hear the lord let my little baby get cancer and experience all her pain because we were trying to live our lives right. But I believe having faith means knowing that what ever he has happen in our life along our journey. If we are trying to choose the right it is all a blessing and for our good and benefit. He loves us and knows what we can and can't handle and I am so grateful to him not only for my blessings and protection but for my trials as well and knowing that he will always be there for me."

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Ari's Update January 22 2011

Ari’s Update January 22, 2011
Many of you have been asking me how Ari is doing. I apologize for the delay in responding.

Travis has been in Salt has been texting me updates from the hospital in Salt Lake. I received the following text from him this morning. With his permission I am going to post it:

She is still the same. Her heart has remained strong. They anticipated her heart to fail soon because of all the work to take care of the other organs not Functioning. But her heart has remained strong. My thoughts are; are we prolonging her death having her hooked up to these machines that keep her alive? But in The moment as a parent if she is willing to fight I feel like I have to make the calls to do all we can to help her live. If we disconnected her she would die very rapidly. But how do you pull the plug when she is still fighting. It reminds me of a boxer who is getting killed in the ring but told his corner man "do not throw the towel in no matter what" "I think that was actually a scene on Rocky" then he came back and won. He was willing to die trying.
I believe Ari is Saying the same thing. "do not give up on me because I haven't given up on myself" but as a parent it is the hardest thing to allow to continue. But it is also The hardest thing to "say pull the plug" I guess what you do is trust God and fight right beside her and appreciate the moment that you have to fight with her Win or lose, as a parent I will look back and know that I didn't give up on her, God or myself and regardless of the outcome we will all win.

It reminds me of When Kaleb Pierce showed up at our door back in Highschool in Page with blood coming down the side of his face. He had gotten himself into a fight that was going to require some help. So 4 of us showed up to literally fight 15 plus people and half those boys could bench press small vehicles. But Kaleb went out there and with Zero hesitation of reservation commenced to pick out the biggest boy and convince him he was going to eat him for lunch. I knew all 3 of us were going to have The butt whooping of our lives. Yes I said 3 because the 4th had high tailed it out the other way and left just us 3 and the 3rd guy couldn't whip himself out Of a wet paper bag (as Dad would say) But because Kaleb was willing to go out with such tenacity I had no choice but to fight with him. Well for those of you that have heard The story. You know we walked away glorious. Well now looking back I have to add "Glorious Bastards"
Anyways Haley and I have remained very positive and Supportive of her through the night and Haley has been very encouraging to her. When you have such a little thing fighting so hard with so much faith, I have to Admit watching Ari fight with such faith and strength "It is easy to remain strong, positive and allowing much faith to be put into the Lord." after last night I feel extremely honored to be her father. I have never been so touched and moved by an individual’s example. I never ever would have dreamed it would be by a three year old little girl. Right now I feel no fear, no doubts, patients and full of love and hope. That doesn't mean it’s going to be sunshine and rainbows for us. and it doesn't mean the outcome is Going to be what I want but I do know that God is in control and loves us and that is enough for me. So I am just going to continue to fight right beside her and continue to trust God and endure until the answers arrive.

He sent this picture and wrote, "she is peaceful"

This little girl has been through so much and remains the sweetest little thing.  I love her so much.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Orange Season 2010

YAY! The oranges are here! Jeremy was up all day yesterday getting our oranges and everyone their oranges.  We had already had people calling for the last two weeks asking when we the oranges would be here. so we were happy to finally get them here. This year we have 15 locations including two in Idaho and one in Wyoming.  Thanks to a lot of help from mom and dad, Dona and Corey, Brooke and Colton and a whole lot of others we were able to pull it all off and get everyone their pallets.  Colton, Brooke and Ashley left Provo to delivery ten pallets all the way from here to idaho at 6 am this morning. That was after driving up here at 3am and then picking up the pallets. So a BIG THANKS to all of you.

I want to also mention that Jeremy literally didn't sleep for 24 hours getting this all done. He woke up yesterday morning at 5 am t0o go to work out in Salem and as soon as he got off we went out to AF  to set up one of the stands and then over to set up for a fund raising event we were attending, once we got home Jeremy was on the phone making arrangements for the truck and it's delivery.  He had so much on his mind he literally didn;t sleep.  In fact at 2 am he was up cleabibg the kitchen. LOL.  No complaints here.  Jeremy really has made this orange business successful.  He is amazing in that way.  He really thinks things through and then follow through with it and not only makes it happen but makes it succeed.  He's awesome!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Emy is Getting Baptized

