Our thanksgiving weekend was wonderful.We had thanksgiving dinner with my sister and her family in Lehi, Utah. My boys had a great time playing with her kids.
The rest of the week we went to the movies and went boweling with nates family. Overall.. I would say this has been one of the BEST thanksgivings ever. Now it's time to get ready for CHRISTMAS!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Parker had his pre-school thanksgiving program today. It was so cute. They sang songs, and also said what they were thankful for. When it was parker's turn to say what he was thankful for he got shy and nervous, so his teacher helped him. What was he thankful for? Hmmm maybe his bike, or his toys, or candy. Nope. He said his bed! It was odd.. yet sweet. I am very proud of Parker and how smart he is.
My 2 older sisters and I packed up and headed to California to suprsie my brother and my family for my little brothers Eagle Scout Award.
My family was So excited to see us and very suprised! We also were able to see my grandparents and Aunt and Uncle as well. Here are some pictures from our trip. It was so nice to have the whole family under 1 roof again. There is also a picture of My grandpa Evans holding Ethan for the first time. Ethan's middle name is Vern after my grandpa. I was so excited to get a picture of them together. My grandpa is a amazing person.
I was also able to catch up and see some of my friends that i grew up with. Overall... the trip was wonderful and filled with sweet memories Sarah and me
Nov. 2 we celebrated Ethan's blessing day and we celebrated Joshua's 3rd birthday. What a
wonderful day it was.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Parker has learned the pledge of alligence at school. He will not stop reciting it. On top of that, At church his teacher gave him theses funny looking glasses. He thinks they are so cool. So he will wear them and recite the pledge of alligence. It's pretty cute.
Okay... so you know those toys that the docotors always have. There learning block, puzzle toys. Joshua always loves to play with those. So I looked all over and I found this really cool push along learning toy. It has over 10 activites, such as puzzles, colors, numbers, shapes and sizes activites. Nate put it together for family home evening and joshua was SO excited he could not keep his hands off of it.
I dont have many pictures of halloween on my camera... but nate has lots of them on his. so i will post this picture until i can download the others. The kids went to a trunk or treat at our church, along with a chili cook off. The food was amazing. We all had a great time with our ward. Parker was lighiting Mc Qween, Joshua was spiderman, Ethan was a puppy.
My parents came into town from california for Ethan's blessing this weekend. My sister Teri also drove up with her kids from utah to be here for the special day. My sister kelly lives right down the street from me and we were so excited to see our parents and my sister.
Nate and I celebrated our 5 year anniversary on Ocotober 26. These past 5 years have gone by so fast. In 5 years we have accomplished so much together, we have 3 beautiful little boys. We are so lucky that we found eachother.
Follow our sweet chaotic life raising our 7 children all under the age of 9! Follow us as we live our lifes and all our amazing stories we have to share. We love our life and most importantly we love eachother!