Saturday, April 15, 2006

Trip to Singapore - April 2006

The fam on the way to Singapore on Singapore Airlines-- enjoying 60 movies on demand and a bassinet for the bubs.

Family Meditation Session

Singapore Aquarium

Raffles Hotel Singapore (colonial-style hotel, dating from 1887, named after Singapore's founder Sir Stamford Raffles)

Isaac insisted to eat his Singaporean noodles with chopsticks, which is fine, if you've got 2 hours to spend eating dinner.

The family sans carseats and is that Isaac sticking his tongue out in pictures already?
Lips to die for.

Isaac stripped down to his knickers to enjoy the water fountains at the Jurong Bird Park in Singapore.

Smiley Sydney.

Isaac at the Singapore Orchid Gardens. He was obsessed with a little bag that Singapore Airlines gave to him on the flight over, so he had to have it around his neck everywhere we went.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Isaac's Birthday Party

Isaac and his Thomas the Tank Engine cake

Cake on the lawn

Playing at the park

The birthday boy turns 3!

Blowing out the candles

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Hawaii Trip - March 2006

Lounging at the pool

Dinner was almost rained out. Had to resort to garbage sacks on our heads.

Asia Pacific work colleagues & spouses

Fantastic fireworks at dinner

Great Band

Ben cutting a rug in the middle (blue flower shirt).

Sydney loves her bows from Aunt Natalie

Celebrating Ann's Birthday at Hard Rock Cafe Sydney

Olivia, Mia, and Isaac

The crew

Sydney Baby Blessing