Emy is getting baptised this Saturday, June 5th.  It is also her birthday, how exciting.  Sorry for the short notice.  Originally we were told she would be getting baptised in July.  When our primary president realized the stake baptisms were on her birthday she suggested that Emy do it this month.  So we just found out on Sunday that she will be getting baptised this Saturday.  It will be at 11am at the Grandview Stake Center.  For those who want to follow us over from our house we will be leaving at 10:30.  I hope so see many of you there but totally understand that this is way short notice.  Thanks.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Trip from 1857 N 1160 W, Provo, UT 84604-1003 to 2150 W 4800 S, Roy, UT 84067-1844

The dance studio has decide to compete in a competition in Roy Utah instead of the competition in Provo. I googled the directions and there is a link below. Jeremy will not be going with us (work) so I am looking into getting a hotel and going up Friday night and staying until Saturday night or Sunday morning. The girls compete at 8:35 am, 9:15 am and then later at 4:30 and 6:45. Then the awards are at 8:00. If anyone wants to come that would be fun. However it is an all day thing so I have no expectations:)

Trip from 1857 N 1160 W, Provo, UT 84604-1003 to 2150 W 4800 S, Roy, UT 84067-1844

Friday, February 26, 2010

Dance Competition Information and Dates

1. March 18th-20th competition in Salt Lake to be announced, further information to be announced.
2. April 16th and 17th - Dixie Jam in St. George
  Dixie High School

  350 East 700 South

  St. George, UT 84770
3. Gotta Move competition in Provo on April 30th and May1st. at Provo High School – 1125 N. University Ave.
Spectator Fees collected at the door on day of event: Great Prices!
$5...One day Teens and Adults Team Dancers $8 ea. dancer per dance

$3...One day Children age 3-12

$8...2 day pass Teens and Adults

$4...2 day pass Children age 3-12 yrs

$2...Printed Line-up Program Late

Wristbands issued to the general public. Dancer's in team uniform/costume are their "proof of purchase" for entry
4. Recital - dress rehearsal on June 23rd and recital on June 24th at the Covey  Center in Provo.

Monday, February 8, 2010

It's Great to be Eight

Last night the primary had a little thing for the kids turning 8 this year. It was to help answer any questions they have about baptism and to give them an idea about what to expect. It was really good.

I gave a talk on baptism. I found the cutest story on the internet about the 3 Bears of baptism. It's a cute story to help them remember their baptisimal covenants. Here is the story:

The Three Bears of Baptism

I'm sure all of you know the story of the 3 bears. Sometime this year you will be baptized and I want to tell you about the 3 bears of baptism. These bears remind us of the covenants we make with our Heavenly Father when we are baptized. A covenant is a very special kind of promise. The baptismal covenant is promises we make and the promise of great blessings our Heavenly Father makes to us. He NEVER breaks HIS promises, but he knows that sometimes we might break ours. So he has given us a chance every week to renew our Baptismal Covenant or in other words start over to keep our promises to Him. It is when we take the sacrament that we can renew the promises we made when we were baptized.

We don't hear these covenants or promises when we are being baptized but we find them in the scriptures. The first promise or the first BEAR is in the Book of Mormon in the 26th chapter of Mosiah verse 18. We promise that we are willing to bear, carry or be known by his name and we will be his children and belong to him. Just as you bear your father's name and you belong to him. In ancient times the followers of Jesus were called Christians. Now we can be called Latter-day Saints or Christians. Either one means we bear His name.
Our second BEAR of baptism is to bear testimony, to offer or to bear witness that we know Jesus is the Son of God. That we know he is our Savior and we know His gospel is true. We must bear this testimony all the rest of our lives. This is one way we show our love for Jesus and our Heavenly Father.

Our third BEAR of baptism is that we bear one another's burdens, that they may be light. That means we help each other with the work that needs to be done and also we help others when they have trouble and sorrow so they won't suffer alone. This is one way we can follow the Savior's commandment to love one another, the same way He loves us.

Alma taught these same baptism covenants to the people. He was baptizing people at the waters of Mormon... (read Mosiah 18: 8-10) (as you read point out the bears -'called his people' -bear his name, 'stand as witness' -bear testimony and of course bear one another's burdens).

Did you hear what Heavenly Father promises - that He will pour out His spirit upon us, I can think of nothing better than to always have his spirit with us.

If you forget these covenants listen carefully to the priests as they bless the sacrament (you can re-read the Mosiah scripture one more time) And remember your bears...

You bear his name.
You bear your testimony.
You bear one another's burdens.

Cute isn't it?

