Saturday, April 30, 2011

Perfect Prescott

Decided to surprise the boys this weekend with an overnight camp trip at Lynx Lake in Prescott! Daddy finished up work early Friday morning, and Mommy got a sub for her kickboxing class Saturday morning.

We loaded up the car quick as we could, and checked Josiah and Dayton out of school a few hours early! They were so surprised! It was a lot of fun! The 2-hour drive was pleasant, and we actually got THE LAST camp spot available at Lynx Lake campgrounds. We were so lucky! The spot was secluded with only trees neighboring our site. It was just what we wanted!

Hotdogs, "smashmallows," (as Gentry called them), crawdad catching, and hikes made up the hours that followed. At night, Seph slept cozy in Mommy's sleeping bag. He seemed to enjoy camping, but really wanted to just get dirty. What a typical boy!

Don't think there is anything better than camping to remind a person of a few key things: nature is a gift from God, food tastes better outdoors, and there is a lot to be said for hot showers!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

What if cougars ate pie?

This last weekend we decided to take the boys on yet another adventure to the White Tanks. We threw some snacks and water bottles into the car and set out around 4:30 PM Saturday. While paying for our parking, I asked Benjamin to ask about the most recent cougar sighting. Answer: six weeks!! Even the boys were a little worried when we began our drive to our favorite hike.

But I assured them it did no good to worry. (Imagine me saying that. Ha!) Anyway, we arrived and
the parking lot was overflowing with cars. There was some 50s reunion taking place. We were even invited to join, but were excited for an evening hike.

While hiking, the boys wanted to run from post to post where you could lift a wooden plate that revealed a picture and information regarding some of the surrounding animals and plant-life in that area. Josiah did a great job reading--and we didn't even ask him to read! (Guess if it's of interest to him, he'll read without any nudging. :)

Dayton found prickly cactus poppers all over the place and we had to watch out for Gentry in his sandals. We worried about his feet, not realizing upon leaving that we didn't have any adequate shoes for him.

Seph loved riding piggy back in the hiking carrier with Daddy. Don't know who enjoyed it more--Seph or Daddy!!! We've used that carrier for ALL of our FOUR mancubs! Wow!

Then on October 2nd was Benjamin's 34th birthday. Josiah decorated the house with blue streamers and hung up some signs. I bought some naturally sweetened apple pie for Benj and ice cream for the boys. It was a nice day to remember the day he was born. Thanks, Mary, for bringing a wonderful man to the world--for me! Happy Birthday, Benjamin! And as for those cougars mentioned previously, we never did see any. Guess we made too much noise--they knew better than to mess with us!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Cali Trip

Drove to California just a couple of weeks ago for my Grandpa's memorial. He had suffered from Alzheimers the last few months of his life and it really was best for his sake that he pass on. I know he is relieved of his suffering--and that his life will be remembered because of his valiant testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I love his example of undenied faith in the Lord. Every time I hear "How Great Thou Art," I'll remember it was his favorite hymn--always made him cry.

Not only did we attend the memorial, but we went to the beach, spent time with cousins and extended family, and went to Stinson Beach! I love this beach and remember boogie boarding and collected scads of sea shells! Took me a little longer than usual to get my feet adjusted to the coldness of the ocean water! And the curving drive heading toward the beach reminded me that I'm not a teenager anymore!

Crazy to see the sign about the shark attack--we were there when it happened! We had just arrived, and then saw two older boys pulling out a younger boy, maybe 12 or so, and crying out "shark attack! shark attack!" Within minutes, there were lifeguard, police, ambulance, and helicoptors flying overhead. It was not a day to get into the water, needless to say.

Lastly, it was so enjoyable to spend time with just Josiah and Seph. We enjoyed delicious Chocolate cheesecake, made by my wonderful cousin and chef, Julie. Also, I was able to visit with a best friend from high school. Thanks, again, for coming up so we could reunite! Love you always, Betsy! And love you all, Cali family! Thanks for making the trip so memorable!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Books By Mail!

It was a late start joining the "2010 Summer Reading Program," but start it we did in the hopes that it would give the boys something fun to immerse themselves into. We got the charts, stickers, and library books and began reading and reading and reading!

