
It is with Great Sadness we acknowledge the  passing of one New Zealands  Greatest Aviators. BRETT EMNEY PATRON OF THE  STRATFORD AERO CLUB. He  will be sorely missed by many.  Especially at Airshows  around the Country. His way with Aircraft was a  pleasure  to watch  everytime  he  appeared in the overhead  at NZSD. I shall be doing a larger Montage of Brett in due course I have many , many photo,s of Brett.  
Tuesday was a Sad day for us here at the  STRATFORD AERO CLUB as we lost one of our own.  Now that Kenny's name has been released here is a montage of photo,s I have taken over the years. Kenny was a Friend to everyone just a great guy outstanding Pilot bar non. Always happy to muck in a Club person through and through. Our only Scottish person in the club and ya always recognized that accent. He is the current highest houred FOKKER PILOT at the Mo. The Club express,s it,s deep sadness for Fliss , Luke and Mathew. Fly high always Kenneth.  
Out about in WER today. Returning in the overhead Aerodrome looking pretty GREEN. Making sure in right place. Club swimming pools. Yeah Man. Daff,s out. Found Alan's Spinner was there.  
What happens when ya DH88 Comets Wing Tip departs plane. Taken way back in 2004. Didn,t end well.  
Minicab LDL was over from Bridge Pa/Hastings with Steve and Ryan aboard to check out if EEF would be suitable for Ryan. Very nice day WX wise but was crap for taking Photo,s.   LDL Flight Deck Alan giving LDL the once over. Steve very kindly said he would take EEF up for a fly about after some suitable ground runs which I think we did four. Then off he went and up she went outa 27 after 2 odd years being on the ground. GREAT JOB Pat. Sounded great looked great to see Air under her wings was a real HOOT and boy did we put some time into her to get her to this stage MAINLY Pat I jut passed the tools made coffee and gave moral support when things weren,t going to flash. We had a Laugh just about cried a few times but we got there. PAT,s the man. Alan taking in the Awesomeness of EEF Flying from his lofty perch at the front of WER of which he was giving a Tickle and Scratch. Ain,t she Purty Quite amazing EEF nose is longer than LDL,s by about 1/2 metre from running lighter engine. The ...
MINICAB GY20 ZK-LDL outa 09 heading back to Hastings after checking out EEF. Yes Steve was kind enough to take EEF up for a tootle about after her 2 year odd hiahatus and flew as she should. Thanks Steve great job.