Well no shit, captain obvious.
Let me explain…death sucks. Dying sucks even more. I have had my fair share of family members
and people who are close to me die. The
three closest people that died while I was old enough to really understand what
was going on were my cousin, my grandma on my mom’s side, and my mom. All three died unexpectedly. My cousin was a 21 year old Marine killed in
Afghanistan. My grandma was in her 60’s
and suffered a heart attack. And my mom
ultimately died of a brain aneurysm at the age of 47. All three of them really didn’t know what
hit them when they died. And I thank God
for that now! I always said if my mom
were still here, I was afraid of her cancer coming back and being torture
watching her be sick again. At least the
way she went there was no pain and suffering.
Of course the shock of all of their passings were worse because it was
so out of the blue, but we knew it was over quick for them. I can say that now like it wasn’t any big
deal, but man was it hard losing them, especially my mom obviously. The one downfall in my opinion about someone
dying unexpectedly is it doesn’t feel like there is any closure. You wait by the phone expecting to hear that
person call, or come by for a visit, because it’s so foreign that they are
actually gone.
Now the dying part. My grandma is not doing well. I looked back through some posts and it was
actually March that we had the last scare with her. I didn’t realize it had been that long. She quit taking some meds and was told she
was in congestive heart failure, which I guess she’s actually had for some time. I don’t see her that often, she lives about
45 minutes away, but I try and call at least every few weeks and usually see
her every few months. She’s had good
days and bad, but overall seemed like she was doing better once she started
taking her meds again shortly after going off of them.
It’s no secret she’s ready to
go. She is 92 and has lived a good
life. But it is so damn hard to hear the
words “I just want to go to sleep and not wake up” come out of her mouth. How do you respond to that? I knew things took a turn for the worse two
Wednesdays ago. My cousin called me to
let me know my grandma quit taking her meds again and wasn’t doing well. My aunt and uncle who live down the street
from her took her to the doctor that Friday before and the doctor wanted to
admit her to the hospital. She
refused. She can be a stubborn old lady
if she wants to! She lives at home by
herself and will not go to live in any kind of assisted living center. She wants to die at home.
She came back home and a hospice
nurse stopped by on Monday, again wanting to admit her to the hospital. She refused.
She wasn’t eating much, nothing sounded good to her. When we went out for JJ’s birthday dinner, it
was close to my grandma’s house, so we decided to stop by on the way. Surely seeing Chloe would brighten her
mood. I called her the day before to let
her know we’d be stopping by and I could barely understand her. She was short of breath and sounded like her
mouth was really dry.
When we got there on Friday, she
wasn’t even dressed, only in a nightgown and robe, no makeup of course, and she
sometimes wears a wig, but she didn’t have it on that night. My grandma always gets dressed so I took that
as a bad sign. She looked so, so
tired. She eeked out a smile or two when
she saw Chloe, but didn’t say a whole lot.
She was sitting in her chair in the living room, feet up on the foot
stool, head leaning back. I can’t stand
seeing her like that. JJ tries to stay
positive and say that she could live another 10 years, but after seeing her
that night, he agreed she’ll be lucky to last another 10 days. (Not really, but you know what I mean). I
tried to stay upbeat as I was talking to her and JJ was walking around with
Chloe (she hadn’t seen Chloe walk yet).
I asked why she felt so bad, I played dumb that I didn’t know she wasn’t
taking her meds, and she said “I’m not eating, nothing sounds good.” She went on to say, “I’m ready to go but it’s
just not working.” That had to make me
laugh, and my response to her was if it’s not your time, it’s not your time.
We didn’t have all that long
before we needed to leave for dinner, but honestly it was long enough for
me. She didn’t offer to hold Chloe like
she normally does, she was so exhausted and it was hard for her to talk. Again, her mouth sounded so dry, a few times
she had to take a drink so she could finish her sentence. We all gave her a kiss and told her to hang
in there.
The next day, after meeting Jenn
and her family at the zoo, I got a text from my aunt. My grandma had called an ambulance to come
take her to the hospital. I don’t know
what made her finally decide to ask for help, maybe she realized it wasn’t her
time, so if she was going to be around for a while, she’d need some help to
feel better, who knows. Apparently she
has a kidney infection that she’s been dealing with and thought was gone but it’s
not, but the main reason she went was so she could arrange for at-home care
24/7. I guess you can’t just request
that, it has to be something ordered while you are at the hospital? Sneaky grandma. J Since this was a
Saturday, she wasn’t able to make any arrangements over the weekend, so she
stayed in the hospital. I was told she
was more alert and feeling a little better.
I spoke with her Monday and
thank goodness she sounded better. A
nurse came in so we didn’t have long to talk, but my dad went to visit her
yesterday and ended up getting to take her home. She has hospice care coming to the house and
my aunt is looking into more of a live-in nurse for my grandma. I don’t know what the future holds for her,
but I sure hope she perks back up again, and gets her wish of going peacefully
in her sleep. In the meantime though,
this talk of dying, bouts of bad health and not taking medicine, sure is taking
its toll on the family.