I think there are definite perks to being the youngest child and I can say this as the youngest in my own family. Myles and I are palling around this last year before he starts full-day Kindergarten next year. He is very inquisitive. He is especially curious about how things are made. I've resorted to YouTube to answer some of these questions: How are bullets made? How is water made? How do they make shoes? How do they make pillows? ***And so on and on and on!! I've actually enjoyed listening to these videos and learning more myself.
"How bullets are made."
Spending waaaaaay longer than planned at Sam's Club to accommodate the children's book section.
The occasional afternoon nap in my bed.
All the creations with magformers and legos.
He caught a "butterfly" aka grasshopper. I wasn't going to pop his bubble though--I mean, look at that smile.
Getting creative for our Pre-K snacks for Halloween.
This little man has my heart and it's a good thing otherwise he may not make it to the end of each day. :)