

Kameryn has started a new persuasive techinique. She's getting pretty good at it and uses it to her advantage quite frequently. Here is how it works:
Step 1: Kameryn wants said thing (bubbles, a bath, candy, a movie)
Step 2: Kameryn asks for said thing
Step 3: (This is the new persuasive technique) Kameryn uses one of the following sentences:

said thing will make my tummy feel better or said thing will make me happy

For example, yesterday she found bubbles and said to me "Will you open these for me? They will make me happy"
My favorite is that almost anything will make her previously perfectly healthy tummy feel better. I won't even know she has a tummy ache until suddenly a movie would be the perfect cure for her ailing stomach. Silly girl.

Pansy Mouse

We had an experience today that will alter the history of the Bowen family forever. I, Brittany Bowen, (the wife no less) killed a mouse with my bare hands...okay, actually it was with a broom, but still. "Now, " you may ask yourself, "isn't that usually the job of the husband?" Yes! Yes it is! However, as I found today, that universal truth is not so in the Bowen house. Just imagine for a moment; poor helpless me, so scared to death I am shaking, staring down a mouse with a broom in my hand while my husband stands back in the family room ready to jump on the couch should the mouse flee. Chivalrous right? It was only my will power to finally do something brave all by myself that empowered me to slam down the broom. Not a fun experience. I don't like mice! (Apparently, my husband likes them less) But, as much as I don't like them, I, by no means, enjoy killing them.
Mice, of course, will be an innevitable visitor in our house; we live in a trailer next to a dairy. Not forever, of course. But we will be in the country forever, and country means mice. I just hope I don't have to do that again. I can't wait until Cooper is old enough and he can fight my battles for me. Until that day, I have to be Brittany: the incredible, invincible, mouse killer extrodinare. (long title, but I deserve it!)
Just so you know, I made Brandon take me out to dinner for my heroic efforts. I don't really like eating out but the thought of cooking in my kitchen after I had just killed a mouse in there gave me the heebee jeebees. I also made him buy me flowers. We're still not even yet. That was a big deal! Yuk! I will never be the same... but I did it. (Go me! I guess...)


Mom My Ride

Gwen sent me to this link and I thought it was funny enough to go on my blog (obviously) Click for a quick mommy laugh. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HEFE3B0Rje0


Jump! Jump!

The Bowen Family is now the proud owner of a trampoline. We have been wanting to get one for a long time, and we finally had the money so we said: Let's go for it!!
Kameryn loves her trampoline and has been making us jump since it made it's debut in the back yard. She just can't get enough of it.

Daddy doing a "bum-flop"
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Kite Flying Fun

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Music Prodegy

The other day while I was busy folding laundry, Kameryn was ammusing herself with Mommy's choir music. She was so cute singing the song and holding up her music. I was so proud of her.

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Pretty Pretty Princess

Last weekend, Aunt Mandi came to babysit Kam and Cooper while Brandon and I went to the stake prom. Kami was so excited to see "Ann Manny" and had to take her back to her room to play. Since it was a special occasion we broke out the dressup. Kam had so much fun putting on makeup and jewelry with her "Ann Manny". Unfortunately, Mandi hasn't quite mastered the child watching technique and she allowed my daughter to dump a whole container of glitter all over her floor. Silly "Manny" (Just teasing, by the way, it was totally a lack of supervision on my part... as usual)

Princess Kami and Princess Mandi

Learning from the best!

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Jesus Loves Me

Every once in a while, your child will say something so true and innocent it will take your breathe away. A couple nights ago, I was sitting at the end of Kameryn's bed trying to get her to go to sleep. (Near to impossible) She kept saying things to me and I would reply "yeah Bam, please close your eyes and go to sleep" However, one of these times she looked up at me and said "I got a question." "Okay, what's your question" (She says this all the time and her question usually is: what time are we leaving.) She hemmed and hahhed a little bit and I could tell she hadn't thought of a question to ask me.
Then it happened, she looked straight at me and said, "Jesus up there, and Jesus lubs me." I was floored. It wasn't a question at all. It was a matter of fact statement. She knew exactly whom at what she was talking about. She knew it, and she wanted me to know it as well. My heart smiled and I looked at her and said "That's right Kameryn, Jesus does love you. Very much."


