So last night when I get done teaching I called Blake like I always do and we chat about our days. This is how the conversation went......
Blake - So you going to nerd it out with me tonight and go to the release of Skyrim?
(For some of you that are not nerdy enough to know what Skyrim is it's a video game.)
Me - haha for reals?
Blake - I know I know it's really really nerdy but some guys at my work all said we would get it tonight, it will be fun we can hang out!
Me - Ok but just so you know it's like asking you to go to twilight at midnight or some midnight release of one of my books.
Blake - Yeah but we can hang out :)
He is so clever because I always want to hang out with him. :) So we went to the mall at 11 pm and waited until midnight for the re lease of Skyrim.
To be perfectly honest it was really fun! I was around a lot of nerds I guess that includes myself and Blake haha.
They had a costume contest so people went all out. Unfortunately I didn't bring my camera or my phone so i didn't get any pictures. But here are the characters that they dressed up like.
There was a guy dressed like this. (oh and he had his baby with him haha)
There were many people dressed like this.
There was a girl with her face painted like this cat but she had a red dress on instead. Good makeup though.
And yes they all carried weapons.
We had a great time being nerds! Got our game at 12:30 am got a milkshake and then went home and played the game. Are we children?.... YES YES we are!
But you are only YOUNG once right!