My dad called me a few weeks ago, to tell me about this new shake from Carls Jr. He went on and on about how good it was. In Idaho Falls, we dont have a Carls Jr. (Hopefully we will have on soon) So this weekend We went down tho Utah to visit some family. I told Nate that we have to stop by Carls Jr to try this new shake out. So, Sat. afternnon we went there for lunch. I was so excited to try this new shake. After we ate our lunch, Nate and I got a shake to share.
And I will tell you what!!!!!! It was so good. It was better than I thought it was going to be. It was so good Nate and I had a had a hard time sharing.
So for those of you who have not tried it.... go try. It was so worth it. It's called the Banana Cream Pie Shake.