*%$$!*^% VET!!!
I am in an awful mood. Mama and Papa took me for my yearly check up at the vet today. Check up is what they call it. I would refer to it as an invasion of privacy, poking, prodding extravaganza. I got a clean bill of health except for two things.
My teeth and my stomach.
Apparently in the last year the tartar on my teeth has really become bad. The vet prescribed me to eat a special kibble that will help. They gave me a sample and I promptly spit it out. I'm no fool. Apparently it is low in fat. Yuck.
Which is supposed to help me with my other problem....my stomach. Which the vet says I am a little chubby and should lose around 1 pound or so. It's not a lot but, for a little dog like me apparently it can make a huge impact on my health.
No more table scraps for me.
That damn vet.
I need to look away now...not happy. And I am already hungry!