Then I photoshopped a hand out for it. Here it is:

And I made these pictures to tell the story:

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Praying for Warm Weather in the San Jauqin Valley

We got a call from Destiny, from Pearson Ranch, last night... She told us to pray to whom ever it is we believe in that the oranges don't freeze. She said that for the next couple of night there is a chance that the orange crops could all be frozen if the temperature drops like it is predicted to. If that is the case there will not be any oranges this season. She said this happens about every ten to twelve years.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

August thru October 2009

Averi started Kindergarten

Tatum made me some really yummy birthday cakes

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Emy's Sunday School Paper

This a picture Emy brought home from church on Sunday. I am assuming their lesson must have been on prayer. I thought it was neat to see that she is thinking about Ari and praying for her.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Update on Ari

I did not write this, Vicki (my sister posted this on her blog):

Her kidney's, pituatary gland, and heart are improving. Unfortunately, the liver and spleen are getting worse. They are very enlarged and still struggling. She's back to getting blood and platelet transfusions everyday for the last two days. Her sodium level keeps spiking up and down too. The metobalic problem is still unsolved. They haven't figured that out. I just got off the phone with Travis. He is so positive despite the situation. He said the Drs. wanted him and Haley to get counseling. Travis asked why. They said because parents need to be prepared in situations like this. We don't want them to blame themselves or the Drs if things get worse. Travis said, oh well in that case we are fine. We don't need counseling. The Dr. said, well that's what were concerned about. We don't think you guys realize the severity of Arianna's situation. You are both always so happy and Travis you are always cracking jokes and making all the nurses and Drs. laugh. Travis said, If you are asking me if I understand that my daughter is fighting all odds of living, yes we understand that, but do you understand that we have two choices. 1) be pessimistic and sad or 2) be optimistic and happy. Which one do think is going to be the best for see us crying and upset or to see us happy. The Dr. said well that makes me feel better. We were just afraid that you were too positive because you didn't understand how bad off she is. We've just never met anyone this upbeat in a situation like this. Travis said, well you've just met Travis and Haley Lane. That's what I love about Travis. He is always positive. He lights the room up when he walks in. Everyone always wants to be in his presence. One of the nurses told him after the Dr. left that the nurses all "fight" over who gets Arianna's room.

My cousin Kayla also wrote a great post about Travis and his family, here is the link:

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Seeking prayers for Ari

5 days ago my niece Arianna (she is my brother Travis' daughter) was diagnosed with a cancer called LCH. There are 2 types of LCH cancer; single and multi symptom. Single LCH has a survival rate of about 8-9 out of 10. However, with multi symptom (and she has every single symptom) the survival rate for kids under the age of 2 is less than 50%.

