Friday, December 9, 2011

Kids with Santa 2011

Kids sat with Santa and told him what was on their wish list. They were excited and had big smiles on their faces!I know what we all really want for Christmas including myself (Nate) but everything else that was on their wish list Santa will deliver.


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Decorating Nate's Chrsitmas tree


Dressed for church


Thanksgiving visit with Daddy

We went and took Nate some crafts that we made for him. We sat there for a while and the boys told him all their favorite food for Thanksgiving.


New pictures of the kids

I had new pictures taken of the kids and they turned out wonderful.


Monday, November 21, 2011

Nate has so many people that love him!

November 11, 2011 Boondockers films and with the help of KLIM and many very special individuals helped pull of an unbelievable way to honor Nate. So many people put countless hours and used their creativity and most importantly used their passion and love for Nate to pull this night off for us. Tickets sold out 230 seats available and almost 300 people came. There were people sitting on the floor and standing against the walls. This event was held in a movie theater here in town. Before boondockers played the new release of their new movie they played a beautiful tribute and video of Nate and had all of our family pictures up on the big screen. There were interviews filmed of some of Nate's friends and co-workers and they told such amazing stories about Nate. The movie was truly amazing and I am so thankful for all the hard work that was put into this event. It was EXTREMELY successful and I know Nate was there in spirit and I am sure he was touched.


Saturday, November 12, 2011

Happy Birthday to my Sweet boy Joshua

Today we celebrated Joshua's 6Th Birthday. Joshua was born on Nov. 3, 2005. From day 1 he was our kind hearted soft spoken loving little boy. Nate and I love Joshua and are so happy he came to us. Joshua is a strong little boy and he is dealing with strong emotions with loosing Nate. I know he tries hard to be happy, but I can tell he is constantly thinking about his Dad. My prayers are that my kids can find happiness and can find comfort eventually. It breaks my heart to see them sad. Today was a good day and Joshua was distracted from our "normal" life. It was great to see a smile from him. Happy Birthday Joshua! Mom and daddy love you!!!
