Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Sleeping With Daddy

Little Dhylan fell asleep in her daddy's arms. It was the cutest thing, I love it when you capture a strong man in a weak moment :) !! Brady loves his girls so much and this kind of thing just melts his heart. (Way to go Dhyly!)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Picking Pumpkins

Saturday, October 18th, we decided to take the girls out to pick out their pumpkins. We got there and I realized I had forgotten my camera. Brady knew I needed it so he was more than willing to drive back home to get it (all the way on the other side of town)! What a good hubby. However we did have a friend on that side of town so we gave him a call and asked to borrow his camera. He was more than willing, thanks DJ! We have such nice friends.
Anyways, so off to the pumpkin patch! It was a very windy moment of the day but we still had fun. I think I make everything more difficult than needed. I had to find the most perfect pumpkins. We searched two different fields and finally Payton said, " I'm tired of walking!" One of her many famous lines. At that time I realized who cares they are just pumpkins. So the girls picked their favorites with a little help. Payton picked two small ones, one for her and the other for Dhylan. Kendahl helped with hers, mommies, daddies, and nanas. What a big helper she is.
We also got to go through a little hay maze that was set up. The girls really enjoyed that.
These are definitely the days I will remember and carry with me. I love spending time with my family. More than anything else, I love to see my kids so happy!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Bad To The Bone!

Maddix, Dhylan, and Cohen

Look at these three little hellyans! Aunt Nat bought Dhylan and Cohen a skull and cross bones hat to match their cousin Maddix. Are they not the cutest? We are so lucky to have such a great Auntie! For sure these little babies are going to give their mommies a run for their money.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Payton is 3!!!!

Well we just celebrated Paytons' 3rd birthday. I can hardly believe she is 3. She still feels so much younger. My sister and I say almost everyday how hard it is to see our babies grow. I hate it. I want them to be little forever. What am I going to do with out them? I know it is many many years down the road but sooner than later they will not need me as much and I don't know how to bare the thought of that. I need them more than they will ever know.
Payton has such a strong personality. We have called her the bi-polar child or talk about her Jekyll and Hyde personality since she was a very little baby. She can flip her happy switch in a blink of an eye.
Yes, we might complain how sassy she can be, but we truly love her and her A-T-T-I-T-U-D-E!
The saying is very true, "Life is not measured by how many breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away!"


Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Blessing Day

This past Sunday, October 12th 2008, Dhylan was given her baby blessing. This was such a special day for our little family. We are so lucky to have such wonderful family and friends who all came and supported our family. Dhylan was blessed by her grandpa Kerry, Bradys' dad. He is such a wonderful grandpa, father, and father-in-law. We are so lucky to have him in our lives. He has such a wonderful spirit and has been able to bless all of our girls.
It was truly a beautiful blessing to say the least. Special thanks to all who stood in the circle and blessed our sweet little Dhylan.

3 Sisters, Best Friends Forever ( Payton had a prema-stash from her kool-aid)
Maddix and Dhylan, Handsome little man (We missed you Cohen!)

Flower Child

Just want to show off my sweet little girl!

Bradon and his Idol

If any of you know my husband, you would know how much he loves his music. We are very lucky to be able to go to a large array concerts. This particular picture is Bradys' favorite artists, Slug aka Atmosphere aka Sean! We have been to several of his concerts and he is a very down to earth guy. Brady was lucky enough to go to a meet and greet and talk with him. He also had him give me a call on the phone. He was so excited and I have to say it was fun talking to him! Kendahl and Payton also love this guy. They listen to some of his music with their dad, of course with a little editing of the sound here and there. One of their favorites is a song called "You" they sing it all the time! Very fun!

How does your garden grow?

Well I am definitely not a gardener but I did try my first hand at it. This is my artichoke plant that we grew this year. It was so fun to watch and we actually got 3 artichokes off of this big guy! I would love to try a bigger garden sometime. Who knows maybe next year, but I am so proud of my first attempt!

Bath Time!

Dhylan joins in on Maddixs' first bath! Dhylan enjoyed while Maddix screamed through his first bath. I can't tell you how fun it is to experience these moments together. It is going to be such a fun time for all of us new parents to share in moments like these for our new little bundles.

Dhylan and her new cousins

Just a few pics of all the new babies!
Holding Hands, how cute is that!

Maddix and Dhylan

Cohen and Dhylan

Welcome Little Maddix and Cohen

Well I have waited for the day that someone on my side of the family finally joined the "Parenthood Pack". That day has finally came. My sister Natalie and her husband Eric welcomed their first little one to the world on September 7th. Maddix Brian weighed in at 7 lbs. and 1 oz. Then just 6 days later on September 13th, my brother Dustin and his wife Lisa welcomed their first as well. Cohen Dustin weighed 7 lbs. and 6 oz..
It was the biggest surprise for all of us. The boys both came about two weeks early and just in time for me, their favorite Aunt Coley to witness their births. It is a funny story so I will tell it in the shortest way possible...
I arrived with my 3 girls on Thursday the 4th of September to celebrate the upcoming births of my nephews. That night we had a shower for Lisa. Then just two days later we threw Natalie her shower. Both Natalie and Lisa had been experiencing contractions for days but both had been to the doctor and it was told that those contractions were doing nothing.
Well just one day after Natalie's' shower, Sunday the 7th, also the day I was to be going home, I was awakened by Natalie saying they were going to the hospital. She had been having contractions all night and was spotting. I stayed at her place with my girls and gave the call to Brady, who was in Idaho, that I might not be coming home that day. Nat spent a couple hours at the hospital and then was sent home. She was told to come back if the contractions got any stronger or closer, at the time she was dilated to a 3. She came home around 11:00 a.m. and by 4:30 p.m. we were on our way back to the hospital. Maddix was born that night!
Maddix Brian
Needless to say it was a very crowded delivery room, which included myself and all three of my daughters present for the birth. We tried to get them out of the room but Kendahl burst into tears saying she wanted to see the birth. I warned her of the blood, but she insisted. I swear she will be a doctor. She was pretty much the doctors right hand. She stood at the end of the table and watched the whole delivery! It was amazing!
Of course then we stayed the whole week to spend time with the new baby and help out. We planned to leave Saturday morning. However, Lisa was having contractions all week and we didn't know what was going to happen.
Saturday morning rolled around and sure enough I got a phone call at 6:00 a.m. from my brother that they were at the hospital and Lisa was getting ready for her epidural. Yep, she was having a baby! We proceeded to the hospital and I put in another phone call to my lonely husband to inform him once again we would not be coming home that day. Cohen was born that afternoon!!

Cohen Dustin

First Day of School

I can't believe summer is already over! Kendahl had her first day of school. She could hardly wait. Last year she went to school in the morning so it was the first thing of the day. This year it is in the afternoon and it was pure torture to have to wait that long. She was so excited to see her awesome teachers Jana and Joan, she even colored pictures for them. However, when we got there she got a little emotional. That's my girl! Even though she cried when all was said and done she had a wonderful day and couldn't wait to go back. Only one more year of pre-school and then off to kindergarten. It makes me so sad. I would have to say she is the cutest 4 year old around.

First Bath At Home

We were finally able to give Dhylan her first official bath at home. Her umbilical cord fell off in just 6 days!! Yeah! She is a total water baby and loves sitting in the warm water. Of course it relaxes her so much she usually pees! :)