Saturday, February 26, 2011

Happy Birthday to me #3 (I Think)

It was a great day yesterday.  Two packages from home.  Raegan and Brooke sent a Grandmother's necklace.
(Hans, Knox, Kate, Rennlie)

AND  pictures from Hans & Knox (interpretation - Happy Birthday Meema)

A beautiful wall hanging from Pauline and Gerald Lund's new book.

So many ooooo's & ahhhh's over the goodies.
Thanks Everyone!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

What I Have Been Doing Lately....

Valentine's Day Dinner!  We went to a French Restaurant, the food was mediocre but the company was fantastic!

Birthday Party #1
Last Sunday we invited Elders J and G and Sisters C and C for a birthday dinner. Elder G and I share the 17th and Sis. C was on the 6th. We had taco soup, fruit salad, homemade chips made from lavash, salsa, bread, cake. It was fun and tasty.

On my birthday I received seven phone calls from Elders, Sisters and even a Branch President.  All singing "Happy Birthday" to me.  Sandy even sent an email where she was singing, sort of!  I got tons of presents.  Some of them were: Skype with family, Flowers, letters, emails, cards, cookies, scarf, more cookies, hot chocolate mix, Idaho Candy Bar, home made fudge, taco seasoning, Ranch Dressing Mix, and Dinner at the Cactus Restaurant!  AND I'm told there is a package in the mail!

It snowed again.  Then it melted.

We had Senior Council with a record number attending.  Elder Jones and I walked to the Mission Home and took a short cut that turned into a long cut, almost a "I'm lost cut!"
Reeses, Pincocks, Richs, Petersons, Carters, Jones, VanDykes Bluncks

This is what it is like playing the electric piano in Relief Society. Wish I had a picture.
Several keys stick.  The pedal doesn't work very good and it moves around while I am trying to press it.  Sooooo  I'm trying to play, unstick the keys, chase the pedal around with my feet, occasionally sing along trying to translate the words into Armenia, watch the chorister and not make mistakes.  Sometimes it is hilarious.

Everyone likes to hang out at Sister Jones Office - Because I have the transfer board hanging on the wall.  Of course I love all the attention.

Another bread truck experience.  It just makes me smile everytime. The bread is all lined up beautifully, BUT none is wrapped, Yikes!

AT LAST - The November Conference Issue of the Liahona has arrived. 
I have been asked for weeks as to when will they be here? Here's the story.  I have been emaling the Order Department in Germany for months for an answer to that question. No answers, then FINALLY last Monday I receive word that they hadn't been printed yet.  OK, wellllll.  Five days later I receive 600 Armenian, 50 Russian and 30 English copies.  That means they were printed in the US, mailed to Germany, then mailed to Armenia in five days!  It's a miracle OR a I think we had a communication, translation problem on that.  Then to make the story more exciting.  They all came US Mail in BIG BLUE sacks.  All of the boxes had "burst" opened or someone opened them at the post office.  So I had magazines everywhere.  Thank goodness Missionaries with Muscles arrived in the nick of time to help me and Elder Jones put them away.

This has been a VERY busy week.  12 Missionaries arriving, 6 went home.  Elder Poulsen from just down the street (Alamo) arrived on Friday.  His sister lives in Raegan's Ward.
The end of a great week.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

"YAKTRAX" and Mt Ararat.....

Because there is not much snow removal from our sidewalks, it gets really slippery.  So we use "Yaktrax.  They look like this.

They fit right over your shoes and boots and work very efficiently.

I made it to the office alone with only one close call.

Look at the snow piled in the front of the gas pumps and car.

The only thing they left off of Sis & Masis was the Ark, Elder Noah, and Sister Noah coming down the mountain.
Notice the resemblance.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

"Oh the Weather Outside is Frightful"

 I had to walk to work today 2 miles 2 blocks, in a snowstorm, uphill downhill, in a dress!

It snowed all day.  We watched out the office windows and saw, slipping and sliding vehicles and people.  There are no snowplows so it just piles up.  Tomorrow with frozen sidewalks Elder Jones and I will put on our Yak Tracks so we won't be one of the slipper and sliders!

Armen was shoveling, while Elder Jones was borrowing Sister Jones' ruler to measure, I think about 8"

The snow changed these Missionaries plans.  So they "helped" me part of the day.  What a great group!

Someone built a snowman. These two were having fun. The parents here dress their kids with many puffy layers until they can't even bend. The green coat boy, fell face first (softly and slowly) into the snow. It was so cute and he didn't cry or get hurt.
Us desert people thought it was all quite exciting.  The snow country people just said, "ho hum"
The End of a Perfect Day....