We had a scary situation happen last week that I haven’t
been able to get out of my head. I was at Bunko last Thursday and didn’t get
home until 11:30. The next morning, I couldn’t sleep after JJ left for work, so
I watched Grey’s Ana.tomy from the night before. If you don’t watch it, the episode
was about two eight year old boys who were playing and found the mom’s gun. One
accidentally shot the other one. At the end of the show, Ellen Pom.peo came on
and said that every 24 hours, 9 children are shot accidentally, and usually by
a parent’s gun. That stuck with me – we have guns in the house.
Fast forward a few minutes later, and Drake was calling for
me, ready to get up for the day. I went into his room, and the first thing out
of his mouth was “take daddy’s gun and shoot bad guys!” Now, him talking about
daddy’s gun, and especially bad guys, isn’t all that unusual. But he kept on
and kept on, and after just watching that show, it was a bit odd.
A few hours later, we were coming home from Chloe’s dance
class and she randomly said something along the lines of “daddy’s gun, lady got
out of a van, tried to help Drake across the street.” Huh?? Now, at Bunko the
night before, one of the mom’s said my kids were at her house when she left to
come over and that her mom was visiting and saw a little boy keep running
across the street. I was wondering if maybe that was Drake, and her mom helped
him, and maybe Jason misunderstood? Even that seemed a bit far-fetched, so I
just dismissed it.
That evening, as soon as JJ came home, he said he had
something to tell me. The night before he was over at the neighbor’s house and
the sun had just set, so it was fairly dark. He, and four other adults were
standing at the end of the driveway talking, and JJ was watching Drake ride his
little scooter back to our house to go in for the night. The neighbor’s house
is not directly across the street – we live on the corner so if you are
thinking of a T in the road this guy’s house faces the right side of our house.
Basically, it wasn’t like the adults were directly across from our driveway,
they were off to the side. Anyway, a van came slowly down the street, passing
the adults, turned down our street, and stopped at the end of the driveway. A
woman got out of the passenger side and started following Drake up the
driveway. JJ, seeing what was going on, took off running towards the house and
yelled at the woman. He had gotten his gun out of his car not long before since
he was going inside for the night, so he put his hand on his holster as he was
running, and by the time he got across the street and into our yard, he stopped
and aimed the gun at the woman. Drake was about 10 feet from our garage and she
was about another 10 feet behind him. The woman ran back to the car, the driver
backed up, and they took off the other way down the road.
As soon as JJ got to the part that this woman was following
Drake up the driveway, I burst into tears. Even typing it now, it’s hard not
to. Something just came over me how real the situation was and how quickly
something bad can happen. I’ve gotten a little lax letting the kids play
outside, usually when the neighbor kids are out, but still – not always an
adult nearby. And even two weeks ago, I let Chloe go to a neighbor’s house
behind us, who I had never met the parents before. I ended up yelling over the
fence and at least introducing myself to the mom while Chloe was outside, but
then they ended up inside so I went over to check on her. The Grey’s Anat.omy
show is what had been on my mind about that situation all day, not knowing if
that family had guns and if they were locked up somewhere, but then to add this
situation on top of it was just too much. It was clear how shaken up JJ was
over the whole thing too. He hadn’t slept well the night before, and couldn’t
get it off of his mind. (He was already asleep when I got home that night and
it wasn’t something he wanted to call me and tell me over the phone while he
was at work – that’s why he waited until he got home the next night).
After recounting everything, he said that he had never aimed
his gun at someone before. Full disclosure though, there wasn’t a bullet in the
chamber and he didn’t have his finger on the trigger. He was wondering if maybe
he overreacted and misread the situation, but I sent my mom friends in the
neighborhood a message just as an fyi, and all of them said that if the woman
was just concerned that Drake was out alone, she would have either A) stayed in
the car and watched him go in the house, or B) at least put her hands up and
yelled back at JJ that she was just trying to help. But running and hopping in
the car, backing up, and driving off sure makes them seem guilty. I did go
ahead and call the non-emergency police number to ask for extra patrol. The
officer asked if we had reported it, but unfortunately JJ was so caught up in
the moment and shaken up, not to mention it was pretty dark, he didn’t get a
good enough description of the van or the woman to make a decent report. It
sure was a wakeup call, and we have had numerous neighbors all tell us that,
even though we feel like we live in a safe neighborhood, you can never be too
careful. Especially when it comes to your kids.