Tuesday, November 30, 2004

How cute is that? Cuddled up with his blanky under a blanket and the cutest part is he's started using a pillow now.

Monday, November 29, 2004

Isaac's "art" on our walls.

Isaac earning his keep.

Saturday, November 27, 2004

Saturday Evening Post

Today was another blitzkreig through Sydney. The troops were out the door by 0830 hours and marched 3 hours through Watsons Bay, South Head, and Parsley Cove. Saw a few exhibitionists at the Lady Bay Beach, which was amusing. The Sydney harbour is so immense; there are countless bays, anchored boats, beaches, and beautiful homes.

Later, we took the ferry into the city and had dinner in The Rocks. We window shopped and strolled over to the Opera House. Very memorable. Quite a nice place to be stationed.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

New Zealand

Last week, the family accompanied me on a business trip to New Zealand. We spent 3 nights in Auckland, which was plenty. I was there to wrap up a project with Vodafone.

On Friday, we rented a car and drove south to enjoy the attractions of the North Island. We spent 2 nights in Rotorua. Isaac loved the Waitomo cave tour, complete with a boat ride out and glowworms, the luge slide, the gondola ride, bushwalking, and swimming. We all had a great time. Saturday evening was memorable as we ate dinner on the banks of Lake Rotorua. New Zealand is a beautiful country--so lush, rugged, unpredictable, and full of sheep. The weather was fabulous. I left with a huge desire to vist the South Island and see all that the gorgeous landscape offers.

Sunday, November 21, 2004

Wairere Falls

On Sunday, we woke up, checked out of our hotel and drove up to Matamata in search of Hobbiton, where they filmed the shire scenes in the Lord of the Rings. We arrived in Matamata, and were unable to take a tour because of timing in making our flight, but drove around through the beautiful country that felt like the Shire. We headed for Wairere falls and hiked up to the top. It was a BEAUTIFUL hike. We had to race to the top in order to make our flight and our legs were like jelly by the time we reached the lookout, but it was worth it. Isaac was a trooper in the backpack the whole time. Then, we were off to the airport and headed back home to Sydney.

Isaac and Daddy in the bush...

Wairere Falls....

The lookout at the top...

Isaac looking at the falls.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Waimangu Volcanic Valley

We woke up Saturday morning and decided to head out and see some of the geothermal activity that Rotorua is famous for. We first went to Waimangu volcanic valley and went on a nice hike past lots of hot springs and bubbling pools. In fact, we hiked past frying pan lake which is the largest hot spring in the world, but with an average temperature of 131 degrees F, it's not a place to dip your feet in. There were lots of stinky, bubbling pools, but it was very cool and a nice hike. Isaac loved it and walked on his own for most of the way(it was downhill - his favorite). After his nap, we headed to a gondola/luge area above Rotorua and it was a blast. We took a gondola ride to the top of the hill, and then rode in these little cars down the slopes on tracks. Isaac LOVED it. We also sat and enjoyed the view from a nice terrace. We finished off the evening with dinner down by the water of the lake and a long play for Isaac in the great playground there.

Frying pan lake in the background...

Beautiful pale blue steaming pool - around 176 degrees farenheit.

Waimangu volcanic valley - notice the steam rising in the background. This was also the day of the yearly battle between BYU and UTAH. You can see who Isaac was cheering for.....

On the gondola with cracker crumbs on his face....

Having fun on the chairlift

Mommy and Isaac on the cars...

Above the lake and gondola

Riding on the chair lift with our HATS

Isaac and Daddy on the car luge run...

Isaac and Daddy above Lake Rotorua.

Friday, November 19, 2004

Lots of sheep

We rented a car and headed south of Auckland for the wide open spaces of the north island of New Zealand. Our first stop was the waitomo caves. We signed up for the tour and hoped Isaac would like it. We headed down into the caves and saw the usual stalactites and stalagmites, but we were really here for the glow worms. The best part of the tour is at the end where you load onto boats in the darkness on an underground river that runs through the caves and you look above you and it looks like there are tiny glowing green stars all over the ceiling. Surprisingly, Isaac LOVED it! Ben talked to him during the ride on the boat and told him that the bugs on the ceiling were making lights, that we were on a boat in a cave over and over. For the next few days he loved to tell us the story about cave boat lights daddy.

