Tuesday, December 30, 2008


My nephew saying "baby" while Daxton enjoys his bouncer he got from Santa.
one month old!!! I got a smile out of him!!! sorry for it being sideways, I don't know how to flip the pictures. Daxton looks great with the cubby cheeks he's getting.

Monday, December 29, 2008

2008 is coming to a close

What a great year!!! Highlights for the year...

Feb-found out I was pregnant
April- Went on a trip to Moab with some friends
July- Graduated college
August- went to Washington for a week to see Benjamin's family
moved to Utah
November- Had Daxton
December- Great Christmas 
Daxton is one month old.

Christmas was great. I got a runner stroller which I'm very excited about!!! I've wanted to go for a run for such a long time!! I couldn't run when I was pregnant, unless I felt like peeing my pants(no thanks) So I walked a lot in my pregnancy instead!! Benjamin got a bunch of small things he mentioned through out the year, he loved them all. It was nice to see my family. 

One of the best parts about Christmas was that my mother took care of Daxton for a night. I got 8 straight hours of sleep , it was a amazing to say the least!!

Daxton is doing well, he is starting to move his head around with a lot more control. I think he is starting to see me better because he looks at my eyes and mouth more, you can tell the wheels are spinning and he is trying to figure out how to move his mouth.  Daxton is very alert, is a huge cuddle bug, and loves to be wrapped up tight. Motherhood is not the easiest thing out there but it's going well. 

Hope everyone had a great Christmas and will have a good new year. Best of luck with 2009!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

the story

Taken today- Dec 4th
So cute!
Benjamin and his sister Cindy- her baby,David, was born 13 days earlier
Daddy and Daxton's first picture

After thanksgiving lunch Benjamin and I came home and watched a movie together and off to bed-still pregnant and on my due date!!! Well I got up to go to the restroom for the billionth time! and I noticed my water broke, not a lot, but enough to notice. This was at midnight and we went to bed at 11 pm, so we started labor with only one hour of sleep!!  Needless to say after the event we both crashed!

We put the bags in the car and drove to my parents house because they live closer to the hospital. We labored at my parents house until 5 am and then took off to the hospital. By the time I was checked in and in my room I was 6-7 cm. Benjamin and I took the Bradley method child birthing classes; which is a natural child birth. So we put into action what we learned and everything went great! There is no way I would have been able to do childbirth natural if it wasn't for Benjamin. He is my strength and I love him dearly, he was the perfect labor coach! and we made a great team. 

I started pushing at about 9:45 am and Daxton was born at 11:11 am. The DR. was about to use the vacuum, but I got Daxton out in time. The reason Daxton got stuck was because he had his hand/arm by his face, so the head was not the hardest part to deliver! But he came.

The experience was prefect and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world!!! 

We came home on Sunday afternoon and Benjamin came down with a stomach virus- lets just say that it wasn't pretty for two days. This was a little tough because Benjamin couldn't help with the baby because we didn't want Daxton to get sick and I was trying to recover. My mom was able to stay with us for a few days and then Benjamin's mom is staying for a few days as well. THANK YOU MOMS!!! Having our moms here made it easier to come home and start the new family that we now have. 

Mom and Baby are doing great!!