Weather is chilly so few youngsters out on the streets. There are so many organized events though, that it will be successful for anyone interested in enjoying the holiday.
Town Council candidates answered questions during the League of Women Voters Forum last night. Montgomery County League president welcomed at the start of the forum.
Virginia Tech dining services has a program in which locally-grown vegetables are served in a dining hall. Students in the project can work on the plots.
TheBurgs, the local section of the Roanoke Times, featured a climber at the New River Gorge. This is the same climber and his wife belaying him, at a different part of the NRG's climbing areas.
W.B. Alwood, a pioneer in the creation of the Virginia Agriculture Experiment Station, planted this oak about 1895. He was honored today by Virginia Tech and the plaque was unveiled at his tree.
Kentland, Virginia Tech's Research farm, is the location for a wide variety of research projects. This is a field for a soybean project that is studying a short season variety.