So, I have been meaning to blog this event in my life since it happened, yesterday morning. However, I haven't quite figured out how to word it so I sound witty and interesting. It is one of those experiences where the only way you are going to redeem yourself is if you word it with enough wit that people forget you are the idiot to whom the event actually happened to. unfornately, my wit fails me and so I am left floundering with no way to override my stupidity. So, I am just going to come right out and say it: I ran into the ironing board yesterday, hard. Smack dab, right on the head. . . . IDIOT!!
So, this all happened as I was trying to get on top of my house work (first big mistake). I had just taken the garbage out and was in the washroom bending down to sort clothes. Thats when it happened; my ironing board reached out and smacked me with a hammer square across my forehead. (Kay, so really I stood up and banged my head on one of it's metal legs) All the sudden the room started spinning, my eyes got blurry, I experiences a series of hot flashes, all accompanied by an incredibly intense amount of pain. I found it hard to breathe and, oh boy, did I want to cry. I was so sure I was about to pass out. I'd never been so sure of anything in my life! That was it, I was going to collapse from pain, right there, right then. "I did just feed my kids," I reasoned, with the only brain cells left inside me, "Brandon should be home in about an hour and a half. I'm sure they won't die in that amount of time. So it's okay if I do pass out here on the washroom floor. . . I should really train Kameryn on what to do in this sort of emergency...Man this hurts...I'm an idiot...This is payback for laughing at my mom....uh, I think I'm going to be sick!" Yep, I suddenly had a strong desire to puke my guts up in the kitchen sink. I held it together though.
When I could finally walk, I swaggered over to the mirror to survey the damage. Yep, not to shabby; a big red mark, the size and shape of a standard ironing board leg. Oh! These are the times I hate being so much like my mother! Of all the stupid things to do, I had to go run into an ironing board. It's not even adventurous or clever. The only thing that would make this story stupider is if I had been hit by a boat while at a four-way stop (Ha! Kadon that was hilarious!!)
So, I've got a big bruise now. (It actually fits in nice with all the other red marks on my face... dang zits!) Not to mention a bruised ego (if I had an ego to bruise) And, a really bad headache. I could've killed that ironing board!
Enjoy my pain; I hope it makes you laugh so hard you fall off your chair and bruise your bum! Have a fun time explaining that one to your friends. At least you won't feel as stupid as the girl who ran into the ironing board...


Blog Changes

So, we're sporting a new blog. Some may say: "How so? It looks the same to me." So, allow me to guide you to the changes we have made. To your right, you will notice our picture has changed. As well, we have moved our links up so I don't have to scroll down to the bottom of the page to go to someone else's blog or website. Following that is our "About me" section where I have added some get-to-know-you info about all of our family members. Beneath those is my favorite pic of Kam and Coop. (It's been on the blog for a while now.) We then have our archives, quote of the month, scripture of the month, and the new Recipe of the Month. Hurray! Now, if I remember, the quote, scripture, and recipe will change each month ... cross your fingers! Our final changes are at the bottom of the blog (scroll all the way down) It is a list of some of our favorites. It is still in embryo per say, so it is not complete, but the concept has been born. Hopefully I will soon become smart enough to make the cosmetic changes I would like, but for now our blog is simple (not plain) white. Just thought you'd like to "know"tice. (Like that play on words, its pretty funny, yet clever... like me!)


Hide and Seek

Kameryn has a new favorite game: hide and seek. Every day, all day, she is constantly saying "Count Mom, Count!" I then have to count and pretend to look for her. She is using hiding in the exact same place she was when she said "count!" Apparently, that is where inspiration strikes. Her little mind says "Hey, this would be a good place to hide. I'll tell my mom to count and see if she can find me..." Brilliant! We have "found" her everywhere. Like sitting on the couch underneath a blanket or pillow under the dining room table in her closet, under the sheets, etc. Her favorite places to hide are in the old entertainment center in the t.v. compartment (which, by the way, is in Cooper's room. She always likes to hide there when he is asleep...yeah. Happy days!) and in mommy's closet behind her dresses. (This one I really have to say is brilliant. All you can see is her little feet poking out. If you didn't know she loved to hide there, it might take you a little while.) However, my favorite place she hides has to be in the car. We will be on trips, to the grocery store, Utah, Burley, etc. and Kameryn will be buckled up in her seat. All the sudden she will call out "Count!". We then have to pretend that we have absolutely no idea where Kameryn could have gone to... I mean, the possibilities are endless. We don't even know where to begin to look. Certainly not in her carseat. I mean that idea is preposterous. I mean, she's buckled in, there is NO WAY she would still be there... Silly girl! We amuse her though and start "guessing" insanely stupid places she could be. After we've guessed our brains out for 15 minutes, she will finally pipe up "I'm under Toopa's blanket in my seat!" REALLY...who'd have guessed. Fun times!


