Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Waaaaah - Flame Off is over!!!!

Yep, we came, we saw...... we bought a LOT of glass! The legendary weekend that was Flame Off 2009 is now over.............but didn't we have a blast?!! I met so many fantastic people from the Frit Happens forum and had the best weekend, being surrounded by glass in both it's "before" and "after" states! The demos were absolutely amazing, I learnt so much, and the lampworkers village, with so many talented people's beautiful beads was absolutely awe inspiring.
On a bit of a (hopefully brief) downer now, I think I was so excited I've burnt myself out a little, but I'm so glad I was able to go. All i can say is...... roll on next year!

Saturday, 11 April 2009

Flame Off is in sight!!!

Well, it's nearly here...............Flame Off 2009 kicks off in 5 days and I'm a teeny weeny bit excited! Met up with Cerri and Hazel yesterday, 2 lovely ladies from the Frit Happens forum, we are travelling up to Towcester together, and I'm pleased to report that luckily they are as loopy as me when it comes to all things glassy, I don't know that we'll actually have to drive the car, I suspect it might just bounce up there!
I don't know what I'm looking forward to the most, the artist demos, meeting loads of lovely peeps from the forum, drooling over all the amazing lampwork or just generally being surrounded by so much of the glassy stuff..... I think I'd better ring my credit card company and warn them they may see sparks flying over middle England. Cerri is very concerned that the car won't be big enough to get us and all our glassy goodies home, she "jokingly" suggested hiring a transit, only thing is, deep down, we all knew she wasn't really joking!
Oooh, I can't wait, not sure how much sleep I'll be getting over the next few days!

Sunday, 5 April 2009

New Addiction!!

Well, almost 2 weeks into the lampy lark, and it's official, I'm addicted!! They're certainly not up to much yet (and I apologize for the pics, they're rubbish!!) but I absolutely love it!!