About 4 months ago, Ari broke out with sores all over her head. Haley took her to the Dr. They said that it was cradle cap. They told her to bath her every night and then massage olive oil into the scalp. Haley did this, but it wasn't getting better. She took her back to the Dr. and they said cradle cap is a fungus and that they need to just keep fighting it. That was 4 months ago. (She still has the cradle cap.)
Then 2 months later over the 4th of July weekend they noticed that Ari was drinking a ton of water. This very quickly increased to 1 gallon of water a day. They took her back into the doctor. They did blood work. They told them that because of the water, they couldn't get an accurate blood test and that they needed her to fast for 12 hours. After the fasting she increased her water intake to 2 gallons of water a day. Travis and Haley spent the next month in and out of the Drs. office having blood test after blood test done. The Dr. couldn't figure it out. Ari was starting to show signs of lethargy and sickness. They ended up taking her to Primary Children's in SLC. They were only in the ER for about 2 hours. The Drs. instantly diagnosed her with having a kidney malfunction. They told them that for whatever reason she drank too much water and that "drowned" her kidneys putting the kidneys in a reverse osmosis function. To fix it they needed to cut her off from all water. They said it's going to be really hard, but you have to be strong and not give in. Travis asked why she was so lethargic and "sick" acting. They said, the water intake was washing away all of her nutrition and she was basically starving to death. They said if the parents couldn't get her nutrition back then they would have to put a g-tube in. Travis asked if she should have a scan done of the brain. They said no because they were certain this was what was wrong and they sent them home. They went back home and took her off water. It was REALLY hard because she acts like she is dying of dehydration. She got worse each day. They took her back to the Dr. in St. George and Ari had a double ear infection and both ear drums had burst. That Dr. again did more blood work. A few days later Ari broke out with a rash all over her body. The Dr. got the blood work results back. She called Haley who was on her way to cub scouts and asked for her and Travis to come to her office right away. Haley said, "I am on my way to cub scouts. Travis is home with Ari. I will call him and tell him to bring her in." The Dr. said, "No, I don't need Ari. I need to talk to you and Travis." So they went in to see the Dr. She told them that she thought Ari had leukemia. She had arranged for them to be admitted into Primary the following morning. So that night they drove to Salt Lake. The next day they started the routine tests; Chest x-rays, blood work, ultra sound, MRI. They also discovered that she was severely anemic so they did a blood transfusion. She also had bone marrow retrieved to determine what type of leukemia she had. Well, the bone marrow came back negative and the MRI came back showing lesions on her brain. This turned the Drs. towards diagnosing it as LCH. The next night in the hospital she had trouble breathing. She dropped down to 40% oxygen. They did an ultra sound on her lungs to find that they were filling with fluid. She was moved during the night to ICU. The Drs. were waiting for a biopsy of the cradle cap to confirm LCH. When her lungs were filling with fluid they told them they had to act now. They weren't waiting for test results to confirm LCH. They had to actively treat her for LCH with chemo right away. So within 2 days they were faced with:enlarged liver and spleen fluid in the lungs, lesions on the brain, distressed kidneys anemia blood disorder, pituatary gland malfunction. She has had 5 blood transfusion in the last 5 days. She has had 2 platelet transfusions in the last 2 days. Her platelet count should be 150, but hers is 8. Basically, in her case the LCH has attacked every organ in her body except for the heart. We have to hope that it doesn't advance to the heart because they said when it does that they can only assist her in a pain free death. We also have to hope and pray that her liver can endure. It is under alot of stress. They test it every 2 hours because if it shuts down that too is fatal. They had to quit giving her tylenol, but they are giving her oxycodine now. She was started on steroids and a low dose chemo to see how she does. As needed they will possibly have to jump to a higher dose and more aggressive chemo. They said the trick is to beat the cancer quick enough without killing her and before the cancer beats her. Her odds are slim, but not impossible. I am so proud of Travis and Haley. They have been so strong and so positive, but I know it is taking a huge toll on them. We appreciate everyones prayers and support. We love you all.
Liz has setup a site dedicated to Ari. It will chronicle her journey so that we focus on her recovery and remember to pray. DON'T STOP PRAYING. Prayers can bring miracles. Please share the site address with anyone who is willing to pray for her.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Independence Day

I know it has been almost a month since the 4th of July, however I still wanted to post some pictures and videos of it. I love Independence Day!!! It seriously is one of my favorite holidays, second only to Christmas.

We usually celebrate the 4th by going down to my parents in Mt. Pleasant in the morning to enjoy their parade. The parade down there is closer to what I grew up with. It is your small town parade. They still throw candy and hand out popcycles, the lines down the street are only one person deep and you don't have to camp out a day before just to get a descent seat. In fact my sister sets up lawn chairs along the street for us and we enjoy the parade sitting in the shade under the big tree in front of the church every year, while the kids run for candy as they throw it from the floats. It is so fun!

After the parade we usually head back to Provo to enjoy a BBQ with Jeremy's family and then Colby usually lights his fireworks in the street for us and then we go to the backyard and watch the fire works from the Stadium of Fire.

This year was a little different. Instead of watching the fireworks from the backyard Jeremy surprised me and Emy and Averi with tickets to go to the Stadium of Fire. I have always wanted to experience it from inside the stadium. In fact I honestly believe that the Stadium of Fire is one for the bucket list of every American. The spirit of patriotism is so strong there. To top it all off the JONAS BROTHERS were performing this year. Anyone who knows anything about me knows how much I love the Jo Bros, uh uh, I mean knows how much my girls love them.


Sunday, April 26, 2009

Kai Born on Thursday

Kai Taylor Frampton joined our family on Thursday the 23 at 6:23 am. He was 7 lbs 10 ounces and 19 inches long. Both Bobbi and Kai are doing well. They both came home and are both excited to be out of the hospital. The girls are really enjoying having a brother. And I finally got my son!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Maybe He Got Resurrected....

Averi (5 yrs. old) said the cutest thing today. Like many of us Averi loves President Hinckley and when he passed away she talked about it for months. This morning I heard her scream from upstairs, "MOM, MOM" then as she came running down the stairs to find me she yelled "President Hinckley is on T.V." and by the time she entered the room I was in she said, with alot of excitement and hope in her voice, "Maybe he got resurrected!"

It was the sweetest and funniest thing I have heard in a while. I hated to be the one to disappoint her but I told her that it was probably something that was recorded before he died. She took it pretty well.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Is Barney Real?

Today Averi asked me if Barney was real.

Me: No he's not real.

Averi: Are the Jonas Brothers real?

Me: Yes the Jonas Brothers are real?

Averi: Oh yeah because we saw them at the concert.............but they are on TV?