After we left the caves, we drove the LONG way through some beautiful scenery to Rotorua and had some yummy Indian food.

Isaac and Daddy on the boat in the cave. BOAT LIGHTS CAVE

The bush around the caves

Isaac LOVED this Maori boat replica outside the caves.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

Exploring Auckland

Today, Isaac and I went on an adventure exploring Auckland. First, we took a BUS that drives around the city which was very fun for Isaac to the domain park in Auckland. We walked past the war memorial museum on the way to the winter gardens. They were beautiful and Isaac LOVED the pond with the fish, the flowers and just plain running around. We hopped back on the bus and went to another park where Isaac enjoyed the playground and running around with sticks. We walked along the waterfront back to the hotelIsn't this what most people do in Auckland?

Isaac in front of the war memorial museum.

The winter gardens.

Slip flowers.

Beautiful flowers.

Peering at the fish....

Huge lily pads and tadpoles in the warm garden.

On the swings in front of Isaac's favorite new word "TOWER"!!

Playing with sticks in the park.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Well, we’ve been in Australia now for six weeks. I think it’s about time I really start my blog. There was so much to do to get settled here, that I kept putting off writing down my thoughts. Most importantly, we’ve unpacked and found a place for almost all of our stuff. The last step is a desk we have on order for me to put my computer and where we can webcam. We even bought a barbecue and some cheap outdoor furniture to enjoy the heat that’s on the way.

I’m actually in Auckland right now on a business trip with Ben. We decided that I would just use some of our miles and come last minute while Isaac can still fly for free. Isaac and I went on a little adventure today while Ben worked. We took a ferry over to Devonport and walked around the quaint area. After the rain cleared up, we spent some quality time on the slides and swings after sharing some eggs benedict and toast in a cafĂ© together. We then walked through the neighborhoods and looked at the lovely Victorian homes on one side and the boats in the harbor on the other and ended on a beach. Isaac played with the shells, rocks and sticks while I relaxed on a bench.

Right now we’re in the midst of trying to get Isaac to stay in Nursery by himself on Sundays. It’s not going very well. A few weeks ago, we took some digital pictures of Isaac in Nursery and the nursery leaders and other kids. We then show him the pictures and read him the “story” of nursery. He loves to talk about it, but he still won’t stay. I’m hoping that over time, the pictures will help.

I’m learning a lot about driving in Australia. After driving through a tollway, without any money, I learned you can mail a check in for double to pay your toll. After parking in a marked parking spot that is sometimes a “clearway” I learned that you get a ticket for $150 for parking in a clearway, which means don’t park there. After driving over the harbor bridge in the “E” lane, I learned that it means electronic tag and not a place where you can throw change into the bin. It snapped a photo of me as I was driving through which I expect to get with a fine in the mail within six weeks. At least I haven’t received a ticket in the mail from a speeding camera yet.

Last weekend, we walked from Bronte beach to Bondi beach. It was great. It was the weekend of the Sculpture by the Sea exhibit, so there were a ton of people walking the route. The sculptures were fun and quirky. Tamarama beach, which is between the two other beaches, was my favorite one. It’s small with a great playground in the back that Isaac really liked. Lots of surfers – nice waves.

It’s funny because whenever we take Isaac out of the backpack or the stroller, and try to have him walk with us, he walks SO SLOW. Seriously like molasses and almost always the wrong direction. Most of the time, he walks up and down any steps that he can find and his favorite thing to do is find a curb or step to sit on. His travelogue of Australia would consist of the top ten lists of the best slides in Oz and the best curbs to sit on. Also, he loves to run down any kind of incline, and so those would probably be mentioned as well.

Eating a banana on the ferry back to Auckland from Devonport.

One of Isaac's favorite pastimes - finding curbs to sit on - this one is in Manly.

Isaac enjoying the swings in Devonport, New Zealand.

Yet another curb - this one in front of a doorway in the rocks in Sydney.

The walk along the water between Coogee and Bondi.

Overlooking beautiful Tamarama beach.

Monday, November 15, 2004

Isaac laying in his bed and looking cute.

The three of us overlooking Manly beach.