Birthday Wishes

Apparently, I am supposed to post a blog to let all family members and friends know to visit Gwen's blog. The web address is over on the side under links: Greg and Gwen, or maybe Gwen and Greg, I can't remember and I am not going to take the time to research it because you get the general idea. Anyway, check out Gwen's blog. She has a tribute to me and my awesomeness!!


Lazy Mommy

I know I said I wouldn't blog again this morning, but I had too. Now, for those of you worrying about my children's safety, and are thinkginf of turning me over to child safety for neglect, know that I have bathed, dressed, and fed both of my children since last blogging. And Cooper is down for his nap, while Kameryn is on my lap. Just so that's cleared up, I have something I would like to share.
For all those mothers who read my earlier blog and now think to themselves: "Hey self, why don't I just let my children fend for themselves and keep blogging (or watching tv, or whatever else) like Brittany. Look how well Kameryn is taking care of Cooper. I am sure my children can do just as well on their own." Let me post the following pictures of what my child looked like after his sisters valiant and appreciated attempt to do mommy's job:

Enough said. Get off your butt (excuse the language) and do your job. Otherwise, you're just going to make more work for yourself.

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Out of the Mouths of Babes

So, Kameryn has had a lot to say about Cooper this week. "Toopa heby me" "Toopa a big boy" "Toopa so tute!" "Toopa so funny!" But this morning, as I was getting Cooper dressed, she said my absolute favorite. As I pulled the shirt over Cooper's head Kameryn exclaimed: "Toopa's superman!"
Hilarious, huh? So, I have no idea where she found out who Superman is. Nor do I know why Cooper suddenly resembled the supper-hero to her. But, never the less, Cooper is Superman!
This will be one he will be very happy to hear when he is older.

Big Helper

You know you blog too much when your daughter takes it upon herself to feed her younger brother. Still, really cute. In fact, I was done blogging, doing something else and then I saw this "photo op" and decided "it must be blogged!"
Don't worry, for those of you who have had your fill of me now, I probably won't be blogging again for at least a day or two ...

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Mover and Shaker

Cooper is in a new phase of his life. He wants to crawl so bad, but can't exactly figure it out. So, instead he finds himself rolling all over the place, getting stuck under all kinds of furniture. He gets so frustrated. (Which means a lot of screaming and crying, which then means a lot of frustration for mom.)
Cooper is also a shaker. Which means he squirms: a lot. Serves me right, because I had to go open my big mouth when JT was little and squirmed all the time. I distinctly remember saying: "If I ever had a child that squirmed that much, I think I would die!" Sure enough, guess what I got. Not fun, but I think he just has so much energy pent up, he doesn't know what to do. Maybe when he starts crawling he'll calm down. Of course, then things will get a lot more hectic for me. . . I can just never win! (But honestly, this really is such a fun age. He is learning so much and exploring with the things his little body can do. It's exciting!)

Bug Juice

So, when Kameryn first woke up this morning she wanted a drink. Not much to blog about, but I thought the way she worded it was pretty cute. "Mommy, I wan a dwink" "Okay, what do you want" (I was anticipating she would say a special drink, caprisun, because they were right on the counter in front of her and she might be brave enough to ask) "I wan a dwink baborite por my tummy - My tummy baborite dwink a Bug Juice"
So, probably not the most nutritious of early morning drinks (Hey, lets kick the day off with a full helping of sugar!) But...I just thought it was cute how she said it so I made her some green koolaid: Bug Juice.

Battle Scar

Poor little Bami, while playing with friends yesterday, she slid off the back of the couch and we are assuming her little tummy caught a staple. Ripped her from chest to navel. Poor thing. She wanted to take a picture and post it on the blog so her Bammas and Pompas could see it and feel sorry for her. (By the way, she has pretty much forgotten all about it today, so she must be doing okay.) Other thing, the "owie" is much more impressive then what the picture shows. So for those of you who like these kinds of things, Alyssa, click on it and enlarge it.