Some of the books Josiah would read to his brothers, and many of them I read to the boys. Josiah and I wished we could have read more Hardy Boys books, but the library nearest us didn't have too large a selection. We like the old ones; all blue, you know?

The boys picked up a few fun prizes along the way while completing their summer reading charts: splash bombs, book bags, smencils (yes, pencils that smell), and eventually they earned their best prizes at the end: a book of their choice, as well as a free meal at a restaurant. Now they were glad they kept at all that reading! There were many choices of books one could select for prize.

After each of the boys picked out their books, the website informed us it would take up to 2 weeks until the books would arrive by mail. The very next day, when Daddy came home from work with the mail, Josiah eagerly asked, "Did our books come?"

Finally, the packaged books came, each with the boys's names in print along with our home address. I just loved watching their faces while they anxiously tore open their cardboard to reveal the books they had selected. Nothing will ever be as fun as receiving a box or package in the mail! Of that I am truly convinced!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Adventures With Boys

When you live in a place that gets terribly HOT!!!!!!!!! it's important to keep lots of good food in stock since going outside isn't too much of an option.

Sure you can swim, or beat the heat at the park in the early morning, but if you are my boys and wishing you could LIVE outside most summer days, then food is a little more than important.
These green grapes tasted like heaven's candy. They were crisp and tart--and from Costco! We all decided we could live off those all summer if we could keep up with our supply.

One day we invited cousins over for a sprinkler party and made cupcakes! The boys were extra excited because mommy knows all too well what nonsense they put in those cake mixes and frosting tubs. But they enjoyed them. And I even had a couple--along with a tummy ache that soon followed. (So not worth it!)
And the picture of the "Randolph Pine Cone Tree," as we dubbed it, was carefully created by collecting 101 pine cones. We went to the park by the library, and the boys were quite tenacious about knocking pine cones out the trees so we'd have enough for our tree. They climbed fences, chucked frisbees, and dug through bushes just to find the precious cones.
We ended up using about 80 of them or so to complete our little tree, and the glue gun was one duty, while another was to stick and stack them, and another was to sort the pine cones into piles by size. It turned out rather nice, we think. Can't wait to display our Christmas table centerpiece!! Nice Pine Cone Hunting, Boys!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Good Old Summer Time

It's officially the Summer! And the boys and I are keeping busy going swimming, watching Seph hit milestones, and many other fun local activities! This last week we signed up for the Summer Reading Program, and the boys are loving the new books to read, as well as a fun Scooby Doo DVD about Cleopatra!

The picture with the plates is especially cute to me. I took this picture prior to lunch, one day, when Dayton said, "Look! Mickey Mouse!" I thought that was really cute, if I do say so myself. It's funny things like that which make my days truly wonderful! I am so glad to be home with my kids to hear cute little comments such as those!

We attended an American Legion Flag burning where they honorably disposed of torn and used flags. The boys loved the fires in all of the trash bins used to dispose of the flags. We hope the boys realize the honor given to the flag of our country.
The picture of the four boys we especially love as it is literally the older two sons holding the "babies!" How we love our boys!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Here, There, & Everywhere

This is a picture of Daddy with sweet baby Seph. Notice that Seph has a widow's peak--it reminds me of Mickey Mouse. So cute!

Then there's Gentry asleep on the floor in the hallway just outside his bedroom. Daddy couldn't resist taking a picture--it seems the boys always fall asleep more easily out of their beds than in them. I think it's against their psyche to knowingly fall asleep in bed. Kids never want to admit to being tired, right?

Benjamin sits beside his Uncle Joe who lives in Montana. He was so glad to see his Uncle, and they enjoyed conversing during our visit in Utah while having Seph blessed. We left Arizona in the low 90s, and were welcomed in Utah by a gusty 37 degree wind! It even snowed! The boys threw snowballs and during a rest stop on the drive, and I enjoyed seeing my breath when I spoke in the cold air.
But now that we are back Arizona--it is all about the AC, juice popsicles, and I think we'll be buying a little swimming pool for the boys. Gotta find something to do this summer.