we are beside ourselves with happiness
and full to the brim with grateful hearts
... to those who donated goods and services
... those who blogged, tweeted, facebooked about us
... and those who played the bidding-war game with perfect skill.
what started as a thought and a dash of hope
quickly blossomed into the blogging community's united effort
to lend a hand and ease the burden of a family who needed it so badly.
and it truly, truly came togetherin ways we never imagined possible.
you all blew our minds
we could not have done it without you.
thank you
thank you
thank you
we will be sending the gubler family the collected donations next week.
while we tie up loose ends and button up the administrative side of things, we'll keep the donation box alive.
if you feel so inclined, the donation button is right over there ---->
thanks again.
the bgb team.