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So, fun times! Yesterday, Gwen and I got together and made casseroles to freeze. So much fun. We got 12 casseroles each, plus two for our friend who is having a baby soon. Some of them really look yummy! (Well, all of them do, but some look especially yummy)
Just for kicks and giggles, here is our list of casseroles (if I can remember them all)
- Chicken Tetrazzini - Lasagna
- Santa Fe Chicken - Ham, Chicken, and Noodle
- Ham and hashbrown - Taco Casserole
- Chicken and Veggies - Chicken Cordon Bleu
- Chicken Pot pie - Ham Manicotti
- Pizza Casserole
(For you mathematically inclined, I realize there are only 11 listed above, but we each got 2 chicken pot pies)
I included a picture of our shiny treasures! (I should have taken the picture in Gwen's kitchen, its cleaner.)
Best part of all, all together our cost will end up being around $20 for all 12 casseroles, including the metal containers, saran wrap, and foil. Talk about a bargain, that works out to be under $2 a piece. Cheap eating!!!
We are definetely going to do this again. When we run out of casseroles, of course.

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"Toopa Heby Me"

This morning found Cooper sleeping peacefully in his sisters bed. (Long story. Actually, short story, long night) When he finally woke up, Kameryn decided it was time to play with him. They were playing peacefully on Kam's big girl bed and so I decided to let them play while I went and put in my contacts. While I was putting in my contacts I didn't hear any crying or screaming so I assumed they were playing well.
Well, I came back into Kameryn's room to find Cooper on the floor with his sister pulling him by his shirt through the pile of "rubble"that is her messy room. He, remarkably was smiling and seeming to enjoy the ride.
"How did Cooper get on the floor? Did you pick him up?" "Yeah, me pick him up. Toopa heby me." "I would say so..."
Seeing that Cooper's weight is about 3/4 Kameryn's weight I could see how carrying him might pose some difficulty for her. Silly girl. I am just happy no one (and by no-one I mean Cooper) got hurt. I, of course, had to council my daughter this morning that while playing with Cooper is fun, he was probably to big for her to pick up on her own and next time she should have her mommy do that. Fun times!



Let me tell you, this was one of my premeditated blog moments. I even made sure to take my camera (unlike last time) to capture the precious moments. I thought about all the fun little things Kameryn would say, etc... Cheering for her mommy and daddy, clapping insesently, jumping up and down when she hit down pins. No such luck.
Here is a collage of pics from what did happen. If you notice the fun pouting face Kam is pulling, that is pretty much how our night went. She screamed, pouted, screamed, and pouted some more. YEAH! Cooper screamed the whole time as well unless he was being held. When we finally left Kameryn threw the biggest temper tantrum of her career; ripping off the upholstery in the car, climbing out of her carseat, screaming, flopping, etc. Needless to say, it will be a while before we do that again. And my exciting "Look how much fun we had bowling" blog has been ruined. Instead it has turned into an "Every parent experiences this at least once a month" blog.

Highlight: Brittany beat Brandon!!! First time ever, ever, ever! Go ME!
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Happy Birthday to Me

Okay, I know my birthday isn't here yet (I love presents) . . . but I wanted to share my early happy birthday present from Brandon with all of you. Brandon and I have loved this picture since we first saw it but it was in the $300-$400 range. Well they finally made it affordable for the rest of us! YEAH! I am so excited. I bought a frame for it and I can't wait to get it up on my wall. Happy Birthday to Me!!

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One Cute Kid

I just downloaded my pictures to my computer and saw these ultra cute pics of Cooper. I just love them. He is such an adorable little kid.

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Super Pooper

So, here's the deal: Cooper didn't just get one tooth in he got two...at the same time. Talk about a tough kid. I guess he follows his Uncle B's example: "Go Big or Go Home!"
Before he was born we used to joke that we would call him "Cooper the Super Pooper". I even find myself calling him Pooper, Poop, or Poopy instead of Cooper. Just for fun, like a nickname. I guess its all gone to his head because, yesterday, Cooper went through 9 diapers! Not a joke. All of them poopy...stinky poopy. I guess he is just living up to his name. (Of course, I know it's really from teething, but still.)



Cooper has now reached a baby milestone. He got his first tooth! He has been so grumpy the last couple of days and I finally got bright enough to check for teeth. Sure enough, he's got a sharp little devil coming in on the bottom. He already bit me this morning.
Another Cooper milestone: he now thinks he's old enough to hold his own spoon/feed himself. Fun times! Makes feeding so much messier.

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