We are now a solid month into
using cloth diapers, and so far we are sticking with it. We better, I just bought our own stash of
cloth diapers! I ended up buying a
combination of AIO and pockets. I won’t
say it’s been the easiest transition though.
We have only used disposables for Chloe’s first 18 months, and neither
JJ nor I had any experience with cloth diapers.
In the trial that we received we got a variety of diapers like a few
prefolds, a fitted, a few pockets, and one all in one. I have to admit even after washing the
prefolds the recommended three times before using them, we never even attempted
putting them on Chloe once. We stuck
with the pockets and AIO.
A side note…I think the cloth
diaper class we went to was a must!
Especially for skeptical dads. JJ
wasn’t completely enthralled in the class, and used any excuse he could to go
chase Chloe around the store, but it at least opened him up to the idea more
than I ever would have been able to. So
that was a great way to start off.
Since I work out of the house,
JJ was going to have to pull a majority of the weight when it came to putting
Chloe in the diapers. There were several
days when I’d come home to find her in a disposable, but even more days when I
would come home and see her cute butt in a cloth diaper. We never really set up a “station” per say in
her room, just used gallon sized Zip.loc bags for the dirty diapers. I didn’t want to spend any more money until
we were sure we were sticking with it. I
think that made it more difficult though, trying to get into a routine of using
them. Since we only had six or seven
diapers we were working with, we were doing laundry either every day or every
other day. And you guys…I actually kept
up on it! I didn’t mind it one bit! Probably because I was only washing such a
small load, but I’m pretty proud of myself for seeing it through. I knew I needed to take on that responsibility
to make it easier on JJ.
What I like:
- How soft they are. I just feel better about putting her in a cloth diaper than I do a disposable
- The cuteness. Oh the cuteness!
- The cost savings. I don’t feel like I’m saving money just yet because all I’ve been doing is buying diaper after diaper, but I know in the long run we will see the cost savings
What I don’t like:
- The dirty diapers. I still haven’t gotten into a good routine with these. Now that we have our station set up, it’s a little easier, but dirty diapers are still awkward. Here’s what I do…we go back and forth on using cloth wipes, but I have a feeling we’ll continue to use disposable wipes for the foreseeable future. So then I have to throw the dirty disposable wipes in the diaper champ, and I literally set the dirty diaper open on the floor while I finish getting Chloe changed. Then I walk it down the hall to the bathroom, flush it, and put it in a medium wet bag we keep in there. We also go back and forth on using flushable liners versus fleece liners. If it’s a solid poop, I’ll flush and put it all in the wet bag. JJ on the other hand usually just throws the fleece liners away, he doesn’t try to clean it off. The one thing I held off on buying during our trial that I think is now a must is a diaper sprayer. Once we get that installed, maybe I’ll feel better about the awkward dirty diaper situation…fingers crossed!
- Leaking. Chloe leaks in cloth diapers. I know it’s just trial and error, but she rarely wet through a disposable, and we’ve had a good handful of leaks in the last month. And it makes no sense to me why they happen. No blowouts, just wet diapers that soaked through.
- Rash. We are still dealing with the never ending diaper rash. It’s not as consistent as it used to be, but the coconut oil doesn’t seem to keep it at bay completely. When it see it start to flare up, we put the regular diaper rash cream on her at night with a disposable diaper. I’m pushing through this one though – after her doc appointment last week he didn’t seem too concerned about a little redness.
- Her clothes don’t fit as well. We’ve been lucky in the fact that Chloe can usually wear clothes for quite a while. Many of her clothes are 12 months still. But when we put her in a cloth diaper, those 12 month pants just aren’t cutting it anymore. It wouldn’t be a big deal if we had an abundance of 18+ size pants for her, but we don’t. So until the consignment sales come around again in a few weeks, I feel like her wardrobe has been slashed from what she can wear.
- The station is a bit more cluttered than it was before in her room, but that’s not a huge deal. Now we have a diaper champ (for disposables) and a trash can with a liner (for cloth). We also have two baskets on the dresser; one with the diapers and one with the wipes, extra inserts, coconut oil, etc. We probably could clear out the top drawer of her dresser and keep everything in there, but it’s just easier having it out and on top ready to grab.
I’m glad JJ is somewhat on board
with it. I asked him if it’s what he
expected, and he said it’s a little easier than he thought. In all honesty, I think he’s just trying to
appease me and he even said he had a feeling we’d stick with it no matter
what. I asked if that’s because I was
stubborn and he said partly yes. J I just refuse to pay for two little ones to
be in disposable diapers when there is an alternative! We haven’t ventured out of the house too much
with the cloth diapers yet, but we are slowly working our way into it.
After reading back through my
post, it looks like I don’t like cloth more than I like it. It’s not that, I really do – I just felt I
needed to explain the reasons why I don’t like it more. The pros are outweighing the cons in my
book and I will continue to use trial and error to find out what works out the best for us.